
Course Code: CS575
Course Name: User-Centric Mobile Computing
Prerequisites: NIL
Syllabus: Preamble: Recent surge in the access to mobile devices for computing and communication purposes along with a rapid increase in the use of multimedia content has shifted the focus of computing and communication paradigms. From the current host-centric approach, the next generation devices and networking technologies are likely to see a shift towards user-centric approach. Due to the increase in interactive applications on mobile devices, there is also stress on designing and optimizing applications for better user experience.
This course will be focused on discussing some fundamental contributions made to the field of user-centric computing particularly for mobile devices. This course would also discuss recent advances in the areas of smartphone sensing and applications, user-centric networking, and the role of mobile computing devices in applications for the benefit of humankind.
This course will cover the following topics: fundamental paradigms in user centric computing; Modeling and measurement of mobile user experience; user centric application design approach with case studies; user-centric communication platforms and protocols; energy efficiency issues; and mobile sensing applications (such as gesture recognition, intelligent transportation, crowd-sourcing applications and Internet of Things).
References: 1. Selected research papers which will be made available to the students by the instructor.
2. Zheng, P and Ni, L., Smartphone and Next Generation Mobile Computing. Morgan Kauffman, 1st edition, 2006