Research/Project title: 2-D Newtonian and power-law fluids flow past ellipsoidal particles at moderate Reynolds numbers
Year of Complete: 2009
Research/Project title: Momentum and heat transfer phenomena of confined spherical and non-spherical particles in power-law liquids
Year of Complete: 2013
Research/Project title: Buoyancy driven bubble rise and deformation in milli/micro channels filled with shear-thinning nanofluids
Year of Complete: 2014
Current Placement: Schneider Electric (Invensys Development Centre India Private Limited), Hyderabad
Research/Project title: Mixed convection heat transfer from an isothermal circular cylinder to non-Newtonian nanofluids in a vertical channel
Year of Complete: 2014
Current Placement: Postdoc in CNRS Lab, University of Bordeaux, France
Research/Project title: Hydrodynamics of bubble swarms of low to moderate volume fractions in contaminated power-law liquids
Year of Complete: 2015
Current Placement: Trainee Engineer @ Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited, Assam
Research/Project title: Upgradation of bio-oil in upflow fixed bed reactor – a numerical study
Year of Complete: 2015
Current Placement: HPCL @ Bangalore
Research/Project title: 3D numerical investigation of critical Reynolds number of power-law non-Newtonian fluids flow past solid spheres
Year of Complete: 2015
Current Placement: Technical Services Division, Halliburton @ Mumbai
Research/Project title: Buoyancy Aided Mixed Convective Heat Transfer Phenomena of Confined Circular and Unconfined Elliptical Cylinders in Upward Motion of Shear-Thinning Nanofluids
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: Modelling and simulations of bio-diesel synthesis processes in tubular reactors
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: CFD Simulations of Hydrodeoxygenation of Phenolic Compounds of Pyrolytic Bio-Oil
Year of Complete: 2018
Current Placement: Asst. Lecturer @ Kyambongo University, Uganda
Research/Project title: Study of Bio-oil Production by Pyrolytic Conversion of Polyalthia Longifolia Leaves
Year of Complete: 2019
Research/Project title: A Computational Study on Upgrading Levulinic Acid in Supercritical Water to Value-added Products
Year of Complete: 2020
Current Placement: BYJUS, Bangalore, India
Research/Project title: On-site detection of arsenic pollutant in contaminated water
Year of Joining: 2016
Year of Complete: 2018
Current Placement: PhD at IITG
Research/Project title: Thesis: Electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide in a continuous and batch reactor
Outcome: Journal- communicated to IECR
Year of Joining: 2016
Year of Complete: 2018
Research/Project title: Thesis: Investigation into the targeted separation of eugenol from clove and tulsi extracts by iron oxide nanoparticles embedded onto ion exchange resign
Outcome: Journal- communicated to CEC
Year of Joining: 2015
Year of Complete: 2017
Current Placement: SRF at IISER Bhopal
Research/Project title: Thesis: Low energy transportation through micro fluidic devices
Outcome: Reflux, IITG
Year of Joining: 2014
Year of Complete: 2016
Current Placement: PhD at IITG
Research/Project title: Electric and Magnetic Field Induced Instabilities in Micro and Nano Systems
Outcome: Journal- RAC Adv, Conf. -2
Year of Joining: 2012
Year of Complete: 2014
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dipankar Bandyopadhyay (CL)
Current Placement: PhD at IITG
Research/Project title: Thesis: Localized Electric Field Induced Transition of Two-Phase Flow Patterns Inside Microchannels
Outcome: Journal- RAC Adv., Electrophoresis
Year of Joining: 2012
Year of Complete: 2014
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dipankar Bandyopadhyay (CL)
Current Placement: PhD at UMass Amherst
Research/Project title: Thesis: Mixing Characteristics in Helical coil system by Residence Time distribution Technique
Year of Joining: 2012
Year of Complete: 2014
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Subrata K Majumder (CL)
Research/Project title: Drug reduction of oil-water two-phase flow through pipeline
Outcome: Journal- JSIR, IJRET
Year of Joining: 2011
Year of Complete: 2013
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Subrata K Majumder (CL)
Current Placement: Bahrain National Gas Company, Bahrain
Research/Project title: Hydrodynamics of moderately viscous oil-water two-phase flow through undulated pipeline
Outcome: Journal- JH, IJCMSE, Int. Conf.-2
Year of Joining: 2011
Year of Complete: 2013
Current Placement: Worley Parsons India Pvt Ltd., Mumbai
Research/Project title: Hydrodynamics of viscous oil-water two-phase flow through inclined pipeline
Outcome: Book-1, Journal- ASC
Year of Joining: 2011
Year of Complete: 2013
Current Placement: PhD at IITG
Research/Project title: Identification of flow pattern in microchannel using ANN
Outcome: Journal- MST, IJCMSE, IJCET, Int. Conf.-2
Year of Joining: 2009
Year of Complete: 2011
Current Placement: PhD at IITG
Research/Project title: High Pressure Pyrolysis of Plastics
Year of Joining: 2017
Research/Project title: Experimental Studies and CFD simulations of Underground Coal Gasification
Year of Joining: 2016
Year of Complete: 2018
Co-Supervisor: Dr R K Upadhyay
Research/Project title: Methanol Steam Reforming for Hydrogen Production
Year of Joining: 2016
Year of Complete: 2018
Co-Supervisor: Dr R K Upadhyay
Research/Project title: Upper Assam Oil Shale: Detailed Physicochemical and Thermochemical Analysis, Lab Scale Pyrolysis and Kinetic Analysis
Year of Joining: 2016
Year of Complete: 2017
Co-Supervisor: Dr. R Kataki (Tezpur University)
Research/Project title: Reaction Chemistry of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Geological Formations
Year of Joining: 2015
Year of Complete: 2017
Research/Project title: Underground Gasification of Coal
Year of Joining: 2014
Year of Complete: 2016
Co-Supervisor: Dr. R K Upadhyay
Research/Project title: Chemical Induced EOR and Adsorption Study
Year of Joining: 2014
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: Simulation studies on Biodiesel Synthesis
Year of Joining: 2014
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Underground Coal Combustion and Gasification
Year of Joining: 2013
Year of Complete: 2015
Co-Supervisor: Dr R K Upadhyay
Research/Project title: Experimental Studies on Alkali-Surfactant-Polymer (ASP) Based Enhanced Oil Recovery of Assam crude oil
Year of Joining: 2013
Year of Complete: 2015
Co-Supervisor: Prof. R Uppaluri
Research/Project title: Characterization of Nahor (Mesua ferrea) oil for biodiesel Production
Year of Joining: 2012
Year of Complete: 2014
Co-Supervisor: Dr V V Goud
Research/Project title: Petroleum Reservoir Simulation of Two Phase Flow
Year of Joining: 2012
Year of Complete: 2014
Co-Supervisor: Prof. A Singh
Research/Project title: Experimental and Numerical investigation of Underground Coal Gasification Process
Year of Joining: 2012
Year of Complete: 2014
Co-Supervisor: Dr R K Upadhyay
Research/Project title: Thermal Degradation Studies of Biopolymers based Composites
Year of Joining: 2012
Year of Complete: 2014
Co-Supervisor: Dr V Katiyar
Research/Project title: Study of Fluidized Systems Using Experimental Data From Radioactive Particle Tracking Technique
Year of Joining: 2014
Research/Project title: Experimental Investigation of Underground Coal Gasification
Year of Joining: 2014
Research/Project title: Insights of Circulating Fluidized Bed: Experiments and EMMS Modeling
Year of Joining: 2014
Research/Project title: Experimental studies on pattern formation in bi-dispersed suspension in horizontal rotating cylinders
Year of Joining: 2016
Year of Complete: 2018
Current Address: Uganda
Research/Project title: Experimental and Numerical Study of Internal Fluid Motion in Microdroplets
Year of Joining: 2017
Year of Complete: 2019
Research/Project title: Stokesian dynamics simulation of particle migration and margination of dense suspension in shear and pressure driven flow
Year of Joining: 2015
Year of Complete: 2017
Research/Project title: Numerical simulation of particle migration and axial segregation in rotating suspensions
Year of Joining: 2015
Year of Complete: 2017
Research/Project title: Stokesian dynamics Simulation of Shear thinning and Shear
thickening Suspensions in bounded shear flow
Year of Joining: 2014
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: Fluid Flow and Pattern Formation in Evaporating Suspension Droplets
Year of Joining: 2014
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: Petroleum Reservoir Simulation of Two-Phase
Year of Joining: 2012
Year of Complete: 2014
Research/Project title: Stokesian Dynamics Simulation of Suspension flow in
confined geometries
Year of Joining: 2012
Year of Complete: 2014
Research/Project title: Numerical Simulation of Suspension Flow in Porous Channels
Year of Joining: 2011
Year of Complete: 2013
Research/Project title: Flow of concentrated Suspensions through Oblique bifurcation channels
Year of Joining: 2011
Year of Complete: 2013
Year of Joining: 2010
Year of Complete: 2012
Year of Joining: 2010
Year of Complete: 2012
Research/Project title: Numerical Simulation of Shear Induced Particle
Migration in Rotating Cylinders
Year of Joining: 2010
Year of Complete: 2012
Year of Joining: 2009
Year of Complete: 2011
Year of Joining: 2009
Year of Complete: 2011
Co-Supervisor: Dipankar Bandyopadhyay
Research/Project title: CFD simulation of shear induced particle migration
Year of Joining: 2008
Year of Complete: 2010
Year of Joining: 2008
Year of Complete: 2010
Research/Project title: CFD simulation of shear induced particle migration
Year of Joining: 2007
Year of Complete: 2009
Research/Project title: Numerical Simulation and Experimental Studies of Microfluidic flow in Evaporating Droplets
Year of Joining: 2006
Year of Complete: 2008
Research/Project title: Stokesian dynamics simulation of short fiber suspensions
Year of Joining: 2006
Year of Complete: 2008
Research/Project title: Measurements of wall slip effects in concentrated suspensions
Year of Joining: 2006
Year of Complete: 2008
Research/Project title: CFD Simulation of Laser Induced MCVD Process during the fabrication of optical fibre preforms
Year of Joining: 2005
Year of Complete: 2007
Research/Project title: Flow of concentrated suspension past a cylinder
Year of Joining: 2005
Year of Complete: 2007
Research/Project title: Free surface flow of non-colloidal suspension past a cylider
Year of Joining: 2004
Year of Complete: 2006
Research/Project title: Hydrodynamics of Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit
Year of Joining: 2004
Year of Complete: 2006
Research/Project title: Control Systems
Year of Joining: 2011
Year of Complete: 2013
Research/Project title: Removal of CO2 and H2S by absorption into aqueous 2-piperidineethanol using membrane contactor
Year of Complete: 2006
Research/Project title: Control Systems
Year of Joining: 2011
Research/Project title: Synthesis of polymeric membrane for acid gas purification and its characterization
Year of Complete: 2009
Research/Project title: Study of Various Control Systems using Commercial Process Simulator
Year of Joining: 2010
Year of Complete: 2012
Research/Project title: Solubility of CO2 into aqueous solutions of sterically hindered amines
Year of Complete: 2009
Research/Project title: Study of Efficient Control Techniques for Complex System
Year of Joining: 2009
Year of Complete: 2011
Research/Project title: CO2 capture using sterically hindered amines
Year of Complete: 2010
Research/Project title: Optimal Control Chemical Processes
Year of Joining: 2008
Year of Complete: 2010
Research/Project title: Equilibrium solubility of CO2 in different polymeric membranes
Year of Complete: 2011
Research/Project title: Carbon dioxide separation by polybenzimidazole membrane containing an amine carrier
Year of Complete: 2011
Research/Project title: Liquid membrane based seperation studies to remove arsenic
Year of Joining: 2007
Year of Complete: 2009
Co-Supervisor: NA
Research/Project title: Separation of carbon dioxide from gases using polyimide membrane
Year of Complete: 2012
Research/Project title: Modelling of PSA process
Year of Joining: 2007
Year of Complete: 2009
Co-Supervisor: NA
Research/Project title: Absorption of CO2 into aqueous blends of triethanolamine and monoethanolamine
Year of Complete: 2012
Research/Project title: Gas Phase Overall Volumetric Mass Transfer Coefficient for Absorption of CO2 into Aqueous Blends of Amines
Year of Complete: 2013
Research/Project title: Liquid membranebased seperation to remove mercury
Year of Joining: 2007
Year of Complete: 2009
Co-Supervisor: NA
Research/Project title: Diffusion reaction based modeling for CO2 absorption into aqueous blends of 2-amino-2-hydroxymethyl-1, 3-propanediol and monoethanolamine
Year of Complete: 2013
Research/Project title: Design of industrial effluent treatment process
Year of Joining: 2006
Year of Complete: 2008
Co-Supervisor: NA
Research/Project title: CO2 capture by 2-(1-piperazinyl)-ethylamine (PZEA) activated 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP)
Year of Complete: 2014
Research/Project title: Modelling of Membrane Seperation Process
Year of Joining: 2006
Year of Complete: 2008
Co-Supervisor: NA
Research/Project title: Synthesis and application of PVA/Amine membrane for flue gas CO2 capture
Year of Complete: 2014
Research/Project title: Development of Novel Catalyst for Low Temperature Water-Gas Shift Reaction
Year of Complete: 2015
Research/Project title: Control of Reactive Distillation Processes
Year of Joining: 2006
Year of Complete: 2008
Co-Supervisor: NA
Research/Project title: Absorption of CO2 into Novel Aqueous Blended Amine Solution: Studies on Physicochemical Properties of the Solvent
Year of Complete: 2015
Research/Project title: Modeling of Pressure Swing Adsorption Cycle
Year of Joining: 2005
Year of Complete: 2007
Co-Supervisor: NA
Research/Project title: Synthesis and Characterization of Chitosan Mixed Matrix Membrane for the Separation of CO2 from gaseous mixtures
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: Synthesis and Characterization of Ni/?-Al2O3 Catalyst by strong electrostatic Adsorption (SEA) Method
Year of Joining: 2014
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: Modelling and Control of Hydroealkalyne Proces
Year of Joining: 2005
Year of Complete: 2007
Research/Project title: Synthesis of Ordered Mesoporous Silica Materials by Acidic Route for CO2 Capture
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: Control Structure Selection for Chemical Processes involving Reactive Distillation using Aspen®Engineering Suite
Year of Joining: 2004
Year of Complete: 2006
Research/Project title: Conversion of Glucose to 5-HMF Using Ionic Liquid Encapsulated Zeolites
Year of Joining: 2015
Year of Complete: 2017
Current Placement: Ph.D. at IIT Bombay
Current Address: Ph.D. at IIT Bombay
Research/Project title: Preparation and Characterization of Mixed matrix Membrane for CO2 Separation
Year of Complete: 2017
Research/Project title: Conversion of CO2 into Carbon Monoxide
Year of Joining: 2015
Year of Complete: 2017
Current Placement: Working in an industry
Research/Project title: Conversion of Xylose to Furfural Using Ionic Liquid Encapsulated Zeolites
Year of Joining: 2016
Year of Complete: 2018
Current Placement: Assistant Professor
Current Address: AEC, Guwahati
Research/Project title: Selective Production of Furfural by Xylose Dehydration using Zeolites
Year of Joining: 2017
Year of Complete: 2019
Research/Project title: Preparation and characterization of hybrid nafion membrane for direct methanol fuel cell
Year of Complete: 2007
Research/Project title: Fabrication and characterization of g-Al2O3 coated clay composite membrane
Year of Complete: 2008
Research/Project title: Influence of organically modified layered double hydroxides (OLDHs) on the properties of polystyrene (PS)/OLDH nanocomposites
Year of Complete: 2008
Research/Project title: Synthesis and characterization of sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone) composite membrane for DMFC
Year of Complete: 2008
Research/Project title: Development of membrane separation module in Aspen Engineering Suite
Year of Complete: 2008
Research/Project title: Properties of polypropylene/clay nanocomposites prepared by melt intercalation technique
Year of Complete: 2009
Research/Project title: Fabrication and characterization of sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone) based composite membranes with zirconium titanium phosphate for direct methanol fuel cell
Year of Complete: 2009
Research/Project title: Properties and thermal degradation kinetics of polymer/organoclay nanocomposites: Effect of processing conditions and organoclay loading
Year of Complete: 2010
Research/Project title: A comparative study of methods for synthesizing nano-sized zirconia and its characterization
Year of Complete: 2011
Research/Project title: Development and Characterization of Polystyrene (PS) and Polypropylene (PP) Nanocomposites
Year of Complete: 2011
Research/Project title: Synthesis, characterization and thermal degradation kinetics of poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)/organically modified montmorillonite (OMMT) nanocomposites
Year of Complete: 2012
Research/Project title: Development of ceramic membrane for microfiltration application
Year of Complete: 2012
Research/Project title: Synthesis, Characterization, Thermal Degradation Kinetics and Rheological Study of Polymer/Layered Double Hydroxide Nanocomposites
Year of Complete: 2013
Research/Project title: Fabrication and Characterization of Analcime C-Zeolite Composite Membrane for Removal of Chromium (VI) from Aqueous Solution
Year of Complete: 2013
Research/Project title: Development and Characterization of MCM-48 Composite Membrane
Year of Complete: 2013
Research/Project title: Synthesis and Characterization of Poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)/Co-Al Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) Nanocomposites
Year of Complete: 2014
Research/Project title: Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of TiO2 and γ-Al2O3 Composite Membranes by Separation of Oil-Water Emulsions
Year of Complete: 2014
Research/Project title: Synthesis and Performance Evaluation of FAU Zeolite-Ceramic Composite Membrane by Separation of Cr (VI) from Aqueous Solution
Year of Complete: 2014
Research/Project title: Fabrication of MCM-41 and MCM-48 Composite Membranes for the Separation of FeCl3 and AlCl3 from Aqueous Solution
Year of Complete: 2015
Research/Project title: Reverse Osmosis-Pressure Retarded Osmosis Hybrid System, Modeling and Simulation
Year of Complete: 2015
Research/Project title: Removal of Fluoroquinolone Antibiotic from Aqueous Solution Using a Hybrid Process of Adsorption-Membrane Filtration
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: Processing and Characterization of Multifunctional Polystyrene (PS) Nanocomposites Containing MWCNT and Ni-Al LDH: Role of Dual Nanofillers
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: Kaolin Based Tubular Ceramic Membrane: Optimization of Sintering Temperature and Its Applications
Year of Complete: 2017
Research/Project title: Effect of Nanofillers on Thermal Stability of Polystyrene Nanocomposites
Year of Complete: 2017
Research/Project title: Effect of additive on the properties of kaolin based tubular ceramic membranes
Year of Complete: 2018
Research/Project title: Synthesis of Chitosan Nanocomposites with Norfloxacin loaded Layered Double Hydroxide as Nanofiller and its Potential Application in Drug Release Studies
Year of Complete: 2018
Research/Project title: Development of Flexible Polymer Electrode for Microbial Fuel Cell Application
Year of Joining: 2017
Research/Project title: NA
Research/Project title: NA
Year of Joining: 2019
Research/Project title: Film Processing of Chitosan Based Bio- nanocomposite
Year of Joining: 2013
Research/Project title: Optimization of Biopolymer Based Melt Extrusion Process
Year of Joining: 2012
Research/Project title: Fabrication and Characterization of Transparent Nano-Electrodes for Polymer Solar Cells
Year of Joining: 2012
Co-Supervisor: Dr. Amit Kumar
Research/Project title: NA
Year of Joining: 2012
Co-Supervisor: Dr. Prakash kotecha
Research/Project title: NA
Year of Joining: 2012
Co-Supervisor: Dr. Amit Kumar
Research/Project title: Thermal Degradation Studies of Biopolymers based Composites
Year of Joining: 2012
Co-Supervisor: Dr. Pankaj Tiwari
Research/Project title: Synthesis and Characterization of Bio- based Polymer-Furan Copolymer and their Thermoset
Year of Joining: 2011
Research/Project title: Fabrication and Characterization of Polymer Electrolyte Composite
Year of Joining: 2011
Co-Supervisor: Dr. Amit Kumar
Research/Project title: Ultrafiltration of oily waste water collected from ONGC Nazira
Year of Complete: 2009
Research/Project title: Extraction of steviosite from stevia using membrane separation technology
Year of Complete: 2009
Research/Project title: Development of membrane based technology for the separation of coal from organic solvent
Year of Complete: 2010
Research/Project title: Preparation of Low Cost Stevioside by Ultrafiltration
Year of Complete: 2010
Research/Project title: Enhancement of chromium removal from waste water by zero-valent iron in presence of montmorillonite, kaolinite and sand in a batch reactor
Year of Complete: 2010
Research/Project title: Toxicity characterization by TCLP and remediation study of solid waste containing heavy metals
Year of Complete: 2011
Research/Project title: Development of hybrid membrane system for the treatment of wastewater
Year of Complete: 2012
Research/Project title: Nanofluid-Preparation, characterization and application
Year of Complete: 2012
Research/Project title: Simultaneously Phenol and Chromium Removal using Biological Techniques
Year of Complete: 2012
Research/Project title: Fouling and cleaning characteristics of spiral wound
Membrane modules
Year of Complete: 2013
Research/Project title: Treatment of PVA-Rich Effluent by Spinning Basket Membrane Module
Year of Complete: 2013
Research/Project title: Storage and preservation study of clarified citrus fruits: Experimental and theoretical consideration
Year of Complete: 2014
Research/Project title: Performance characterization of shear enhanced spinning basket membrane module
Year of Complete: 2014
Research/Project title: Recovery of elemental sulfur using Co-Mo/Gamma-alumina based catalyst
Year of Complete: 2015
Research/Project title: Treatment of Tea Factory Wastewater: Experimental and Response Surface Optimization
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: Preparation of Bio-diesel from Waste Cooking Oil (WCO) using Alkaline Catalyst on Carbon support Impregnated Ceramic Membrane
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: Survival of flora and fauna in acidic water (low pH) environment
Year of Complete: 2017
Research/Project title: Development of Anaerobic Ceramic Membrane Bioreactor (AnMBR) for the Treatment Industrial Effluents
Year of Complete: 2017
Research/Project title: Studies on thermal degradation mechanism of Aloe Vera gel in drying process
Year of Complete: 2018
Research/Project title: Modelling of catalytic membrane reactor for Sulfur recovery
Year of Complete: 2018
Research/Project title: NA
Year of Joining: 2010
Year of Complete: 2011
Research/Project title: NA
Year of Joining: 2011
Year of Complete: 2012
Research/Project title: NA
Year of Joining: 2012
Year of Complete: 2013
Research/Project title: NA
Year of Joining: 2012
Year of Complete: 2013
Research/Project title: NA
Year of Joining: 2013
Year of Complete: 2014
Research/Project title: NA
Year of Joining: 2013
Year of Complete: 2014
Research/Project title: NA
Year of Joining: 2014
Year of Complete: 2015
Research/Project title: NA
Year of Joining: 2015
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: NA
Year of Joining: 2016
Year of Complete: 2017
Research/Project title: NA
Year of Joining: 2017
Year of Complete: 2018
Current Placement: PhD at IIT Kgp
Research/Project title: NA
Year of Joining: 2018
Year of Complete: 2019
Research/Project title: NA
Year of Joining: 2019
Year of Complete: 2020
Research/Project title: Role of inorganic salts in adsorption of surfactants at fluid–fluid interfaces with reference to coalescence
Research/Project title: Synthesis and characterization of inorganic charged ultrafiltration membranes
Research/Project title: Adsorption of surfactant at fluid-fluid interface
Research/Project title: Adsorption and coalescence in liquid–liquid and gas–liquid systems
Research/Project title: Devolatilization characteristics of bituminous coals
Research/Project title: Adsorption of cationic surfactant at air?water interface in presence of monovalent and divalent counterions: experimental and theoretical studies
Research/Project title: Nitration of benzene at high-concentrations of sulfuric acid
Research/Project title: Phase equilibria of organic–inorganic acid system: experimental and theoretical studies
Co-Supervisor: Dr. Tamal Banerjee
Research/Project title: Effects of binding of counterions on adsorption and coalescence in gas-liquid and liquid-liquid systems
Research/Project title: Adsorption and coalescence in mixed surfactant systems: air-water interface
Research/Project title: Adsorption and coalescence in mixed surfactant systems: water?hydrocarbon interface
Research/Project title: Adsorption and coalescence in mixed surfactant systems
Research/Project title: Adsorption, coalescence of bubbles and stability of foams
Research/Project title: Electrical and rheological properties of fluid–fluid interfaces
Research/Project title: Stabilization of silicone oil-in-water emulsions in the presence of ionic surfactants and salts
Research/Project title: Ion-specific effect in stability of foams and emulsions in presence of anionic surfactant and 1:1 electrolytes: role of adsorption and interfacial charge
Research/Project title: Foaming in emulsion: effect of surfactant, salt and oil
Research/Project title: Stability of aqueous foams in the presence of ionic surfactants and alcohols
Research/Project title: Removal of organic pollutants from water by ozone microbubbles
Research/Project title: Separation of anionic surfactant from aqueous solution using foam fractionation
Research/Project title: Stabilization of hydroxide sludge containing heavy metals by microwave radiation
Research/Project title: Development of membrane based technology for the separation of coal from organic solvent
Co-Supervisor: Dr. Chandan Das
Research/Project title: Chromium removal from wastewater by zerovalet iron: batch and column studies
Co-Supervisor: Dr. Chandan Das
Research/Project title: Effect of background ions on reduction of Cr (VI) to Cr (III) using saline water algae
Research/Project title: Toxicity characterization by TCLP and remediation study of solid waste containing heavy metals
Co-Supervisor: Dr. Chandan Das
Research/Project title: Water quality parameters for treatment of effluent containing pharmaceutical compounds
Research/Project title: Cr(VI) reduction to Cr(III) in aqueous solutions using photo-generated Fe(II)
Research/Project title: Fouling and cleaning characteristics of spiral wound membrane modules
Co-Supervisor: Dr. Chandan Das
Research/Project title: Pyrolysis behavior of derived biomass wastes
Co-Supervisor: Dr. V. V. Gaud
Research/Project title: Degradation of Brilliant Green dye in Fenton oxidation: Decomposition mechanism and influence of Fe(II)/Fe(III)
Co-Supervisor: Dr. V. V. Gaud
Current Address: Lab AR-6, First Floor,Dept. of Chemical Engineering,IIT Guwahati, Assam-781039
Research/Project title: Studies on need of dye-sensitization of Ag-doped titania for phenol decomposition
Current Address: CSIR - Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha - 751013
Research/Project title: Evaluation of bimetal doped TiO2 in dye fragmentation and its comparison to mono-metal doped and bare catalysts
Current Address: Assistant Professor, MVJ College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560067
Research/Project title: Fabrication of noble-metal doped titania photocatalyst using bio-extract for detoxification of organic contaminan
Current Placement: Scientific Officer 'C', BARC, Kalpakkam
Current Address: Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Department of Atomic Energy, Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu - 603102, India
Research/Project title: Application of electro-chemically generated H2O2 for treatment of wastewater
Current Placement: Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. New Delhi
Research/Project title: Biological synthesis of metal nano-composites for antimicrobial application
Current Placement: Management Trainee
Current Address: Cadila Pharmaceuticals Limited, Ahmedabad-380009
Research/Project title: Bio-inspired AgNPs, multilayers reduced graphene oxide and graphite nanocomposite for electrochemical H2O2 sensing
Current Placement: Assistant Professor (Adhoc), NIT Raipur
Research/Project title: Synthesis of protein capped AgNPs for fluorescence enhanced detection of contaminants in water
Current Address: 91361-2582282
Research/Project title: Arsenic removal from surface water using surface modified adsorbent
Current Address: 91361-2582282
Research/Project title: Bio-inspired metal doped photocatalysts for production of value-aided chemicals
Current Address: 91361-2582282
Research/Project title: A room temperature infusion of AgNPs into polymer membranes using a green methodology
Current Address: 91361-2582282
Research/Project title: CFD modelling of two-phase flow in continuous casting mould
Year of Joining: 2016
Year of Complete: 2018
Research/Project title: Experimental investigations on gas-liquid flow in millimetre-size channels
Year of Complete: 2018
Current Placement: PhD Student at IIT Bombay
Research/Project title: NA
Research/Project title: CFD investigation of flow pattern in continuous casting mould
Year of Joining: 2015
Year of Complete: 2017
Current Placement: PhD Student at IIT Guwahati
Research/Project title: NA
Year of Joining: 2014
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: Deep Eutectic Solvents as electrolyte for Supercapacitors
Year of Joining: 2018
Year of Complete: 2020
Current Placement: Doctoral Researcher · University of Houston, Texas
Research/Project title: Synthesis of Cellulose and Synthetic polymer based hydrogels for various applications
Year of Joining: 2018
Year of Complete: 2020
Current Placement: PhD Student, Pennsylvania State University (US)
Research/Project title: Mixing Characteristics in a Modified gas liquid contactor
Year of Joining: 2008
Year of Complete: 2009
Research/Project title: Gas entrainment in a multiphase machine
Year of Joining: 2009
Year of Complete: 2010
Research/Project title: Hydrodynamics and drag reduction in a packed bed column
Year of Joining: 2009
Year of Complete: 2010
Research/Project title: Mixing phenomenon in an ejector-induced downflow bubble column
Year of Joining: 2010
Year of Complete: 2011
Research/Project title: Hydrodynamics and drag reduction in Trickle bed
Year of Joining: 2011
Year of Complete: 2012
Research/Project title: Hydrodynamics in 3-phase modified column
Year of Joining: 2011
Year of Complete: 2012
Research/Project title: Process intensification of oil beneficiation by aeration
Year of Joining: 2012
Year of Complete: 2013
Research/Project title: Drag reduction of high viscous two-phase flow in pipeline
Year of Joining: 2012
Year of Complete: 2013
Research/Project title: Studies on convective heat transfer of two phase flow in helical coil
Year of Joining: 2013
Year of Complete: 2014
Research/Project title: Studies on mass transfer of bubbly flow in vertical column (Experimental and model development)
Year of Joining: 2013
Year of Complete: 2014
Research/Project title: Mixing Characteristics in Helical coil system by Residence Time distribution Technique
Year of Joining: 2013
Year of Complete: 2014
Research/Project title: Experimentation and Stochastic Modelling for axial dispersion in slurry bubble column reactor
Year of Joining: 2014
Year of Complete: 2015
Research/Project title: Stability of microbubbles in the presence of nano particles
Year of Joining: 2015
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: Evaluation of gas hydrate formation in gas-enriched pipeline
Year of Joining: 2015
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: Prediction of gas hydrate formation kinetics
Year of Joining: 2016
Year of Complete: 2017
Research/Project title: Kinetics of Pharmaceuticals in ozone bubble column
Year of Joining: 2017
Year of Complete: 2018
Research/Project title: Equilibrium entropy of gas hydrate formation
Year of Joining: 2017
Year of Complete: 2018
Research/Project title: Development of a microstructured slurry bubble column for ozone-based catalytic advanced oxidation
Year of Joining: 2018
Year of Complete: 2019
Research/Project title: Prediction of equilibrium and entropy of gas hydrates formation in pipelines
Year of Joining: 2018
Year of Complete: 2019
Research/Project title: Entrainment characteristics of Particles: Substantial for mineral beneficiation
Year of Joining: 2019
Research/Project title: Microchannel-based extraction of metal from wastewater
Year of Joining: 2019
Research/Project title: Removal of pharmaceutical from real n synthetic waste water by adsorption and ozone
Year of Joining: 2020
Research/Project title: Development of model for the gas hydrate formation kinetics
Year of Joining: 2020
Research/Project title: Modelling of Two-phase flow in Microchannels
Research/Project title: Modeling of Transport Process in Coke Oven Batteries
Research/Project title: Not available
Year of Joining: 2017
Research/Project title: NA
Year of Joining: 2019
Research/Project title: NA
Year of Joining: 2019
Research/Project title: Simulation of suspension transport
Year of Joining: 2019
Research/Project title: Simulation of Suspension transport in bifurcating channels
Year of Joining: 2019
Research/Project title: Microrheology of suspension via Stokesian dynamics simulation
Year of Joining: 2019
Research/Project title: Theoretical study of reaction parameters on heterogeneous aromatic nitration
Research/Project title: Nitration of chlorobenzene at high-concentrations of sulfuric acid
Research/Project title: Coalescence of bubbles and stability of foams in aqueous solutions of nonionic surfactants and alcohols
Research/Project title: Adsorption and coalescence in aqueous solutions of surfactants and alcohols
Research/Project title: Separation of anionic surfactant from aqueous solution using foam fractionation
Research/Project title: Removal of cationic surfactant from aqueous solution using foam fractionation
Research/Project title: Adsorption of non-ionic surfactants at fluid–fluid interface and coalescence of bubbles in the presence of salts
Research/Project title: Two-phase reaction at the liquid?liquid Interface: analysis of the aqueous phase
Research/Project title: Two-phase reaction at the liquid?liquid Interface: analysis of the organic phase
Research/Project title: Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Gas-Solid Flow in Circulating Fluidized Bed
Year of Joining: 2013
Year of Complete: 2015
Co-Supervisor: Rajesh K Upadhyay
Research/Project title: Numerical simulation of suspension flow
Research/Project title: Particle migration in Lid driven cavity
using Stokesian Hydrodynamics Simulation
Year of Joining: 2018
Year of Complete: 2020
Research/Project title: Numerical Simulation of Shear Induced
Particle Migration of Concentrated Suspension
in a Lid Driven Cavity
Year of Joining: 2018
Year of Complete: 2020
Research/Project title: Effect of Extraction by Different Solvents on Properties of Bio-oil obtained by Non-Catalytic and Catalytic Pyrolysis of Delonix Regia Biomass
Year of Joining: 2019
Year of Complete: 2021
Current Placement: Asst. Manager @ The Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore Limited , Ernakulum, India
Research/Project title: Hydro-Liquefaction of Delonix Regia Lignocellulosic Biomass at Different Temperatures
Year of Joining: 2019
Year of Complete: 2021
Current Placement: Asst. Manager @ ACME, Gurgaon
Research/Project title: Non-Catalytic Co-Pyrolysis of Polyalthia Logifolia, Delonix Regia and Varying Fraction of Polypropylene
Year of Joining: 2019
Year of Complete: 2021
Research/Project title: Phase Equilibria of Organic Inorganic acid System: Experimental and Theoretical Studies
Year of Joining: 2006
Year of Complete: 2008
Current Placement: Global Technology Manager, Valmet (Sweden)
Research/Project title: Desulphurization and Denitrification of Diesel oil using Ionic Liquids: Quantum Chemical Prediction and Experimentation
Year of Joining: 2007
Year of Complete: 2009
Research/Project title: Desulphurization of fuels using Ionic Liquids: Experiments, Correlation and COSMO-RS Predictions
Year of Joining: 2008
Year of Complete: 2010
Current Placement: Test Lead, Waner Media, Ontario, Canada
Research/Project title: Aromatic Extraction using mixed Ionic Liquids: Experiments and Predictions
Year of Joining: 2008
Year of Complete: 2010
Current Placement: Business Leader, Stellarix Consultancy Services
Research/Project title: Phase Equilibria studies of Heteroatomic Sulphur-Ionic Liquid systems
Year of Joining: 2009
Year of Complete: 2011
Research/Project title: Phase Equilibria studies of Heteroatomic Nitrogen-Ionic Liquid systems
Year of Joining: 2009
Year of Complete: 2011
Research/Project title: Quantum and Statistical Mechanical Approaches for the Prediction of Pure Component and Phase Equilibrium Properties
Year of Joining: 2010
Year of Complete: 2012
Research/Project title: Improving Separation Efficiency in Aromatic Extraction Processes using Ionic Liquids with Co-Solvents
Year of Joining: 2011
Year of Complete: 2013
Research/Project title: Volumetric Properties and Vapor Liquid Equilibria Predictions using Perturbation based Association Theory
Year of Joining: 2011
Year of Complete: 2013
Current Placement: IOCL Digboi
Research/Project title: Theoretical Prediction of Distribution Coefficients of Strontium and Cesium in Nuclear wastes
Year of Joining: 2012
Year of Complete: 2014
Current Placement: UOP-Honeywell , Gurgaon
Research/Project title: Thermodynamic Insights for the Dissolution and Dispersion of Coal in Green Solvents
Year of Joining: 2012
Year of Complete: 2014
Current Placement: Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL)
Research/Project title: Production of Total Reducing Sugars from Lignicellulosic Biomass under Subcritical water treatment and their Solubilities in Ionic Liquids : A Quantum Chemical and Experimental Approach
Year of Joining: 2012
Year of Complete: 2014
Research/Project title: Liquid-Liquid Extraction and Conceptual process design for the extraction of lower alcohols
Year of Joining: 2013
Year of Complete: 2015
Research/Project title: Molecular Dynamics Studies on the Extraction of 1-Butanol from Aqueous Phase using Imidazolium based Ionic Liquids
Year of Joining: 2014
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: Thermodynamic Insights of Functionality on the Structural, Dynamical and Optical Properties of Thio-ene-Acrylate “Click” Monomers: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Year of Joining: 2014
Year of Complete: 2016
Current Placement: Research Project Assistant,University at Buffalo
Research/Project title: Wet Beneficiation of Indian Bituminous Coal using Deep Eutectic Solvents
Year of Joining: 2015
Year of Complete: 2017
Current Placement: Data Scientist, Microsoft
Research/Project title: Liquid-Liquid Extraction of Hydroxyacetone Using Hydrophobic Solvents
Year of Joining: 2015
Year of Complete: 2017
Current Placement: PhD Candidate, IIT Roorkee
Research/Project title: Synthesis and Characterization of Nanoparticle Dispersed Deep Eutectic Solvent (NDDES) as Low Cost Heat Transfer Fluid for Concentrated Solar Power
Year of Joining: 2016
Year of Complete: 2018
Current Placement: Scientist, VSSC (ISRO)
Research/Project title: Measurement and Aspen Based Simulation of Deep Eutectic Based Nanofluids for Thermal Application
Year of Joining: 2017
Year of Complete: 2019
Research/Project title: Transport Properties of Phosphonium based Deep Eutectic Solvents: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Year of Joining: 2017
Year of Complete: 2019
Current Placement: Scientist, EIL Gurgaon
Research/Project title: Synthesis of Cellulose and Synthetic polymer based hydrogels for various applications
Year of Joining: 2018
Year of Complete: 2020
Research/Project title: Deep Eutectic Solvents as Electrolytes for Supercapacitors
Year of Joining: 2018
Year of Complete: 2020
Current Placement: Doctoral Candidate, University of Houston (US)
Research/Project title: Molecular Dynamics and Experimental Insights of Fatty-Acid based Deep Eutectic Solvents in Extraction
Year of Joining: 2019
Year of Complete: 2021
Current Placement: PhD Student, IISC Bangalore
Research/Project title: Molecular Dynamics and Experimental Insights of Ternary Eutectic Mixtures as an Extracting Media
Year of Joining: 2019
Year of Complete: 2021
Current Placement: Scientist, Halliburton
Research/Project title: Protein- Ligand interactions: Computational insights
Year of Joining: 2018
Year of Complete: 2020
Research/Project title: Flow past a rotating sphere
Year of Joining: 2019
Year of Complete: 2021
Research/Project title: Catalytic Co-Pyrolysis of Polyalthia Logifolia, Delonix Regia and Varying Fraction of Polypropylene
Year of Joining: 2018
Year of Complete: 2021
Current Placement: Trainee Engineer @ IOCL, Mumbai
Research/Project title: Biodiesel Synthesis
Year of Joining: 2020
Year of Complete: 2022
Research/Project title: Enhanced Oil Recovery
Year of Joining: 2020
Year of Complete: 2022
Research/Project title: Modeling and simulation of biomass pyrolysis
Year of Joining: 2019
Research/Project title: Prediction of Bio-oil yield from the biomass pyrolysis using Machine Learning based Regression techniques
Year of Joining: 2019
Research/Project title: Modeling and simulation of steam reforming
Year of Joining: 2019
Research/Project title: Kinetics, Thermodynamics and Reaction Mechanism of Peltophorum Pterocarpum and Terminalia Chebula Biomass Pyrolysis
Year of Joining: 2020
Year of Complete: 2022
Research/Project title: Kinetics, Thermodynamics and Reaction Mechanism of Pyrolysis of Polyalthia Longifolium and Polypropylene Grocery Bags
Year of Joining: 2020
Year of Complete: 2022
Research/Project title: CO2-microbubble stability and its kinetics
Year of Joining: 2020
Year of Complete: 2022
Research/Project title: Hydrodynamics of Dwonflow liquid-liquid system
Year of Joining: 2020
Year of Complete: 2022
Current Placement: -
Current Address: -
Research/Project title: Studies on Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC)
Year of Joining: 2019
Year of Complete: 2021
Research/Project title: Scale-up studies on Production of Biofuels
Year of Joining: 2019
Year of Complete: 2021
Research/Project title: Scale-up studies on Production of Nanocellulose
Year of Joining: 2019
Year of Complete: 2021
Research/Project title: Development of a Numerical Model for an Electrochemical Supercapacitor
Year of Joining: 2020
Year of Complete: 2022
Research/Project title: Production and Characterization of Pyrolytic Biochar from Delonix Regia Plant Waste Materials
Year of Joining: 2021
Year of Complete: 2023
Current Placement: Trainee Engineer @ Haldor Topsoe India Private Ltd.
Research/Project title: Development of sustainable catalyst from biochar for liquefaction of Delonix Regia biomass waste
Year of Joining: 2021
Year of Complete: 2023
Current Placement: Trainee Engineer @ Reliance Industries Ltd.
Research/Project title: Molecular Modeling Studies on Extraction of Pharmaceutical Drugs from Aqueous Systems
Year of Joining: 2020
Year of Complete: 2022
Research/Project title: Transport Properties of Phosphonium Based Deep Eutectic Solvents: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Year of Joining: 2019
Co-Supervisor: Prof. T. Banerjee
Research/Project title: Preparation and Characterization of Poly(3-hydroxy butyrate)/Ca-Fe Layered Double Hydroxide Nanocomposites and its Potential Application in Drug Delivery
Year of Joining: 2019
Research/Project title: Fabrication and characterization of economical tubular ceramic membranes: a study on different binders and their application
Year of Joining: 2020
Research/Project title: Tuning of synthesis conditions of CaAl-LDH and PHB-CaAl-LDH nanocomposite as potential carriers for antibacterial drug delivery system
Year of Joining: 2021
Research/Project title: Separation of Lead from Aqueous Solution using Tubular Ceramic Membrane
Year of Joining: 2021
Research/Project title: Separation of antibiotics from aqueous solutions using ceramic membranes.
Year of Joining: 2022
Research/Project title: Synthesis and characterization of biopolymer nanocomposites
Year of Joining: 2022
Research/Project title: Machine Learning augmented CO2-Crude oil MMP and IFT prediction at reservoir condition
Year of Joining: 2021
Year of Complete: 2023
Research/Project title: CFD Simulations of Hydrodeoxygenation of Bio-oil in Multiphase Reactors
Year of Joining: 2023
Year of Complete: 2024
Current Placement: Engineer (CFD) @ Mechartés Researchers Pvt. Ltd., Noida
Research/Project title: Catalytic Hydrodeoxygenation of Bio-oil in Multiphase Reactors: CFD Simulations
Year of Joining: 2023
Year of Complete: 2024
Current Placement: Delivery Data Scientist @ TURING GLOBAL INDIA Pvt. Ltd.
Research/Project title: Gas-Liquid Stirred Tank Reactors
Year of Joining: 2021
Year of Complete: 2023
Current Placement: L&T Infotech
Research/Project title: CFD modelling of laminar gas liquid flow in U bends
Year of Joining: 2021
Year of Complete: 2023
Current Placement: PhD Student, IIT Delhi
Research/Project title:
Year of Joining: 2021
Research/Project title: Optimization of biomass to bio-ethanol using RBPDs and farm storage under uncertainity in demand alongwith unmet demand consideration
Year of Joining: 2021
Research/Project title: Multi-objective supply chain management of bio-ethanol production with multiple feedstock and nonlinear cost functions
Year of Joining: 2020
Year of Complete: 2022
Research/Project title: Multi-unit densification depot based biomass supply chain optimization considering minimization of total annual cost and transportation carbon emission
Year of Joining: 2020
Year of Complete: 2022
Research/Project title:
Year of Joining: 2019
Year of Complete: 2021
Research/Project title: Performance evaluation of recently proposed metaheuristic techniques on CEC 2022 functions and real life problems
Year of Joining: 2019
Year of Complete: 2021
Research/Project title: Novel optimization algorithms and design of heat exchanger network
Year of Joining: 2017
Year of Complete: 2019
Research/Project title:
Year of Joining: 2015
Year of Complete: 2017
Research/Project title: Yin-Yang-Pair Optimization: Novel lightweight optimization algorithms for single and multi-objective problems
Year of Joining: 2014
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: Multi-Objective Optimization Production Planning in Petrochemical Industries
Year of Joining: 2013
Year of Complete: 2015
Research/Project title: Optimal Scheduling of Production Operations
Year of Joining: 2012
Year of Complete: 2014
Research/Project title: Computational Fluid Dynamics Based Simulations of Ammonia Synthesis in Packed Bed Micro-Reactors
Year of Joining: 2023
Year of Complete: 2024
Research/Project title: Effect of Shear Stress and stiffness of extracellular Matrix on Stem Cell Fate
Year of Joining: 2020
Year of Complete: 2022
Co-Supervisor: Prof Biman B Mandal, BSBE
Current Placement: TVS Motors
Research/Project title: Investigations on the hemodynamics of coronary arteries
Year of Joining: 2019
Year of Complete: 2021
Current Placement: PhD Student at IIT Guwahati
Research/Project title: Synthesis of biodiesel in oscillatory baffled reactor: Comparison of yield and composition
Year of Joining: 2022
Year of Complete: 2022
Co-Supervisor: Dr Raghvendra Gupta
Current Placement: Tripura Government
Research/Project title: Interaction of two spherical particles in laminar flow
Year of Joining: 2022
Current Placement: PhD Student at IISc Bangalore
Research/Project title: Dispersion of Asphaltene in Novel Deep Eutectic Solvents using Quantum Chemical Studies
Year of Joining: 2021
Year of Complete: 2023
Current Placement: Price waterhouse Coopers
Research/Project title: Quantum chemical investigation of choline bicarbonate and carboxylic acid based Deep Eutectic Solvents
Year of Joining: 2021
Year of Complete: 2023
Current Placement: Scientist, Tata Research Development and Design Centre (TRDDC)
Research/Project title: >Title>>
Year of Complete: 2019
Research/Project title: Studies on Photocatalysts Recovery and Flux Behavior by Membrane Separation
Year of Joining: 2017
Year of Complete: 2019
Research/Project title: Development of a Microwave Assisted Bio-inspired Technique of Ag Doping on ZnO using Sechium edule
Year of Joining: 2018
Year of Complete: 2020
Research/Project title: Synthesis of ZnO-NiO Heterojunction for Photocatalytic Degradation of Ciprofloxacin
Year of Joining: 2019
Year of Complete: 2021
Current Placement: Deputy Manager
Current Address: Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited Dibrugarh, Pin:786004
Research/Project title: Green Synthesis of Silver Nanorods for Electrocatalytic Sensing of Chloramphenicol
Year of Joining: 2019
Year of Complete: 2021
Research/Project title: Synthesis of TiO2/UiO-66/GO Ternary Nanocomposite for Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2 to Value-added Chemicals
Year of Joining: 2020
Year of Complete: 2022
Research/Project title: Development of Mg-doped TiO2-based Self-cleaning Coating for Outdoor Applications
Year of Joining: 2021
Year of Complete: 2023
Research/Project title: Fabrication of functionalized composition membrane for removal of CO2 from flue gas
Year of Joining: 2021
Year of Complete: 2023
Research/Project title: Development of miniaturized electrochemical sensor for in-situ formalin detection and determination
Year of Joining: 2022
Year of Complete: 2024
Research/Project title: Development of electrical stimuli self-cleaning membrane of water treatment
Year of Joining: 2022
Year of Complete: 2024