
Cosultancy Research Projects


Research Project DetailsStart Year
Research Project DetailsStart Year
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Project Title: Interaction with insideview
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Dr. Vijaya Saradhi
Funding Agency: Insideview Hyderabad
Start Year: 2014-2015
Project Title: Real-time monitoring and supportive supervision of VHND and RI using mobile technology
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. P. K. Das, Prof. Shivashankar B. Nair
Funding Agency: UNICEF
Start Year: 2014
End Year: 2015
Project Title: Integrated Modern Software System
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Start Year: 2013-2014
Project Title: IT Consultant of NIT, Silchar.
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. S. Nandi
Funding Agency: National Institute of Technology, Silchar. Assam
Start Year: 2012-2013
Project Title: Modernization of Land Revenue Administration
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: Dept. of Revenue and Disaster Management , Govt. of Assam
Start Year: 2012-2012
Project Title: Consultancy service for procurement of computers, printers and UPS for the third phase of the Mission and for development of multimedia content in science, Mathematics and English
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Baru
Funding Agency: Axom Sarba Siksha Abhijan Mission, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, Assam, Kahilipara, Guwahati- 781019.
Start Year: 2010-2011
Project Title: Development of Framework for Logging and Analysis of Network Traffic to Secure IT infrastructur
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Dr. S. Biswas
Co-PI: Prof. S. Nandi
Funding Agency: Gauhati University, Manipur University and Assam University
Start Year: 2009-2010
Project Title: Inspection of materials for CLR Project
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Diganta Goswami
Funding Agency: Aedc Ltd., Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidan, Guwahati-781021, Assam
Start Year: 2009-2010
Project Title: Asian ERP System Selection
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: Asian Reinsurance Corporation, Thailand
Start Year: 2009-2010
Project Title: Establishing Campus wide network and servers for Cotton College
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. S. Nandi
Funding Agency: Cotton College, Guwahati
Start Year: 2008-2009
Project Title: ERP Based Software for NEEPCO
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: NEEPCO, Shillong
Start Year: 2008-2009
Project Title: Pre ERP Consultancy for GRIDCO & OPTCL
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Co-PI: Prof. S. Nandi
Funding Agency: Orissa, Power Transmission Corporation Ltd, Bhubaneswar
Start Year: 2006-2007
Project Title: Evaluation of the E-Governance Project, Sanwad, of District Administration Sivasagar
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Diganta Goswami
Co-PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: Deputy Commission's Office, Sivasaga
Start Year: 2006-2007
Project Title: Drishti Advisory Board
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: Drishti Soft Solution Pvt. Ltd, Gurgaon
Start Year: 2006-2007
Project Title: Consultancy Service to Axom Sarba Siksha Abhijan Mission
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: Axom Sarba Siksha Abhijan Mission, Guwahati
Start Year: 2006-2007
Project Title: Establishing Campus Network, servers and course curriculum development of computer courses for Standard II – Standard X
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. S. Nandi
Funding Agency: Faculty Higher Secondary School, North-Guwahati, Guwahati
Start Year: 2005-2007
Project Title: Preparation of IT Road Map for North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Ltd.
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: NEEPCO, Shillong.
Start Year: 2005-2006
Project Title: Financial Management Information System
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: Finance Department, Govt. of Assam
Start Year: 2005-2006
Project Title: Consultancy for all IT matters to the Govt. of Assam
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: Govt. of Assam, Dept. of IT
Start Year: 2005-2006
Project Title: Specifications for Digital Trunking for Assam Police Guwahati and Jorhat.
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Dr. S. Chattopadhyay
Co-PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: Assam Police Headquarter
Start Year: 2003-2004
Project Title: IT Implementation for Assam Police
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: Addl. Director General of Police
Start Year: 2003-2004
Project Title: Formulation and implementation of organization wide software architect
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: General Insurance Corporation of India, Mumbai
Start Year: 2003-2004
Project Title: IT Implementation of Assam Police
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: Addl. Director General of Police, C.I.D. Assam, Ulubari, Guwahati.
Start Year: 2003-2004
Project Title: Work Order for appointment as Technical Experts
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. S. Nandi
Funding Agency: Assam Petrochemicals Ltd, Assam
Start Year: 2003-2004
Project Title: Integrated Software development for their factory
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. S. Nandi
Funding Agency: Assam Petrochemicals Limited
Start Year: 2003-2004
Project Title: Computerisation of Services
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: Assam Tourism Development Corporation, Guwahati
Start Year: 2002-2003
Project Title: Networking and other e-solution in DPS Guwahati
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: Delhi Public School Guwahati
Start Year: 2002-2003
Project Title: Multimedia Content for School in Assam
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: Axom Sarba Siksha Abhijan Mission, Guwahati
Start Year: 2002-2003
Project Title: Total computerization of their head office
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Co-PI: Prof. S. Nandi
Funding Agency: General Insurance Corporation, Mumbai
Start Year: 2001-2002
Project Title: Information Technology at Assam Valley School
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: Assam Valley School, Four Mangoe Lane, S.M. Ghosh ,Sarani, Calcutta - 1
Start Year: 2001-2002
Project Title: Consultancy to Usha Comm India Ltd.
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: M/s Usha Comm India Ltd., Kolkata-17
Start Year: 2001-2002
Project Title: Treasury Computerisation
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: Director of Accounts and Treasuries, Assam, Housefed Complex, Dispur
Start Year: 2001-2002
Project Title: Computerisation of the Finance (Taxation) Department
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: Commissioner of Taxes, Govt. of Assam
Start Year: 2001-2002
Project Title: Implementation of QoS features in ns-2 simulator
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. S. Nandi
Co-PI: Amarjit Singh, Gagan Mittal
Funding Agency: Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Start Year: 2001-2002
Project Title: Establishment of an on-line auction system at Guwahati Tea Auction Cen
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: Guwahati Tea Auction Centre
Start Year: 2000-2001
Project Title: Computerised system of revenue billing
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: ASEB, Guwahati.
Start Year: 2000-2001
Project Title: Process of Implementation of Computerisation in Bank
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: The Assam Co-operative Apex Bank Ltd.
Start Year: 1999-2000
Project Title: Internet Connection Requirements at the Proposed Software Parkof NEDFi
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd.
Start Year: 1999-2000
Project Title: ICT-based framework to enhance the teaching and learning experience in a large classroom
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: NEEPCO Ltd.
Start Year: 1999-2000
Project Title: SBI Consultancy
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. Gautam Barua
Funding Agency: State Bank of India, Local Head Office
Start Year: 1996-1997
Project Title: Seamless Health Monitoring and Analysis of Soldier using Machine Learning Approach
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Tanuja Das
Co-PI: R.D. Baruah
Funding Agency: All India Council for Technical Education
Start Year: 2019
End Year: 2020
Project Title: Addressing the Bottlenecks of Peer Review Systems for Authors, Editors, and Reviewers
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Dr. Ashish Anand
Co-PI: Dr. Amit Awekar
Funding Agency: DigiScape Tech Solutions Ltd. (Subsidiary company of Thomson Press (India) Ltd.)
Start Year: 2019
End Year: 2020
Project Title: Enhancing Quality of Care and Treatment of Children Living with HIV through off-the-grid Telemedicine in North-East India
Project Type: Consultancy
PI: Prof. P K Das
Funding Agency: UNICEF-India
Start Year: 2014
End Year: 2015