Migration checklist
Login and Checking Your Email
Change your password (In Outlook)
What to do in case of any problem?
Sending and Receiving Emails
Optional settings:
Features and apps available with your O365 account
Group mailing
Shared Inbox
Email facilty for IIT Guwahati Alumni
Migration checklist
We plan to start use of outlook.office.com for our emails in a couple of days. Please note the following:
There are three distinct passwords.
a. Office (New email system) password - Your Office password and other details will be emailed to you by the mail administrator.
b. Existing IITG-Webmail password - Used for IITG emails, ERP applications, WiFi etc.
c. IITG proxy password. -
Please do NOT share your personal password with anyone. No one (including administrator) except you knows your personal password which is set by you. Ignore any email asking your personal password.
Login and Checking Your Email
You will receive an email from email administrator with your one time password to login to the website https://outlook.office.com/.
a. As mentioned above, Office password is different from the IITG webmail passwords.
b. Type the Username as user@iitg.ac.in, where user is your IITG email ID. Note that the username is your complete email address (user@iitg.ac.in).
c. Type the password you have received in email from email administrator.
d. There might be some delay when the email application is loading in the browser for the first time.
e. On your first login, you will be required to change password, answer security questions, set language preference and time zone.
f. In future, you will be able to reset password using answers to security questions in case you forget your O365 password. -
Inside Outlook, in the left-panel, you will find emails in the folder structure identical to your existing IITG-Webmail system.
a. Verify that all your existing emails, including folders are already available in Outlook.
b. In case of any discrepancy, please do NOT make any make modification. Emails from IITG account will be automatically available in Outlook.
c. Emails from IITG-Webmail are automatically synced in outlook.office every 24 hours.
d. Please do NOT change your folder structure, move or delete emails in Outlook for at least three days from now as this might stop synchronization.
e. After we have made changes to start receiving emails in Outlook, there is a possibility that some emails may continue to be delivered to IITG-Webmail. Please do not worry as those emails will be automatically synced within 24 hours. You need NOT do anything.
f. Please do NOT change your password in IITG-Webmail system for at least one week. If you change password, the synchronization with Outlook with stop. Please note that we do NOT have access to your personal password set by you.
g. Any modification (like deleting or sending new email, creating / modifying a folder, etc.) in Outlook will not be reflected in the webmail.iitg.[ernet/ac].in account.
Change your password (In Outlook)
- After signing-in, click on Gear icon on the top right corner of the page.
- Click on Mail under Your app settings
- Under General, click on My accounts, click on Change your password
What to do in case of any problem?
If you are able to login to the website https://outlook.office.com/ and your problem is general in nature: please check the left panel in outlook, under "Groups", you will find, "Help". Post your comment. Please note that your message can be seen/responded by anyone. This is a public group.
Alternatively, if you are NOT able to login to Outlook, submit your issue in the online complaint booking system. Please use your existing IITG-Webmail password to login. The complaint booking system is accessible from both within and outside the IITG network.
Sending and Receiving Emails
You will continue to receive emails sent to user@iitg.ac.in as well as user@iitg.ernet.in.
All outgoing emails will be sent as user@iitg.ac.in.
For faculty members, the provision to send email as user@iitg.ernet.in will be available only till February 2019. The same can be availed by modifying the From field which is accessible by clicking top right ellipses.
Optional settings:
- You can set your Preferred name
- Click on your name in the top right corner and then click on Update Profile.
- You will have to manually transfer the contacts saved in your webmail account!
- Step 1: Export your contacts to a CSV file
- Step 2: In O365, click on "People" - > Import contacts - > Outlook 2010 / 2013 / 2016 - > Select your csv file and click on Upload.
- You will have to manually transfer the calendar events (saved in your webmail account) to O365 calendar!
- Add your signature
- Click on the Gear icon in the top right corner, then click on Mail -- Under the Layout section, click on Email Signature.
- To turn off conversation view
- To change how messages are grouped, Click the drop down arrow next to Filter (above the list of all mails).
- Under 'Show as' click Messages to disable the conversation view. Note: Messages will no longer be grouped together after this setting is changed.
- On the options page, you can add email filtering.
- Using this, one can set up rules so that certain emails will be automatically moved to appropriate folders or deleted.
- You can even block emails matching a criterion.
- Set up your mobile client (Android/iOS/Windows). You can configure any mail client on your phone/tablet.
- For example, to setup Outlook For Android App, you can check detailed instructions.
Configure your desktop client (like Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.)
Set up your desktop client (details below) (For couple of months, this will not work via institute LAN, however you can use IITG_WiFi or mobile data connection)
* Protocol: IMAP * Server hostname: outlook.office365.com * Port: 993 * SSL: TLS
* Protocol: POP3 * Server hostname: outlook.office365.com * Port: 995 * SSL: TLS
* Protocol: SMTP * Server hostname: smtp.office365.com * Port: 587 * SSL: STARTTLS
You can get these setting here. (Sign-in required!)
Features and apps available with your O365 account
You can access the following features at here. Mailbox quota: 50 GB OneDrive cloud storage: 1 TB * Encrypted emails: Your mails will be stored in an encrypted format on the server. Here you can learn more about the encryption.
O365 Apps
- You can chat with your co-editors in real-time. Details
- You can create your personal mailing list and chat groups. (For example, course alias, various committees) Details
- Office lens: Using this you can capture and share a snapshot of a board, receipt, etc.
- Kaizala: Mobile app for real-time chatting, document and media sharing, attendance management, etc.
Skype: Business Skype available. For audio and video calls. *
Interested used may go through the Microsoft Privacy Policy documents, which is available at:
In case of any issues / problems, please launch a complaint on the IITG complaint booking system. Note that the link can be accessed even from outside IITG network.
More details and updates will be available at . The detailed help and instructions for various products is available at Office365 Online Help.
Group mailing
You can discover a list of groups / group mail ids which are already in the system.
- You can create groups of selected users and communicate with just a single email address, like group@iitg.ac.in
- This is useful for creating course alias, communication among friends, etc.
- The standard groups like fac, staff, stud, batchwise students list, etc. have already been created by the admin. Rights to send emails to certain groups have been reserved!
- As a member of a particular group, you have an option of unsubscribing from the group, without leaving the group. (i.e. you will not receive mails in the inbox, but you can read/reply from the group's page.)
- If you are already a member of a group, you need to check the group in the groups section for any message posted on the group. By default, you will not receive any mail in your inbox but if you follow the group, then a mail will be sent to your inbox for any message posted on that group.
Shared Inbox
For those having administrative responsibilities, such as HoDs, wardens, deans, etc., the concerned mailbox can be shared with another user. - This is useful in case when you are on leave (or you want access multiple accounts under the same login) - This is similar to the role management in the RnDops.
One-time setup
- Add a shared folder (your other email ID). For example, hoccc, hodmath, warden.brahmaputra, etc.)
- Change your From email address
- Change your Reply to email address
- More details and help, you can find here.
Using the shared inbox
- You can switch between the shared folders
- While sending an email, your current (active) mailbox is used to send email.
The detailed help and instructions for various products is available at Office365 Online Help.
Email facilty for IIT Guwahati Alumni
By policy, after every years' convoication ceremony, all awarded student's email ID in IITG domain gets shifted to IITG Alumni domain.
- As per the Institute policy your account will be migrated to the Alumni domain. Before migration, IITG Email Administrator will send you email informing about the date and time of migration.
- After migration, the domain part of your email id will change from 'iitg.ac.in' to 'alumni.iitg.ac.in'. For example: if your present email id is "user@iitg.ac.in" then it will change to "user@alumni.iitg.ac.in". Then you will be required to login as "user@alumni.iitg.ac.in" with the same password that you were using.
- All the mails sent to your existing email accout e.g. "user@iitg.ac.in" shall be automatically forwarded to the new id e.g. "user@alumni.iitg.ac.in".
- All IITG alumni will have to login as "user@alumni.iitg.ac.in" with the same password. You will not be able to login as "user@iitg.ac.in". All your earlier emails will be intact in the new domain.
- All IITG alumni will use the same link to login ie "https://www.office.com" or "https://portal.office.com" or "https://login.microsoftonline.com"
- It is important to note that only email access will be provided in the IITG alumni domain, so please take all necessary backup from applications like "OneDrive", "SharePoint" etc.