Secretary East, MEA, Govt. of India visits CDMR and interacted with students of CDMR on 27.09.2024

Sri Joydeep Mazumder ( Secretary East, MEA, Govt. of India) visited IITG and interacted with Director and faculties of CDMR

Mr Pankaj Kavidayal, a PhD Student of CDMR also 2nd in Command, 1st Battalion, National Disaster Response Force ( NDRF), Assam has been awarded Police Medal for his Meritorious Service to the Nation on the 75th Republic Day of our Nation

Field Visit to SPREAD NE, Sonapur


New Students Orientation
Program at CDMR on 3rd Jan, 2023

Welcome to the Centre
for Disaster Management
and Research

Welcome to the Centre
for Disaster Management
and Research

Welcome to the Centre
for Disaster Management
and Research

Welcome to the Centre
for Disaster Management
and Research

Multi-prong strategy and so multi-disciplinary approach is the only way to tackle of disaster of any magnitude

Greater effort is required to move beyond analysis of direct loss and damage to understand impact more holistically

About us

Welcome to CDMR

Disaster Management deals with management of assets and information for a disastrous occurrence and also how effectively and impeccably one coordinates and mitigates these calamities is critical (pre-, during, and, post event) for the safety of the people and the habitat. Disaster management has to address prevention and prompt mitigation of the hazards and susceptibility rather than only prepare for the worst scenario. In addition, it requires an overhaul of the emergency management.

Centre for Disaster Management and Research || Research and Industrial Conclave 2023

Head of the Centre

  • Arunasis Chakraborty
  • Professor
  • Department of Civil engineering and Centre for Disaster Management and Research
  • +91-361-258 3138

CDMR Thrust Areas

The Institute has from time to time identified thrust areas of research, around which several research projects and studies are designed cutting across disciplinary boundaries.

Our Programs

This category refers to a student who is working on a sponsored project in the Institute and is admitted to the PhD Programme to work on a full-time or part-time basis. The remaining duration of the project at the time of admission should be at least one year. If the project gets completed before the student completes his/her PhD Programme, his/her category will be converted to that of SELF-FINANCED unless he/she is granted an assistantship/fellowship from the Institute or any other agency.

MS by Research in Disaster Management and Risk Reduction


PhD in Disaster Management and Risk Reduction
