
  • We have 19 nos.of staff

 Technical Officer Grade I

Harsaraj Biswanath

Technical Officer Grade I

Responsibility :

Analytical Lab: Ellipsometer, TGA, DSC, LPSA, HPTGA, Purchase Related: Consumables, AMC

Ritumoni Kalita

Technical Officer Grade I

Responsibility : Analytical Lab: GC2(Bruker), GC-MS, UG Lab: Thermodynamic Lab.

 Technical Officer Grade II

Dr. Lukumoni Borah

Technical Officer Grade II

Responsibility :

Analytical Lab: Uv Vis (Perkin), Uv Vis(Shimadzu), UG Lab: Chemical Reaction Engineering Lab, Solid Fluid Operation Lab

Pankaj Kumar

Technical Officer Grade II

Responsibility : Analytical Lab: BET, Tensiometer, Rheometer, Interfacial Rheometer, Delsa Nano Purchase Related: AMC, Equipment Other Responsibilities: Maintenance of the Analytical Lab, Coordinate to the smooth conduct of CL514 Lab, Handle the external sample analysis queries related to analytical instruments, accommodate the service engineer's visit through Annual maintenance Contract, physical verification of stock and asset in the department, document verification for Ph. D. interviews, supervise the entry register in the analytical lab and any other duties given by HOD Chemical Engineering, time to time.

 Junior Technical Officer

Dipak Kumar Barman

Junior Technical Officer

Responsibility :

Analytical Lab: Spinning Drop Tensiometer, Departmental Equipment Purchase Affairs
UG Lab: Process Control Lab.

 Senior Technical Superintendent

Dr. Kaustavmoni Deka

Senior Technical Superintendent

Responsibility :

Analytical Lab: TOC, Departmental Equipment Purchase Affairs, UG Lab: Heat and Mass Transfer Lab

Jayanta Kumar Mout

Senior Technical Superintendent

Responsibility :

All maters related to Computer Lab (PC Maintanance, Server Maintenance, Software License, Server Implementation, AMC, etc.). Purchase Related Maters (PC's,UPS, UPs Battery, Cartridge, etc.), All matters related to the LAN Network in the Department (Allocation of IPs, Network Security, Network Planning, Network Provisioning, etc.), All matters related to the AC and Power in the Department Labs, Server Rooms (UPS, UPS Battery, Split AC), All matters related to Internet/Intranet web pages of the Department of Chemical Engineering and All matters related to planning, management, etc.

Prasun Kumar Bhattacharjee

Senior Technical Superintendent

Responsibility :

Heat Transfer Lab, AAS operation

 Technical Superintendent

Ariful Hoque

Technical Superintendent

Responsibility :

Computer Lab & Office Automation

Balen Chandra Mahanta

Technical Superintendent

Responsibility :

Hardware related job in other labs as necessary. Lab: Fluid Mechanics Lab

Debajit Borah

Technical Superintendent

Responsibility : XRD, Kerl Fisher, Auto Titrator, Lyophilizer

Pankaj Sekhar Baruah

Technical Superintendent

Responsibility :

Lab: Solid Fluid Operation lab & Fluid Mechanics Lab;  2)Department store maintenance (consumable, contingency, Equipment, Furniture, PDA, Institute project purchase, etc. 3) Department Physical Verification work 4) Inventory numbering 5) To assist Recharge scholar in needs

 Junior Technical Superintendent

Jaysingh Yadav

Junior Technical Superintendent

Responsibility :

Chemical Reaction Engineering Lab, Solid Fluid Operation Lab, HPLC, PIV Lab & Stock Entry

Saiful Alam

Junior Technical Superintendent

Responsibility : Mercury Porosimeter, FTIR, Chemisorb, Polarimeter, Microwave Reactor, Purchase Related: Furniture

 Junior Technician

Jyoti Kumari Mahato

Junior Technician

Responsibility : Fluid mechanics lab & petroleum lab,stock entry, assistance on computer problem (Analytical lab). Analytical lab: Microscope

Wasim Akram

Junior Technician

Responsibility : Lab: Chemical Reaction Engineering and Mechanical Operation Furniture Stock Entry Analytical Lab: HPLC (Shimadzu and Perkin Elmer)

 Junior Superintendent

 Senior Assistant

Chinmayee Pathak

Senior Assistant

Responsibility :

Office work.

 Junior Assistant

Moinuddin Khan

Junior Assistant

Responsibility :

Office work.

 Senior Attendant

Lalit Kr. Mishra

Senior Attendant

Responsibility :

Office work assistance.