Visit of German Delegation
A 9-member German delegation of representatives from the manufacturing, hospitality and healthcare sectors including Mr. Jochen Renfordt, President of the South Westphalia Chamber of Craftsman; Mr. Christian Will, Head of the craftsman of the County “Märkischer Kreis”; Mrs. Julie Hausotte, Head of Human Resource of the local Caritas Association in the city of Olpe; Mrs. Dikra Boulkakhrif, Regional Management Representative of the Klinikum Hochsauerland (Hospital); Mr. Winfried Schönauer, Project Manager for International Nursing Staff of the GFO South Westphalia Clinics and Ms. Tamara Kanis, representative of the Hotel Chain "Sterne im Sauerland” have visited the Institute on Friday, 31 May, 2024. A meeting of Dean Academic, Dean AER, Associate Dean, AER and Head, Centre for Career Development with the German delegates was held at 5 PM in the Board Room and discussed about the various opportunities for the students with their various skills.
The main objective of their visit to IIT Guwahati was:
1. to establish contacts with Indian multipliers (e.g. language schools, placement agencies, educational institutions)
2. to establish contact with young Indian professionals
3. to convey a sense of Indian employees and the skilled labour sector in India
4. to illustrate the framework conditions and opportunities for migration to the German labour market
5. to create the opportunity to present one's own region/institution and to network directly with Indian skilled workers and multipliers and provide opportunities to young skilled Indian workers in Germany
The AER section also arranged for an interactive session with all interested students in the Conference Centre hall 2, from 5:30 pm onwards.