Prof. Kaladi S. Babu, Regents Professor and Interim Head of the Department of Physics at the Oklahoma State University, USA, is an internationally acclaimed figure in particle physics engaged in theoretical studies of BSM scenarios. Prof. Babu is one of the global experts on Flavour Physics, with important contributions to the understanding of neutrino physics. The well known Zee-Babu mechanism to generate the tiny neutrino mass radiatively is celebrated as a fine and viable alternative to the conventional seesaw mechanism. Apart from his interest in neutrino physics, he has made valuable contributions to the study of grand unified models, baryogengesis, and other BSM scenarios, including some of the multi-Higgs models. He has more than 200 publications in peer reviewed international journals with more than 12500 citations. Prof. Babu is a Fellow of American Physical Society and recently named as 2017 Distinguished Scholar by Fermilab.