The US Delegation Visit to IIT Guwahati on 12 Dec. 2024
The delegates from the U.S. Consulate General Kolkata visited IIT Guwahati on 12 December, 2024. The delegation was led by Ms. Gloria Berbena, who is the Minister Counselor for Public Diplomacy. Prof. Devendra Jalihal, Director, IITG, Mr. Juan Clar, Deputy Director of the American Center, Kolkata, Prof. Deepak Sharma, Associate Dean, Alumni and External Relations, along with other faculty members and students were present in the meeting. Prof. Jalihal extended a warm welcome and facilitated Ms. Berbena and Mr. Clar. Prof. Jalihal also presented a book of IITG birds to Ms. Berbena. P. K. Iyer and Prof. S. Ravi facilitated Ms. Sananda Mitra- Public Engagement Assistant, Mr. Aniruddha Biswas- Press and Media Manager from the US Consulate General Kolkata. Prof. Sharma presented a brief summary of academic programs, research & development activities, including IPR, various exchange programs for foreign students, the current MoUs with the US universities, and honorary professors from the USA. Ms. Berbena discussed opportunities for student exchanges and educational programs. She particularly mentioned the role of Indian students going to the US for studies and research. The special mention was the Fullbright program for students and faculty members. She also shared insights on technological partnerships, collaborations, and MoUs for both the institute and its faculty members. She enthusiastically addressed questions and queries from students and faculty regarding the Fulbright Exchange Program, bilateral symposiums, and programs to foster connections between universities, faculty, and research labs from India and the USA.