
---Recognitions / Awards---
IDNameDetails of Recognitions / AwardsYear
IDNameDetails of Recognitions / AwardsYear
1IEEE India Council Vice-ChairIEEE India Council Vice-Chair2022
2Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence AssociationFellow of AAIA2022
3Bhyravarapu SriramSERB - ACS Online Research Poster Competition 2022 awardee2022
4Bhyravarapu SriramSERB - International Travel Scheme (ITS) awardee 20222022
5Bhyravarapu SriramSERB - National Post Doctoral Fellowship (NPDF)2022
6Qualcomm Faculty Award 2021Qualcomm Faculty Award 20212021
7John Jose2021 Qualcomm Faculty Award2021
8Paper co-authored by my student Divya KulkarniBest Student Paper Award, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 20212021
9Rashmi Dutta BaruahMarie Curie (CONEX-Plus) Fellowship at University Carlos III of Madrid2021
10Bhyravarapu SriramResearch Excellence Award - IIT Hyderabad2021
11Bhyravarapu SriramBest Poster Presentation Award - IIT Hyderabad2021
12Pradeep Kumar Bhale, Sukanta Dey, Santosh Biswas, Sukumar Nandithe Youth Scientist Award at 20th International Conference on Innovations for Community Services (I4CS 2020) for the paper "Energy Efficient Approach to Detect Sinkhole Attack using Roving IDS in 6LoWPAN Network"2020
13Hemangee K. KapoorAssociate Editor of Journal of Systems Architecture, Elsevier2020
14Hemangee K. KapoorVice President, ACM India Council2020
15Bhyravarapu SriramBest Student Paper Award - WG 20202020
16Pranav Kumar Singh, Roshan Singh, Sunit Kumar Nandi, Sukumar Nandi2nd best paper Award in the 19th International Conference on Innovations for Community Services (I4CS 2019)2019
17Hemangee K. KapoorMember of the Steering Committee of IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing2019
18T. VenkateshSenior Member IEEE2018
19Mousum Handique, Santosh Biswas, Jatindra Kumar DekaBest Paper Award, IEEE TENCON 2017, Penang, Malaysia2017
20Midhul Varma, H. Yarnagula and T. VenkateshBest Poster Award at COMSNETS 20172017
21Purandar BhaduriACM members with 10+ years of professional experience and 5+ years of Professional Membership and demonstrated performance 2017
22Purandar Bhaduri10+ years of professional practice and significant contributions2017
23Sukumar NandiFellow, Indian National Academy of Engineering2016
24Hema Kumar Yarnagula and T. VenkateshBest Paper Award at IEEE ANTS 20162016
25Biswajit Bhowmik, Santosh Biswas, Jatindra Kumar DekaBest Paper Award, IEEE TENCON 2015, Macau, China2015
26S Chakraborty, S NandiBest paper award in the 16th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking 20152015
27R Pamula, J K Deka, S NandiBest paper award in the second international conference on business and information management2014
28Dr Sandip ChakrabortyIndian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) Innovative Student Projects Award - 2014 (Doctoral Level) for his Ph D thesis work on "Capacity Enhancement, QoS and Rate Adaptation in IEEE 802.11s: A Performance Improvement Perspective" under the guidence ofProf S Nandi2014
29Dr Sandip ChakrabortyReceived Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) Innovative Student Projects Award - 2014 (Doctoral Level) for his Ph D thesis work on "Capacity Enhancement, QoS and Rate Adaptation in IEEE 802.11s: A Performance Improvement Perspective" under the guidance of Prof S Nandi2014
30Hemangee K. KapoorSenior Member ACM2014
31Hemangee K. KapoorSenior Member of the IEEE2013
32Chandan KarfaTechInventor Award 2013, India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA)2013
33Chandan KarfaInnovative Student Projects Award 2013 (Doctoral Level), Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE)2013
34Chandan KarfaBest Paper Award, 5th IBM Collaborative Academia Research Exchange 20132013
35S Chakraborty, S Nandi, S ChattopadhyayBest paper award in the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems (IEEE ANTS 2013)2013
36R Pamula, J K Deka, S NandiBest paper award in the second international conference on Recent advances in Engineering and Technology2013
37Purandar BhaduriVisitor to the Institute for Real-Time Computer Systems, Technical University of Munich, June 2012 as part of the Selected as part of the DAAD-IIT Exchange of Senior Scientists Programme.2012
38Purandar BhaduriGuest Researcher, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany in the trans-regional collaborative research centre AVACS, July 2012.2012
39F A Barbhuiya, C Patanaik, S NandiBest poster award in the First International Conference on Security of Internet of Things 20122012
40Arijit SurAward under Microsoft Outstanding Young Faculty Programme Sept. 2010 to August' 20112011
41T. VenkateshBest Paper Award at IEEE ICON 20112011
42Sanasam Ranbir SinghMicrosoft Outstanding Young Faculty Award for one year from August 20112011
43Amit AwekarIITG Microsoft Outstanding Young Faculty Award for one year from August 20112011
44F. A. Barbhuiya, S. Dastidar, S. Mandal, S. NandiBest paper award in the International conference on soft computing for problem solving 20112011
45T. VenkateshMicrosoft Outstanding Young Faculty Award for one year from August 20102010
46Samit BhattacharyaMicrosoft Outstanding Young Faculty Award - 2010-20112010
47Chandan Karfa2nd Runner-up TechVista 2010, Microsoft Research India annual research symposium2010
48Purandar BhaduriGuest Researcher, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany in the trans-regional collaborative research centre AVACS, July 2010.2010
49Chandan KarfaWinner of EDA software contest, 22nd international conference on VLSI design and embedded systems 20092009
50Purandar BhaduriGuest Researcher, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany in the trans-regional collaborative research centre AVACS, May-June 2009.2009
51Sukumar NandiSenior Member ACM2009
52Sukumar NandiFellow, Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India)2009
53Shivashankar B. NairAwarded Korean Brain Pool Professorship by the S. Korean Federation of Science & Technology for research in Emotional Robotics2008
54Santosh BiswasRecipient of Microsoft Outstanding Young Faculty Program 2008-092008
55Chandan KarfaMicrosoft Research India PhD Fellowship 2008-2012, Microsoft Research India2008
56Chandan KarfaInnovative Student Projects Award 2008 (Master Level), Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE)2008
57Nityananda Sarma, Sukumar NandiIETE K S Krishna Memorial Award2008
58Chandan KarfaBest Paper Award, ADCOM 20072007
59Sukumar NandiFellow, Institution of Engineers (India)2007
60Marchang Jims, Nityananda Sarma, Sukumar NandiBest Paper award in the 15th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications 20072007
61Giriraj Chauhan, Sukumar NandiBest paper award in the the International Conference on Embedded Systems, Mobile Communication and Computing 20072007
62Jatindra Kumar DekaINRIA Lorraine, LORIA, Nancy, France; Short Visit, Post Doctoral Fellowship, May-July 20042004
63Abhijeet Kumar and Nishit Tewarisecured second position in Intel India Student Research Contest 2003-04 for their B Tech project work on "End2End QoS in Multi-hop Wireless Ad hoc Networks" under the Guidance of Prof S Nandi2004
64G. SajithMax Planck Institute fuer Informatik Short Visit Postdoctoral Fellowship, 20012001
65Sukumar NandiSenior Member IEEE2001