PI: Prof. Sukumar Nandi
Prof. Rajib Kumar Bhattacharya, Dr. Samit Bhattacharya
Cultural Heritage (CH) is an identity of any group (community or tribe). It provides a sense of bindings and belongingness amongst a group and allows them to have a better understanding of their previous generations and traditional evolutionary history. Cultural Heritage also promotes tourism and acts as a means of cultural exchange between groups. However, traditional preservation methods (museum, live tour with written description) of CH have failed to attract individuals, especially the younger generation. Moreover, restricted access to real-world heritage inhibits users' complete understanding of it. These lead to a lack of proper appreciation of CH amongst observers. These motivated researchers to digitize the Cultural Heritage to preserve them as well as to attract individuals. The digitization of CH can be achieved using archiving technologies and immersive technologies (Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)). The users can get the sense of being immersed in the CH environment with informative content using immersive technologies. In a VR based CH system, the user should feel like being at a site without being physically present there. In order to generate that feeling, the virtual environment should be as realistic as possible. The user should also be able to navigate through the environment naturally. Allowing the user to interact with the virtual content would enhance the user�s sense of belongingness to the environment. The expectations and capabilities vary from user to user, which necessitates the VR based system to be personalized tailored to individual needs. In an AR assisted CH system, the information presented to the user should be easily perceivable. Moreover, it should not hamper the real-world experience of the user. In order to augment the virtual content in a real environment, there should be a fine-tuned blending of virtual and real environments. The user should also be able to interact with those virtual contents naturally, which enhances the user experience. Like VR systems AR systems also necessitates personalization with the user needs. We have considered three types of users, viz. Live Tour Users, Virtual Tour Users and Mobile Tour Users. Live Tour users being present in-situ, experience CH using smart-glass. Multimedia information is overlaid in the real-life view of the users. Virtual Tour users experience the CH remotely using Head Mounted Display (HMD). The Mobile Tour users, on the other hand, use their handheld mobile devices (smartphones, tablets) to get detailed information about any CH entity. Our main focus is to make our CH system to give a user the experience of sensing realism and allow the users to interact with the virtual world using controllers or without using controllers (body gestures).
Project staffs
- Dhrubajyoti Borah (Current)
Dhrubajyoti Sharma (Current)
Shoubhik Purkayastha