Water Resources Engineering and Management Laboratory

Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Guwahati

Water Resources Engineering and Management Division of the Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Guwahati is one of the leading research group on water resources related activity of the region. Institute being located in the heart of large river system like Brahmaputra, one of the major focuses of research is on developing and managing such vast hydrological system sustainably for the benefit of human and all other life forms. As a river system is to be studied with both its surface and sub-surface components, proper emphasis is given to both by the leading researchers of this group. Besides the individual research, the members of this group have also come up with a vision for the next few years and the mission to achieve them.


  • Solving water related problem of a river basin with holistic approach through judicious combination of structural and non-structural measures.
  • Integrate climate change impact and other emerging issues into the water resource development and management paradigm and explore new technologies accordingly.
  • Providing affordable and people friendly solutions to the water related problems.
  • Integrating traditional water management practices to modern approaches.
  • Seeking specific solutions for sustainable development of water resources of the North East, considering the complexities of water related problems and vast availability of this resource in the region.
  • To estimate accurately the various hydro-geological parameters associated with the Brahmaputra basin in both spatial and temporal domains and to determine the time dependent groundwater potential of the basin.
  • To couple the surface and sub-surface water components of the basin in order to arrive at a realistic estimate of the water potential of the region.
  • Impacts of change in forest cover, biota etc. on the regions’ water resources.
  • To study the effects of oil and petroleum products on surface and subsurface system of this hydrocarbon rich region.
  • Make water resources group (of IITG) a vehicle of knowledge transfer in the field of water resources development and management.

Research Areas

  • Artificial Neural Networks
  • CFD Simulation
  • Computational river hydraulics and its applications
  • Engineering Geology
  • Environmental Geo-informatics
  • Environmental Impact, Risk Assessment and Management
  • Experimental Studies of Aeration Systems
  • Flow and transport through porous media
  • Flow through porous media
  • Genetic Algorithms
  • GIS based Watershed Modeling
  • Heap leaching
  • Heuristic Method in Reservoir Optimization
  • Hydro-climatology and Statistical Downscaling
  • Hydrology
  • Infiltration and artificial recharge
  • Irrigation Management and Crop Modeling Applications
  • Meso-Scale Distributed hydrological modeling
  • Modeling & simulation in Free Surface Flow
  • Modeling and Control of Open Channel Flows
  • Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Machine Learning Models and Data Mining
  • Numerical modeling
  • Pipeline analysis
  • River Mechanics
  • Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS for Water resources Management
  • Sediment Dynamics in Fluvial Systems
  • Small scale studies of mixing tanks
  • Stochastic Hydrology
  • Stochastic Hydrology and Distributed Hydrological Modeling
  • Surge analysis
  • Urban Flood Modeling
  • Water Quality
  • Water Resources System Management
  • Watershed and Irrigation Management