Alumni Relations

The alumni community is one of the pillars on which the Institute stands. They act as brand ambassadors of the institute and provide to the institute and its students an incredible network for mentorship and other academic and professional engagements. The IITG alumni community is about 25000+ strong now, spread across the metropolitan cities of India and the world over. IITG is now making a constant and consistent effort to engage with the alumni through various programmes launched in the past 6 months. We welcome suggestions from our valued alumni friends on ways and means to make this bond stronger, effective and live up to the vision and motto of the institution of transforming society.

Student Alumni Interaction Linkage (SAIL) will be a voluntary cell of IIT Guwahati under the office of Alumni Affairs and External Relations. It will be operated by the students of IIT Guwahati under the Guidance of Dean, Alumni Affairs and External Relations. SAIL will acts as an engaging and a mutually beneficial link between IIT Guwahati and its Alumni community.


Vision - Mission


Our vision is to cultivate a vibrant and supportive community of IIT Guwahati Alumni that serves as a strong network of support for all its members. We aim to foster lifelong connections among alumni, creating a nurturing environment where individuals can thrive both personally and professionally. We also want to create an opportunity for the IITGAA community to actively contribute to IIT Guwahati’s development, India’s growth and make a positive impact on their local community.



Our mission is to cultivate a robust and interconnected community of IIT Guwahati alumni, dedicated to mutual support, continuous learning, and impactful contributions to IIT Guwahati, India and society. We strive to:

                Building a Strong IITGAA Community:

  • Foster meaningful connections and camaraderie among alumni, creating a sense of belonging and unity within the IITGAA family.
  • Provide inclusive platforms for alumni to engage, collaborate, and support each other in their professional and personal endeavours
  • Promote Excellence and Innovation within IITG community:

■ Recognize and celebrate the achievements of our alumni, inspiring the next generation to strive for excellence.

■ Encourage innovation, research, and entrepreneurship among alumni, fostering an environment of continuous growth and contribution.

               Give Back to Alma Mater:

  • Encourage alumni to contribute to the growth and development of the institute IIT Guwahati. Fostering a culture of gratitude and philanthropy.
  • Enabling active and bi-directional interaction and collaboration between the alumni and current students and faculty.

                Contributing to India's Growth and Society's Betterment:

  • Harness the collective expertise, resources, and influence of our alumni network to actively contribute to India's growth and development.
  • Encouraging chapters to undertake initiatives that address societal challenges and promote positive change, leveraging the skills and knowledge of our diverse alumni base.

                 Making a Local Impact with Global Reach:

  • Empower each IITGAA chapter to make a noticeable positive impact on the entire local community within its jurisdiction.
  • Encourage alumni to engage in philanthropic, social, and community service activities that benefit the broader society, demonstrating our commitment to being responsible global citizens.


Constitutional Amendment

Proposer: Akshay Jajoo

We can incorporate the above mission and vision statement to be adopted as a permanent mission and vision statement via a constitutional amendment.

How will chapters adopt it?

Each IITGAA affiliated chapter is free to design and execute their programs independently. Though they must ensure that the programs are fitting at-least one of the mission points and aligns with the vision.