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PH218: Analog & Digital Electronics, Jan-April, 2011
Physics of junction devices, BJT/FET amplifiers and Oscillators; Multistage amplifiers, frequency response of basic and compound configurations, Feedback: Effect of negative and positive feedback, basic feedback topologies and their properties, analysis of practical feedback amplifiers; Sinusodial oscillators (RC, LC and crystal), multivibrators, Power amplifiers: Class A, B, AB, C, D stages; IC output stages, operational amplifier circuits: Differential and Cascade amplifiers and applications, SE/NE 555 timer IC, active filters,- voltage controlled oscillators, A/D and D/A converters, sample and hold circuits,
Logic Families: Different logic families, MOSFET as switch, TTL inverter – circuit description and operation, CMOS inverter – circuit description and operation, other TTL and CMOS gates, electrical behaviour of logic circuits, Combinational logic modules, Decoders, encoders, multiplexers, de-multiplexers and their application; three state devices, comparators, programmable logic devices, Sequential logic circuits: design and analysis of synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits. Memory: Read only memnory (ROM), EPROM, Flash, static and dynamic random assess memories
Text Books:
Reference Books:
Monday (10AM-10:55AM)
Friday (9AM-9:55AM)
Tutorial : Thursday: 8:00 - 8:55 hrs
Room No. 4212
Assignments (Total Marks: 10)
Mid-Semester Exam. (Total Marks:30)
Two Quiz (Each quiz of 10 marks; Total Marks: 20)
First quiz before mid semester (1st week of Feb) and 2nd quiz in last week of March before final semester
End Semester Exam. (Total Marks:40)
Lecture Notes |
Topic |
Introduction |
Semiconductor Materials |
P-N junction diode |
Rectifier and Clipper circuits |
Clampers, Voltage multipliers and Zener diode |
Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) |
I-V Characteristics and Ebers Moll Model for BJT |
Biasing Schemes and stabilization of BJT |
BJT Small Signal Analysis |
Single stage CE Amplifier |
Common Collector & Common Base BJT Amplifier |
Low Frequency Response of BJT Amplifier |
High Frequency Response of BJT Amplifier |
Multistage Amplifier |
Feedback amplifier |
Stability of Feedback Amplifier: Nyqist Criteria |
Oscillators |
LC and Crystal Oscillator |
Multivibrators |
Power Amplifiers |
Power Amplifiers (cont) |
Differential Amplifiers |
DifferentialAmplifiers cont |
Operational Amplifier |
Operational Amplifier and Filter Circuits |
Application Of Op-AMP |
Field effect Transistors (FETs) |
Metal Oxide field effect Transistors (MOSFETs) |
Logic gates and Logic families |
Lecture-29 | CMOS Logic family |
Combinational Logic Modules |
Combinational Logic Modules |
Notes |
Topic |
Semiconductor Materials |
P-N junction diode |
BJT Biasing |
Power Amplifier |
Differentail Amplifier |
Combinational Circuits |
Memory devices |