In the recent past, more emphasis is being given to produce clean energy from various renewable sources due to rise in crude oil price and greenhouse gas emission. Moreover, the sustainable economic development with green environment is a prime focus for the world which has been discussed in global summit held in Paris. In order to mitigate the greenhouse gas emission and other environmental problem and to utilize the available carbon neutral resources like biomass effectively, various technologies and processes have been developed around the world. The co-firing of biomass with coal at low percentages in the thermal power plant avoids the characteristic operating problems of biomass combustion such as ash sintering and fouling of heat exchanger surfaces, along with significant reduction in emission of pollutants. Hence, biomass fuel could substitute more expensive coal and contribute in lowering CO2 emission. Coal and biomass can also be used for both combustion and gasification applications. With the advancement of reactor technology a higher degree of conversion efficiencies with improved emission characteristics is achieved. The quality of combustion and gasification is also dependent on the type of fuel used and behavior with time when heated to a range of temperatures.
This course will provide deeper insight into combustion and gasification processes and technologies which finally contribute to the understanding of this important topic. The course content includes a brief introduction on gasification and combustion principles, fundamentals of nonhomogeneous reaction kinetics, advanced combustor, advances gasifier system and processes (Fluidized bed, plasma, microwave), fuel characterization, modelling and simulation. Furthermore, the course will be extremely useful for executives, engineers, researchers from manufacturing, service and government organizations including R&D laboratories, scientists, research scholars and graduate students, who are working in the areas of thermochemical conversation of fuel more specifically on gasification and combustion.