Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Guwahati
The specialization offers Ph.D and two-years programmeme of M.Tech. in Earth System Science and Engineering.
Admission Requirements (M.Tech):
Four year Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering/Petroleum Engineering/Mining Engineering/Mineral Engineering/Geosciences Engineering/Agriculture Engineering/Engineering Physics (or equivalent) /Engineering Mathematics (or equivalent) with a minimum CPI of 6.5 or 60% of marks or first class or M.Sc. degree in Geology (or equivalent)/Geophysics (or equivalent)/Physics/Soil Physics with a minimum of 6.5 or 60% of marks or first class or M.Sc. degree in Mathematics/Chemistry and allied areas in natural sciences with a minimum CPI of 7.0 or 65% marks or first class, and a valid GATE score in ‘CE’ or ‘GG’ or ‘PE’ or ‘MN’ or ‘PH’ or ‘CY’ or ‘MA’ or ‘AG’.