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Hostel accommodation for candidates appearing for PhD Interview/ Written Test at Department of Civil Engg.

Candidates List

Hostel accommodation for Ph.D interviews candidates (Civil) w.e.f 27-29 Nov 2024 is as under:
Male 87: Brahmaputra Hostel
Female 20: Disang GW
Please be informed that they need to pay hostel room rent @ 200 per day per pax in advance. (Room rent once paid is not refundable)
Amount Payable
Hostel Affairs Board Account
QR Code 
For applicable days
Account Name: HAB General
A/c No: 332501001160
Bank: ICICI, IIT Guwahati
Hostel Office/ respective Hostel Security Desks shall ensure for payments for room rent before alloting the room to the candidate/visitor. 
(Room rent is exclusive of bedrolls. For this the candidate/visitor has to contact respective hostel stationery shop/other vendors).

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