Specialization: Environmental Hydraulics and Sediment Transport
Areas of Interest:
Bimlesh Kumar
Area of Interest:
*Small scale studies of mixing tanks
*Experimental Studies of Aeration Systems
*Sediment Transport analysis
*Pipeline analysis
*CFD simulation
*Surge analysis
Specialization: Civil Engineering Materials & Construction Management
Areas of Interest:
Bulu Pradhan
Area of Interest:
*Durability studies in concrete
*Corrosion of steel reinforcement and protection measures
*High performance concrete
*Mass transport in cementitious materials
*Non-destructive testing of concrete structures
*Construction management
*Surface and Groundwater Treatment *Domestic and Industrial Wastewater Treatment *Biological Processes *Heavy Metal Removal *Water Treatment and Supply *Wastewater Treatment and Disposal
Water and wastewater treatment by (1) Biological Process using mixed bacterial culture, and (2) Adsorption.
Specific area of research: (1) Sulfate bioreduction to elemental sulfur (2) Biological treatment of sulfate and metal rich low pH industrial wastewater (3) Arsenic removal from drinking water by biological process
* Pavement Design, Construction and Evaluation
* Design and Performance of Recycled Asphalt Pavements
* Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation
* Design and Construction of Rural Roads
* Use of Waste and Marginal Materials in Road Construction
* Sustainable Pavement Construction through Innovative Technologies
* Road Safety Engineering
*Meso-Scale Distributed hydrological modeling
*Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS for Water resources Management
*Computational river hydraulics and its applications
*Watershed and Irrigation Management
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment
Treatment of acid mine drainage
Biodegradation of Industrial Wastewater
Removal of Heavy Metals from Wastewater
*Behavioral studies on unsaturated porous media
*Characterization of geo-materials (soils and rocks)
*Thermal characteristics of geo-materials
*Contaminant transport and retention studies
*Waste containment studies
Specialization: Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Areas of Interest:
Anil Kumar Mishra
Area of Interest:
Chemical compatibility studies of soil-bentonite mixtures; Waste (municipal, industrial and hazardous) management and disposal; Unsaturated soil mechanics; On the use of municipal, industrial and mining waste for Civil Engineering application; Swelling-shrinkage behaviour of expansive soil; Environmental impact on soil behaviour
*Behavior of unsaturated soils during infiltration & drainage
*Settlement behavior of ultra-soft soils and mine tailings
*Contaminant transport through landfill liners
*Mineralogical aspects of clays
*Inverse analysis of geotechnical & geoenvironmental engineering problems
*Analysis and Design of Pavement Structures
*Pavement Material Characterization
*Pavement Construction and Recycling
*Pavement Management Systems
*Pavement Evaluation using NDT
*Forensic Investigations of Pavement Failures
* Remote Sensing for Planetary Exploration
* Petrophysical Modelling for Petroleum Exploration
* Thermal IR Emission and Reflectance Spectroscopy
* Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Mineral Exploration
* Remote Sensing and GIS for Hydrogeological studies
Specialization: Civil Engineering Materials & Construction Management
Areas of Interest:
Indu Siva Ranjani G
Area of Interest:
*Light weight concrete (Foam concrete) *Durability related studies on concrete *Shrinkage behaviour and thermal performance of concrete *Sustainable materials in construction *Lean concepts of construction *Construction management
Specialization: Earth System Science and Engineering
Areas of Interest:
Rishikesh Bharti
Area of Interest:
Snow and Glacier Studies (Dynamics and Mass Balance), Micro-Climate Modeling, Tectonic Geomorphology, Landslide Susceptibility, Ocean-Atmospheric Interactions, Liquefaction Potential Evaluation, and Subsurface Investigation using Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) are my primary research areas.
*Geosynthetic Reinforced Foundation Beds
*Geotechnical Lumped Parameter and Continuum Mechanics Modeling
*Parameter Estimation of Geotechnical Models
*Optimization, GA, ANN and Soft Computing in Geotechnical Engineering
*Ground Modification and Improvement Practices
*Soil-Structure-Foundation Interaction
*Reinforced Soil Structures
*Landslides and Slope Stability Analysis
*Seismic and Ambient Health Monitoring of Geotechnical Structures
*Reliability and Uncertainty Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering
*Forensic Investigation in Geotechnical Engineering
*Subsurface Profiling and Soil Investigation
*Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
* Seismic evaluation & Retrofitting of structures. * Supplemental damping & Energy dissipating devices. * Performance-based seismic design of structures. * Fiber-reinforced concrete. * Large scale testing of structures using Quasi-static, Pseudo-dynamic, and Hybrid simulation methods. * Numerical modeling of reinforced concrete and steel structures
Specialization: Construction Technology and Management
Areas of Interest:
Santu Kar
Area of Interest:
*Construction Project Management *Material Management *ICT and Automation in Construction *Decision Support System *Advanced Statistical Techniques and Optimization in Construction Management *Building Information Modelling *Sustainable Construction *Risk Management *Green Building *Construction Productivity
Impact Geomechanics - Geomaterials (soils-rocks) under high strain rate and high-pressure loading; Rock Mechanics - Dynamic fracture and fragmentation in rocks Shock attenuation and compression phenomena in granular and porous materials Blast resistance and mitigation strategies Protective structures against natural geohazard
Specialization: Construction Management,Infrastructure Financing and Management
Areas of Interest:
Sparsh Johari
Area of Interest:
Construction Project Management, Workforce Management, Capacity Building, Skill Development Training, Construction Productivity, Project Performance, Risk Management, Construction Quality, Safety, and health