![]() | Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IIT Guwahati |
Ph.D. (Regular / Non-Regular)
Apply for Ph.D. in CSE
(Through Main Admission Portal)
Details About Admission Process
Date of Wtitten Test & Interview: 2nd & 3rd Dec., 2024
For any queries related to PhD (Regular/Non-regular) contact: cseadmissions @ iitg.ac.in
Important Note
Admission Process
Result will be displayed in the website of Academic Section, IIT Guwahati, after approval.
Shortlisting Criteria
Syllabus for Written Test
Model Question Paper for PhD Test is available here.
Propositional and First order logic. Sets, relations, functions, partial orders. Graphs: connectivity, matching, coloring. Combinatorics: counting, recurrence relations, generating functions. Matrices, determinants, system of linear equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Random variables. Uniform, normal, exponential, Poisson and binomial distributions. Mean, median, mode, and standard deviation. Conditional probability and Bayes theorem.
Programming in C. Recursion.
Arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, binary search trees, binary heaps, graphs.
Algorithms: Searching, sorting, hashing. Asymptotic worst-case time and space complexity. Algorithm design techniques: greedy, dynamic programming and divide-and-conquer. Graph traversals, minimum spanning trees, shortest paths
Boolean algebra. Combinational and sequential circuits. Number representations, fixed and floating point computer arithmetic. Machine instructions and addressing modes. Instruction pipelining, pipeline hazards. Memory hierarchy: cache, main memory and secondary storage; I/O interface, interrupts and DMA.
Operating Systems: processes, threads, inter-process communication, concurrency and synchronization. Deadlocks, CPU scheduling. Memory management and virtual memory.
Computer Networks: OSI and TCP/IP reference model, basics of packet and circuit switching; medium access control, flow control and routing protocols, IP addressing, UDP, TCP, sockets.
The benefit of joining Ph.D. CSE @ IIT Guwahati
The benefit of joining Ph.D. CSE @ IIT Guwahati are
List of Ph.D. alumni and their placement detail are available at http://www.iitg.ac.in/cse/researchscholarscompleted
Detail about Ph.D. program CSE @IIT Guwahati available http://www.iitg.ac.in/cse/phdcse