AmalREC: A Dataset for Relation Extraction and Classification Leveraging Amalgamation of Large Language Models.
Mansi, Pranshu Pandya, Mahek Bhavesh Vora, Soumya Bharadwaj, Ashish Anand.
2024. arXiv
A Generative Marker Enhanced End-to-End Framework for Argument Mining.
Nilmadhab Das, Vishal Choudhary, V. Vijaya Saradhi, Ashish Anand.
2024. arXiv
Enhancing Event Extraction from Short Stories through Contextualized Prompts.
Chaitanya Kirti, Ayon Chattopadhyay, Ashish Anand, and Prithwijit Guha. 2024
Inference of splicing motifs through visualization of recurrent
networks. Aparajita Dutta, Aman Dalmia, Athul R, Kusum Kumari Singh, Ashish Anand.
2018. biorXiv:451906
Unified Neural Architecture for Drug, Disease and Clinical Entity
Recognition. Sunil Kumar Sahu, Ashish Anand. 2017. arXiv:1708.03447
Inferring disease correlation from healthcare data. Priyadarshini
G, Anand A. 2015. arXiv:1510.03051[cs.IR]
C. Kirti, Ashish Anand, P.Guha, "Exploring Neural
and Prompt-Based Approaches for Event Detection in Short Stories", International
Journal of Asian Language Processing, (Accepted in June, 2024)
Publisher's site
A Mishra, Ashish Anand , and P Guha, "Dual Attention and
Question Categorization based Visual Question Answering", IEEE Transactions on
Artificial Intelligence, (Accepted in March, 2022)
Publisher's site
M Paul, and Ashish Anand . "A New Family of Similarity Measures
for Scoring Confidence of Protein Interactions using Gene Ontology." IEEE/ACM
Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 19(1), January/February 2022,
A Dutta, K K Singh, and Ashish Anand . "SpliceViNCI: Visualizing
the splicing of non-canonical introns through recurrent neural networks." Journal of
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (Accepted: May, 2021; In Press).
M Paul, and Ashish Anand . "Impact of low-confidence
interactions on computational identification of protein complexes." Journal of
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (In Press).
A Dutta, A Dalmia, R. Athul, K K Singh, and Ashish Anand .
"Using the Chou’s 5-steps rule to predict splice junctions with interpretable
bidirectional long short-term memory networks." Computers in Biology and Medicine
Publisher's sitePreprint
S Pyne, Ashish Anand. "Rapid Reconstruction of Time-varying Gene
Regulatory Networks with Limited Main Memory".
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2019, In press.
sitePreprintCode &
S Pyne, Ashish Anand. "Rapid Reconstruction of Time-varying Gene
Regulatory Networks".
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2018, In press.
sitePreprintCode & data
S K Sahu, Ashish Anand. Drug-Drug Interaction Extraction from
Biomedical Text Using Long Short Term Memory Network. 2018. Vol 86: 15-24.
S K Sahu, Ashish Anand. What matters in a transferable neural
network model for relation classification in the biomedical domain? Artificial
Intelligence in Medicine, 2018, Vol 87: 60-66. Publisher's site
A Dutta, T Dubey, K K Singh, Ashish Anand. SpliceVec: Distributed
feature representations for splice junction prediction. Computational Biology and
Chemistry, 2018, Vol 74: 434-441.
Publisher's site
M Paul, R Anand, Ashish Anand. Detection of Highly Overlapping
Communities in Complex Networks. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics,
2015, Vol 5(5), 1099-1103.
Ashish Anand, G Pugalenthi, G B Fogel, And P N Suganthan. An
approach for classification of highly imbalanced data using weighting and undersampling.
Amino Acids, 2010, Vol 39(5), 1385-1391
Ashish Anand, G Pugalenthi, G B Fogel, and P N Suganthan.
Identification and analysis of transcription factor family-specific features derived
from DNA and protein information. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2010, Vol 31(14),
Ashish Anand, P N Suganthan. Multiclass cancer classification by
support vector machines with class-wise optimized genes and probability estimates.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2009, Vol 259(3), 533-540
Ashish Anand, G Pugalenthi, P N Suganthan. Predicting protein
structural class by SVM with class-wise optimized features and decision probabilities.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2008, Vol 253(2), 375-380
H Santti H, L Mikkonen, Ashish Anand; et al. Disruption of the
murine PIASx gene results in reduced testis weight. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology,
2005, Vol 34(3), 645-654
K Deb, Ashish Anand, D. Joshi. A computationally efficient
evolutionary algorithm for real-parameter optimization. Evolutionary Computation, 2002,
Vol 10(4), 371-395
Nilmadhab Das, V. Vijaya Saradhi, Ashish Anand. 2025. On the Role of Key Phrases in Argument Mining.
In Findings of NAACL 2025, New Mexico.
[Openreview Annonymous Pre-Print]
Nazreena Rahman, Pankaj Choudhury, Prithwijit Guha, Ashish Anand and Sukumar Nandi. 2024. TDIUC-AVQA: A Visual Question Answering Dataset in Low-Resource Assamese Language.
In Proceedings of CVIP 2024, India.
[Publisher Site]
Aakansha Mishra, Ashish Anand, P.Guha. 2024. Visual Question Answering with Cascade of Self- and Co-Attention Blocks.
In Proceedings of ICPR 2024, India.
[Publisher Site]
C. Kirti, P. Choudhury, Ashish Anand, P.Guha. 2023. An Annotated Corpus for Realis Event Detection in Short Stories Written in English and Low Resource Assamese Language.
In Proceedings of ICON 2023, India.
[Publisher Site]
A. Mishra, Ashish Anand, P.Guha. 2023. Aggregated Co-attention based Visual Question Answering.
In Proceedings of ICVGIP 2023, India.
[Publisher Site]
C. Kirti, A. Chattopadhyay, Ashish Anand, P.Guha. 2023. Deciphering Storytelling Events: A Study of Neural and Prompt-Driven Event Detection in Short Stories.
In Proceedings of IALP 2023, Singapore.
[Publisher Site]
A Prabhakar, G S Majumder, Ashish Anand. 2022. CL-NERIL: A cross-lingual model for NER
in Indian Languages. In Proceedings of AAAI 2022, Vancouver, Canada.
[Publisher Site]
V Goel, M Chandak, Ashish Anand and P Guha. 2021. IQ-VQA: Intelligent Visual
Question. in Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR Workshop 2020-2021, Italy. [Publisher
A Mishra, Ashish Anand, and P Guha. 2020-2021. Multi-stage Attention based Visual
Question Answering. in Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
ICPR 2021, Italy. [Publisher
M Paul, Ashish Anand. "A New Family of Similarity Measures for Scoring Confidence of
Protein Interactions using Gene Ontology". Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference
(APBC), Taiwan. 2021.
S Basu, S Chakraborty, A Hassan, S Siddique, Ashish Anand. ERLKG: Entity
Representation Learning and Knowledge Graph based association analysis of COVID-19
through mining of unstructured biomedical corpora. In Proceedings of EMNLP Workshop on
Scholarly Document Processing 2020. [Publisher Site]
A Mishra, Ashish Anand, and P Guha. 2020. CQ-VQA: Visual Question Answering on
Categorized Questions. in Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural
Networks 2020, Glasgow, UK. (WCCI -
IJCNN 2020). [PDF]
A Parekh, Ashish Anand, and Amit Awekar. 2020. Taxonomical hierarchy of canonicalized
relations from multiple Knowledge Bases. In 7th ACM IKDD CoDS and 25th COMAD (CoDS COMAD 2020), January
5–7,2020, Hyderabad, India. [PDF]
M Paul, Ashish Anand and S Pyne. Impact of the Continuous
Evolution of Gene Ontology on Similarity Measures. Presented in Pattern Recognition and
Machine Intelligence (PReMI) 2019, Tezpur, India.
Published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11942, pp. 122-129, Springer.
Publisher's site
Abhishek, A P Azad, B Ganesan, Ashish Anand, A Awekar. Collective
Learning From Diverse Datasets for Entity Typing in the Wild. 2nd International Workshop
on Entity Retrieval (EYRE), CIKM 2019. [ PDF ]
Abhishek, Sanya B Taneja, Garima Malik, Ashish Anand, Amit
Awekar. Fine-grained Entity Recognition with Reduced False Negatives and Large Type
Coverage. Accepted in AKBC 2019,
V Agarwal, N Jayanth K Reddy, Ashish Anand. Unsupervised
Representation Learning for DNA sequences. In Proceedings of Workshop on Computational
Biology, ICML 2019. [ PDF ]
V M Malhotra, Ashish Anand}. Teaching a University-Wide
Programming Laboratory: Managing a C Programming Laboratory for a Large Class with
Diverse Interests. 2019. ACE '19 Proceedings of the Twenty-First Australasian Computing
Education Conference 2019.
A Dutta, T Dubey, K K Singh, Ashish Anand. SpliceVec: distributed
feature representations for splice junction prediction. Accepted in APBC 2018, Japan.
[ PDF ]
D Raj, S K Sahu, Ashish Anand. Learning local and global contexts
using a convolutional recurrent network model for relation classication in biomedical
text. Accepted in CoNLL 2017,
Canada. [ PDF ]
Rahul, S K Sahu, Ashish Anand. Biomedical Event Trigger
Identification Using Recurrent Neural Network. In proceeding of ACL-BioNLP 2017, Canada. [ PDF
Abhishek, Ashish Anand and A Awekar. Fine-Grained Entity Type
Classification by Jointly Learning Representations and Label Embeddings. Accepted in
EACL 2017, Spain (Long
Paper). [ PDF ]
S K Sahu, Ashish Anand, K Oruganty and M Gattu. Relation
extraction from clinical texts using domain invariant convolutional neural network.
Accepted in ACL BioNLP 2016, Germany. [ PDF ]
S K Sahu, Ashish Anand. Recurrent neural network models for
disease name recognition using domain
invariant features. Accepted in ACL 2016, Germany (Long) paper. [ PDF
] (Sunil acknowledges the travel grants from Google and Microsoft for
presenting the paper in the conference.)
Muneeb TH, S K Sahu, Ashish Anand. Evaluating distributed word
representations for capturing semantics of biomedical concepts. Inproceedings of the
ACL-BioNLP 2015 workshop, Beijing China. [ PDF ]
M Paul, R Anand, Ashish Anand. Detection of Highly Overlapping
Communities in Complex Networks. 5th International Conference on Computational
Systems-Biology and Bioinformatics 2014, Singapore.
G Priyadarshini, Ashish Anand. Inferring Disease Correlation
from Healthcare Data, National Conference on Medical Informatics.2014. AIIMS, New Delhi
Ashish Anand, N R Pal, P N Suganthan. Integration of Functional
Information of Genes in Fuzzy Clustering of Short Time Series Gene Expression Data. In:
Proceeding of IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence 2010, Barcelona, Spain
Ashish Anand, G B Fogel, G Pugalenthi, P N Sunagnthan. Prediction
of Transcription Factor Families Using DNA Sequence Features. In: Proceedings of Pattern
Recognition in Bioinformatics 2008, Melbourne, Australia
Ashish Anand, P N Suganthan, K Deb. A novel fuzzy and
multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based gene assignment for clustering short time
series expression data.In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007, Vols 1-10,
Pages: 297-304
Ashish Anand, G B Fogel, E K Tang, P N Suganthan. Feature
selection approach for quantitative prediction of transcriptional activities.
Computational Intelligence and Bioinformatics and Computational Biology IEEE Symposium
on, 2006.
K Deb, D Joshi, Ashish Anand. Real-coded evolutionary algorithms
with parent-centric recombination. In: Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE Congress on
Evolutionary Computation, Hawaii
Book Chapters
Unified neural architecture for drug, disease, and clinical entity
recognition. SK Sahu, Ashish Anand. Deep Learning Techniques for Biomedical and Health
Informatics, 1-19, 2020. Publisher's site
Feature selection using Rough Set. M Banerjee, S Mitra, A
Anand. Multiobjective machine lerarning (Eds Dr Yaochu Jin), Springer-Verlag
Towards Genome-scale Disease Progression Modeling. Saptarshi Pyne,
Alok R Kumar, Anand A. 17th International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB)
2018, New Delhi, India.
Multi-label classification with label clustering. Pranav Gupta,
Anand A. 1st Indian workshop on Machine Learning, IIT Kanpur India.
A software architecture for de Novo induction of regulatory network
from expression data. Ruegheimer F, Anand A, Schwikowski B. In: Proceedings of
JOBIM 2011, Paris, France.
Inferring a latent regulation network for Bacillus subtilis using a
kernel matrix completion approach. Ashish Anand, S Drulhe, F Gwinner, F Ruegheimer, P
Bochet, B Schwikowski. 11th International Conference on Systems Biology, ICSB, 2010,