Group Photo
Ph.D. Students
Niraj Kr Prasad |
Santanu Das |
Bhaskarjyoti Sarma |
Binita Nath |
Saurabh Bhardwaj |
Hiranya Deka |
(In Progress) |
(In Progress) |
(In Progress) |
Senior Researcher |
Postdoc |
Joined in 2019 |
Joined in 2018 |
Joined in 2015 & Jointly with Prof. Basu |
Mukul Parmananda |
Vinod Pandey |
Subrat Kotoky |
Preetirekha Borgohain |
Jai Manik |
Sathisha H M |
Pitambar Randive |
Postdoc |
Postdoc |
Assistant Professor |
Lead Analyst |
CFD Software Engineer |
Assistant Professor |
Assistant Professor |
Thesis Titles
Ph.D. Students:
Binita Nath, "Migration of Liquid Drops through Narrow Passages and Flow Dynamics of Cancer Cells through Constricted Microchannels", 2019. Co-Supervisor: Prof. Gautam Biswas.
Saurabh Bhardwaj, "Mesoscopic Simulation of Droplet Dynamics in Confinements and Porous Media Flows", 2018.
Hiranya Deka, "Analysis of Free Surface Flows in Formation, Coalescence and Impact of Drops on Liquid Surfaces", 2018. Co-Supervisor: Prof. Gautam Biswas.
Mukul Parmananda, "Development of a Finite Volume Framework for Convective-radiative
Flows on Unstructured Grids", 2018.
Vinod Pandey, "Dynamics of Vapor Bubbles and Associated Heat Transfer in Various
Regimes of Boiling", 2018. Co-Supervisor: Prof. Gautam Biswas.
Subrat Kotoky, "Development and Application of a Generic Finite Volume Multiphase Flow Solver for Gas-particulate Flows", 2018. Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan.
Preetirekha Borgohain, "Development and Applications of a Generic Quasi-incompressible Framework for Miscible Fluid Flows", 2018.
Jai Manik, "Well-Balanced and Consistent Algorithms for Three-Dimensional Simulations of Binary Immiscible Flows", 2017.
- Sathisha H. M., "Thermo-Electro-Hydrodynamic Investigations of All-Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Using Lumped Model and Numerical Simulation", 2015.
Pitambar Randive, "Mesoscopic Modeling of Capillarity-Wettability Interaction", 2014.
M.Tech. Students
D Somasekhar Reddy |
A Harish |
Rahul Kr Yadav |
(In Progress) |
(In Progress) |
(In Progress) |
Rahul Suklabaidya |
Akash Ranjan |
Mandeep Saini |
Shivji Prasad |
Vikas Kumar |
Kishan Kumar Singh |
Dileep Sankar E M |
(In Progress) |
(In Progress) |
Lalit Joshi |
Rahul K Chaudhary |
Kaustubh Khedkar |
Midhun G S |
Indrajeet Pandit |
Avinash Dongare
Vishal Sethi |
Dhrubajyoti Das
Smruti Ranjan Jena
Ganesh Reddy |
Harshad D Kunjir
Ramakrishnan T
Nitesh Gautam
Ashutosh Kumar |
Wasim Akram |
Jyothis A |
Imdad Uddin Choudhury |
Pabitra Ghorai |
Dikhsita Choudhary |
Amit Kumar Naik |
Krishna Kant |
Salman Khan |
Amol C Kulkarni |
Harshal Srivastava |
Girjesh Kumar |
Santosh K. Singh |
Abhishek Kumar |
G. Sai Phanindra |
Swastik Acharya |
Susobhan Patra |
Sateesh Kumar |
Sankhadip Manna |
Sagar Gopal Dusad |
Debraj Das |
Ankit Bajpai |
Saurabh Bhardwaj |
Basanta Kumar Rana |
Mukul Parmananda |
Quaisar Reza |
Amiya Kar |
Prashant Meshram |
Prakash Kumar |
Thesis Titles
M.Tech. Students:
Shivji Prasad Yadav, "Development of Coupled Solver for Steady Incompressible Flow", 2019; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan.
Mandeep Saini, "Development of a Pressure-based Flow Solver for Compressible Euler Equations", 2019; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan.
Vikash Kumar, "Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition of Metastatic Tumor Cells and Their Deformation in Constricted Micro Capillary", 2019; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Gautam Biswas.
Kishan Kumar Singh, "Numerical Modelling of Microbial Fuel Cell", 2019; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Gautam Biswas.
Dileep Sankar E.M., "Numerical Simulation of Axisymmetric Fluid Flow Through Porous Media Using Unstructured Mesh", 2018; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan.
Lalit Govind Joshi, "Development of Coupled Steady State Solver for Incompressible Flows", 2018; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan.
Rahul Kumar Chaudhary, "Development of Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow Solver on Unstructured Grid", 2018; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan.
Kaustubh M Khedkar, "A Unified Fluid Flow Solver on Hybrid Unstructured Grids", 2018; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan.
Midhun G S, "Numerical Simulations of Magnetohydrodynamic Flows on Hybrid Unstructured Mesh", 2018;
Indrajit Pandit, "Verification and Validation Studies on a Finite Volume Flow Solver Using Manufactured Solutions", 2018;
Dongare Avinash Pandit, "Development of a Numerical Solver for Turbulent Multi-Fluid Flows Using Unstructured Grid", 2018; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan.
Vishal Sethi, "Comparative Studies of Migration and Deformation Profiles of HeLa, MCF-7 and MDAMB-231 Cells in Constricted Microchannel", 2018; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Gautam Biswas.
Smruti Ranjan Jena, "Investigation of Turbulent Flow Using Two-Equation Models Over Hybrid Unstructured Grid", 2017.
Harshad Dnyandeo Kunjir, "Numerical Simulation of Multiple Droplet Impacts on a Thin Liquid Film", 2017.
Dhrubajyoti Das, "Flow Analysis of Gas Bubbles and Metastatic Cancer Cells in Capillary Tubes and Microchannels", 2017; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Gautam Biswas.
Kovvuri Ganesh Reddy, "Numerical Simulation of Magnetohydrodynamic Flows on Hybrid Unstructured Grid", 2017; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan.
Ramakrishnan T, "Numerical Analysis of Turbulent Buoyancy Driven Flows Using Two Equation Models", 2017; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan.
Nitesh Kumar Gautam, "Numerical Investigation of Phase Change With Concentrated Energy Beams on Unstructured Grid", 2017; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan.
Ashutosh Kumar, "Numerical Analysis of Conjugate Heat Transfer in a Planar Sudden Expansion Flow", 2017; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan.
Wasim Akram, "Development of a Finite Volume Based Flow
Solver on 2D Body Fitted Collocated Grid
and Study of Heat Transfer in Wavy
Walled Channel", 2016.
Harshal Srivastava, "Stability Analysis of Entry Flow in Plane Channel With Viscous Heating", 2016.
Krishna Kant, "Parallelization of Unstructured Grid CFD Solver", 2016.
Jyothis A, "Numerical Study of Convective-Diffusive Problems in Heat Transfer and Porous Media", 2016; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan
Imdad Uddin Choudhury, "Numerical Simulation of Gas-Droplet Flows With Evaporation Over Unstructured Grids Using Eulerian-Eulerian Approach", 2016; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan
Dikhsita Choudhary, "Numerical Solution of Laminar Confined Mixing Process of Gaseous Specii in a Wavy Channel", 2016; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan
Amit Kumar Naik, "Implementation of Isotropic Eddy Viscosity Turbulent Models Over Hybrid Unstructured Grid", 2016; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan
Salman Khan, "Development of P1 approximation based Radiative Heat Transfer Solver on Hybrid Unstructured Grid and its application to Natural Convection problems", 2016; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan
Kulkarni Amol Chandrakantrao, "Development of Axisymmetric Interfacial Flow Solver Over an Unstructured Hybrid Grid", 2016; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan
Pabitra Ghorai, "Numerical Simulation of Bulb Turbine Using Two Equation Turbulence Model", 2016; Co-Supervisor with Prof. Gautam Biswas
Susobhan Patra, "Numerical Simulation of Swimming Mechanism of Microorganism", 2015; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Gautam Biswas
Gogineni Sai Phanindra, "Parallelization of Hybrid Unstructured Grid Based CFD Solver", 2015; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan
Sankhadip Manna, "Investigation of fluid flow and forced convective heat transfer around two circular cylinders in tandem placed near a wall", 2015; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Arnab K De
Girjesh Kumar, "Numerical Simulation of Flow in Laser Dye Cell", 2015; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan
Santosh Kumar Singh, "Numerical Simulation of Groundwater Flows", 2015; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan
Abhishek Kumar, "Numerical Simulation of Electrohydrodynamic Flows With Particle Tracking", 2015; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan
Swastik Acharya, "Numerical Modelling of Turbulent Flows With Application to Continuous Casting", 2015; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh Natarajan
Sateesh Kumar, "Numerical Simulations of Natural Convection Inside Complex Enclosure Filled With Nanofluids", 2015.
Ankit Bajpai, "Computation of Variable Density Flows on Hybrid Unstructured Grid", 2014.
Sagar Gopal Dusad, "Implementation of Two-Equation Turbulence Models on Unstructured Grid", 2014.
Debraj Das, "Numerical Simulation of Solidification and Melting Problems on Unstructured Grid", 2014.
Saurabh Bhardwaj, "Numerical Simulations of Natural Convection Flow in a Porous Triangular Enclosure", 2013.
Basanta Kumar Rana, "Flow and Heat Transfer from the Annular Fin Exchanger Using Winglet-type Vortex Generators", 2013.
Mukul Parmananda, "Development of Three-dimensional Navier-Stokes solver on Hybrid Unstructured Grid", 2013.
Quaisar Reza, "Mesoscopic Modelling of Two-phase Behavior under Oscillatory Bias", 2012.
Amiya Kar, "Modelling and Analysis of Evaporation in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Operation", 2012.
Prashant Meshram, "Numerical Simulations of Natural Convection Flow in a Porous Square Enclosure", 2012.
Prakash Kumar, "Hydrodynamics and Heat Transfer along the Riser Column of the Pressurized Circulating Fluidized Bed", 2011; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Pinakeswar Mahanta
B.Tech. Students
Yash Kulkarni |
Yashpal Singh |
Akash Dey Sarkar |
Deepak Rajpurohit |
D Shubham Prakash |
Vipul K Vijay |
Shivam Singh |
(In Progress) |
(In Progress) |
(In Progress) |
(In Progress) |
Suraj Saroj |
Santhosh K |
A Yachendra |
Wakar Ahmed Khan |
Shrav S Katoch |
Gunajit Das |
Kishor Malakar |
Shubham Rai |
Anubrata Saikia |
Aman Rajvardhan |
Aditya Vikram Guglani |
Jay Prakash Dulhani |
Akshay Gupta |
Amber Gupta |
Report Titles
B.Tech. Students:
Dhonde Shubham Prakash and Vipul Kumar Vijay, "Forced Convective Flow and Heat Transfer of Power-law Fluids Over Blunt Headed Cylinder", 2019.
Shivam Singh and Suraj Saroj, "Aerodynamic Analysis of Badminton Shuttlecock", 2019; Co-Supervisor with Prof. Ujjwal Saha
Santhosh Kunapuli and Annam Yachendra Venkata Subba Rao, "Aerodynamic Study of Badminton Shuttlecock at High Reynolds Number", 2018; Co-Supervisor with Prof. Ujjwal Saha
Wakar A. Khan and Shrav S. Katoch, "Computational Appraisal of Mixing Phenomenon in a Microfluidic Junction Under an Imposed Magnetic Field", 2018.
Kishor Malakar and Gunajit Das, "Enhancement of Mixing in Junction Type Microchannel Using
Obstacles", 2017; Co-Supervisor with Prof. Dipankar N Basu
Anubrata Saikia and Shubham Rai, "Influences of Pulsating and Steady Inlet Flow Conditions on Hydrodynamic and Thermal Transport Characteristics of Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows Through Wavy Channels", 2016.
Aman Rajvardhan, "Development of MHD Solver Over Unstructured Grid", 2016.
Aditya Vikram Guglani, "Thermal Characteristics and Management of Lithium-ion Batteries", 2014.
Jay Prakash Dulhani, "Numerical Simulation of the Mixed Convective Flow and Heat Transfer around Square and Triangular Cylinder at Incidence", 2013.
Amber Gupta and Akshay Gupta, "Modeling of Thermal Management in Automotive Battery Modules", 2012.
Project Staffs
Kaustubh Khedkar |
Subrat Kotoky |
Smruti Ranjan Jena |
Ramakrishnan T |
Jyothis A |
Aditya Tiwari |
Sanjana Talukdar |
(In Progress) |
(In Progress) |
Bhaskarjyoti Sarma |
Mayank Pandey |
Sweta Baruah |
Ritu Maurya |
Sangita Sarmah |
Jina Devi |
Amit Das |
Sathisha H M |
Mukul Parmananda |
Simon Peter |
Jai Manik |
Mukesh Kumar |
Kalpajyoti Borah |
Govind Sharma |
(In Progress) |
Summer Trainees
Mona Yadav (Faculty) |
Pritam Saha |
Dunna Lohith |
VPKBIET Baramati
NIT Agartala |
NIT Durgapur |
SRFP 2018 |
2018 |
2018 |
Mrityunjay Mohan Borah |
Nishant Sharma |
Shashwatam Bhadani |
Sayan Bhattacharya |
Manash P Choudhury |
Rajat Batish |
Indu K Pandey |
SVNIT Surat |
IIT (BHU) Varanasi |
IIT (BHU) Varanasi |
NIT Durgapur |
NIT Silchar |
UPES Dehradun |
Galgotias Univ |
2018 |
2018 |
2017 |
2017 |
2017 |
2017 |
2017 |
Meda Anvesh |
Rishabh Pahuja |
Madhumitha Ravichandran |
Bishal Kanrar |
Ashu Gupta |
Rakesh Kumar |
Kapil Dev |
Manipal Inst. of Technology |
SASTRA University |
Jalpaiguri Govt. Engg. College |
NIT Arunachal Pradesh |
NIT Arunachal Pradesh |
SRFP 2017 |
SRFP 2017 |
SRFP 2016 |
2016 |
2016 |
2016 |
Kishore K Borthakur |
Pratik Nag |
Sharanga Bora |
Suvadip Panda |
B K Komarabathini |
Debojyoti Choudhury |
V H Reddy |
NIT Warangal |
NIT Agartala |
NIT Silchar |
NIT Durgapur |
VCE Hyderabad |
Jadavpur University |
SASTRA University |
2016 |
2016 |
2016 |
2015 |
2015 |
Joykrishna Pramanik |
Sonal Bhadauriya |
Harshit Kapadia |
Rohit Gautam |
Ayush Singh |
Nitish Varma |
Siddharth Das |
ISM Dhanbad |
UPES Dehradun |
SVNIT Surat |
NIT Durgapur |
IIT Kharagpur |
NIT Rourkela |
NIT Jamshedpur |
2014 |
Garima Das |
Aloona Shukla |
Wasim Akram |
Anupam Sinha |
K. N. Tejadeep |
Udhab Adhikari |
Amrit Pal Singh Bhinder |
NIT Durgapur |
NIT Durgapur |
NIT Durgapur |
IIT Mandi |
VIT University |
NIT Durgapur |
NIT Durgapur |
2013 |
2012 |
2012 |
2011 |
2011 |