Text Box: Sikdar Nanophotonics and Metamaterial Research Group
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International/National Patents

1. Debabrata Sikdar, Wenlong Cheng, and Malin Premaratne, Optical nanoantennas, WIPO (PCT) Patent No: WO2016154657A1, Published on Oct 6, 2016. [Online]

2. Ashish Kumar Chowdhary and Debabrata Sikdar, A Passive Radiative Cooler System, Indian Patent, App. No.: 202231043104 (Filed on 27-07-2022).

3. Tanmay Bhowmik, Ashish Kumar Chowdhary, and Debabrata Sikdar, Frequency-scalable Polarization-insensitive Dual-mode Electro-Optic modulators, Indian Patent, App. No.: 202231066529 (Filed on 19-11-2022).

4. Debabrata Sikdar, Alexei Kornyshev, Joshua Edel, and John B Pendry, Enhanced Light Extraction from Light Emitting Diodes Utilizing a Nanoparticle Meta-Grid, US Patent, Application No. 17/861441 (Published on 2023-01-19). [Online]

5. Jegyasu Gupta, Dr. Priyanka Das, Prof. Ratnajit Bhattacharjee, and Debabrata Sikdar, A Magnetic Metamaterial Add-on for Improving the Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Indian Patent, Application No.: 202311037880 (Published on 2023-07-14). [Online]

6. Jegyasu Gupta, Dr. Priyanka Das, Prof. Ratnajit Bhattacharjee, and Debabrata Sikdar, A Metasurface-inspired Flexible Structure for Boosting the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) in 1.5TMRI Scans, Indian Patent, Application No.: 202311058391 (Published on 2023-12-21). [Online]


Book Chapter

[1]. V. Arjun, D. Sikdar, V.K. Chaubey, High Speed Resonant Tunneling Diode Based on GaN & GaAs: A Modelling & Simulation ApproachNano technology 2008: Materials, Fabrication, Particles, and Characterization, Nanoscience & Technology Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA, CRC Press, 2008, Vol. 1 Chap. 2, pp. 258-265 (2008). [Online]




Journal Publications

[83] Gupta, J., Bhattacharjee, R., Kanagaraj, S., & Sikdar, D., Improving Signal-to-Noise Ratio of 1.5T MRI Scans using High-Q Resonators based on Coupled Octa-spirals, Advanced Theory and Simulations, 2024 [Online] [Q1 IF: 2.9 (2024)]

[82] Zhang, H., Zhang, H., Sikdar, D., Liu, X., Yang, Z., Cheng, W., & Chen, Y., Jellyfish-like Gold Nanowires as FlexoSERS Sensors for Sweat Analysis, Nano Letters, 24 (36), 11269-11278, 2024 [Online] [Q1 IF: 9.6 (2024)]

[81] Bhowmik, T., Chakraborty, B., & Sikdar, D., All-Optical High-Contrast Femtosecond Switching using Nonlinearity from Epsilon-Near-Zero effect in Plasmonic Metamaterials. Optics Letters, vol. 49, pp 2397-2400, 2024 [Q1 IF: 3.1 (2024)]

[80] Bhowmik, B. K., Bhowmik, T., Pandey, P. K., Raju, M. S., Sikdar, D., & Kumar, G., All-dielectric asymmetric planar metasurface based dual-parametric sensor. Optics Communications, 550, 129880, 2024 [Online] [Q2 IF: 2.2 (2024)]

[79] Pisharody, G. R., Sahoo, P., Rao, D. S., Matte, H. R., Sikdar, D., & Prasad, S. K., IR regulation through preferential placement of h-BN nanosheets in a polymer network liquid crystal, Materials Horizons, vol. 11, pp 554-565, 2023 [Online] [Q1 IF: 11.49 (2023)]

[78] Bhowmik, B. K., Bhowmik, T., Pandey, P. K., Raju, M. S., Sikdar, D., & Kumar, G., All-dielectric metasurface based ultranarrow bandpass filter in optical C-band, Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, vol. 40, pp 1311-1318, 2023 [Online] [Q2 IF: 1.8 (2023)]

[77] Gupta, J., Das, P., Bhattacharjee, R., & Sikdar, D., Resonating sub-wavelength metallic wires based pads for boosting signal-to-noise ratio of birdcage head coils at 1.5T MRI, Results in Physics, 53, 106972, 2023 [Online] [Q2 IF: 5.3 (2023)]

[77] Gupta, J., Das, P., Bhattacharjee, R., & Sikdar, D., Enhancing signal-to-noise ratio of clinical 1.5T MRI using metasurface-inspired flexible wrapsApplied Physics A, 129, 725, 2023 [Online] [Q2 IF: 2.5 (2023)]

[75] Das, P., Gupta, J., Sikdar, D., & Bhattacharjee, R., A smart metasurface for scanning deep brain tissues at 1.5T MRI, Current Applied Physics, vol. 53, pp 172-180, 2023. [Online] [Q2 IF: 2.4 (2023)]

[74] Bhowmik, T., Gupta, J., & Sikdar, D., Electro-tunable metasurface for tri-state dynamic polarization switching at near-infrared wavelengths, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 35 p. 395701, 2023. [Online] [Selected in Emerging Leaders 2023 in the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter] [Q2 IF: 2.3 (2023)]

[73] Das, P., Gupta, J., Sikdar, D., & Bhattacharjee, R., A non-linear triangular split-ring based metaresonator for targeted scanning at 1.5T MRI, Physica Scripta, vol. 98, p. 065004, 2023. [Online] [Q2 IF: 2.6 (2023)]

[72] Bhowmik, T., Chowdhary, A. K., & Sikdar, D., Polarization-and Angle-insensitive Tunable Metasurface for Electro-Optic Modulation, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 35, no. 16, pp. 879-882, Aug.15, 2023. [Online] [Q1 IF: 2.3 (2023)]

[71] Das, P., Gupta, J., Sikdar, D., & Bhattacharjee, R., Aperture-patch sandwich metasurface for magnetic field enhancement in 1.5 T MRI, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 100, pp 1-9, 2023. [Online] [Q2 IF: 2.1 (2023)]

[70] Bhowmik, T., Bhowmik, B. K., Pandey, P. K., Kumar, G., & Sikdar, D., Dual-band electro-optic modulator based on tunable broadband metamaterial absorber, Optics & Laser Technology, vol. 161, 2023. [Online] [Q1 IF: 4.6 (2023)]

[69] Shi, Q., Dong, D., Gervinskas, G., Lin, H., Sikdar, D., Jia, B., Walia, S., Sriram, S., Bhaskaran, M., Yap, L.W. and Cheng, W., 2023, Soft Plasmene Helical Nanostructures, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2201866, Jan. 2023 [Online]. [Q1 IF: 6.4 (2023)]

[68] Das, P., Gupta, J., Sikdar, D., and Bhattacharjee, R., Modeling of a thin metallo-dielectric stacked metamaterial for magnetic field enhancement in clinical MRI, Journal of Applied Physics, 132, 114901, 2022. [Online] [Q2 IF: 2.7 (2022)]

[67] Bhowmik, T., & Sikdar, D., Electrically-tunable metasurface for dual-band spatial light modulation using epsilon-near-zero effect, Optics Letters, 4993-4996, 2022 [Online] [Q1 IF: 3.1 (2022)]

[66] Dhriti, K. M., Chowdhary, A. K., Chouhan, B. S., Sikdar, D., & Kumar, G., Tunable terahertz absorption modulation in graphene nanoribbon-assisted dielectric metamaterial, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 55, p. 285101, 2022. [Online] [Q2 IF: 3.1 (2022)]

[65] Chowdhary, A. K., Bhowmik, T., & Sikdar, D., Infrared-blocking Plasmonic Meta-glasses for Energy-saving Passive Windows, Optics Letters, 47, 2242-2245, 2022. [Online] [Q1 IF: 3.1 (2022)]

[64] Bhowmik, T., Chowdhary, A. K., & Sikdar, D., Grating-assisted Polarization-insensitive Dual-Mode Spatial Light Modulator Design using Epsilon-Near-Zero Material, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 1-8, 2022. [Online] [Q1 IF: 2.2 (2022)]

[63] Chowdhary, A. K., Reddy, V. A., & Sikdar, D., Nanophotonics-Enabled High-Efficiency Selective Solar Absorbers for Waste Heat ManagementIEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 21, pp. 131-136, 2022. [Online] [Q2 IF: 2.1 (2022)]

[62] Zhang, H., Wang, R., Sikdar, D., Wu, L., Sun, J., Gu, N., & Chen, Y., Plasmonic Superlattice Membranes Based on Bimetallic Nano-Sea Urchins as High-Performance Label-Free Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Platforms, ACS Sensors, vol. 7, issue 2, pp 622-631, 2022. [Online] [Q1 IF: 8.2 (2022)]

[61] Bhowmik, T., & Sikdar, D., Parallel Directional Coupler based Dual-Polarization Electro-Absorption Modulator using Epsilon Near-Zero Material, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 55, no. 13, p. 135107, 2022. [Online] [Q1 IF: 3.1 (2022)]

[60] Shi, Q., Fu, R., Sikdar, D., Perera, T., Chesman, A.S., Yong, Z., Lu, Y., Liu, Y., Guo, Z., Gong, S. and Premaratne, M., Two-Dimensional Nanoassemblies from Plasmonic Matryoshka Nanoframes, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 125, issue 50, pp 27753-27762, 2021.[Online] [Q1 IF: 3.7 (2021)]

[59] Chowdhary, A. K., & Sikdar, D., Multilayer thin-film based nanophotonic windows: static versus electrotunable design, Journal of Optics, vol. 24, no. 2, p. 024002, 2021. [Online] [Q1 IF: 2.0 (2021)]

[58] Chen, Y., Yin, H., Sikdar, D., Yan, L., Zhou, Z., Sun, J., & Wang, C., Gold Nanopolyhedron-Based Superlattice Sheets as Flexible Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Sensors for Detection of 4Aminothiophenol, ACS Appl. Nano Mater, vol. 4, issue 11, 2021. [Online] [Q1 IF: 5.4 (2021)]

[57] Chowdhary, A. K., Reddy, V. A., & Sikdar, D., Selective Thermal Emitters for High-performance All-day Radiative Cooling, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 55, p. 085504, 2021. [Online] [Q1 IF: 3.3 (2021)]

[56] Shi, Q., Yong, Z., Uddin, M.H., Fu, R., Sikdar, D., Yap, L.W., Fan, B., Liu, Y., Dong, D. and Cheng, W., Cell Sheet-like Soft Nanoreactor Arrays, Advanced Materials, 2105630, 2021. [Online] [Q1 IF: 29.4 (2021)]

[55] Chowdhary, A. K., & Sikdar, D., Design of electrotunable all-weather smart windows, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, vol. 222, pp. 110921, 2021. [Online] [Q1 IF: 7.3 (2021)]

[54] Chowdhary, A. K., Bhowmik, T., Gupta, J., & Sikdar, D., Energy-saving all-weather window based on selective filtering of solar spectral radiation, Appl. Opt., vol. 60, pp. 1315-1325, 2021. [Online] [Q1 IF: 2.0 (2021)]

[53] Chowdhary, A. K., Bhowmik, T., & Sikdar, D., Polarization-and angle-insensitive ultra-broadband perfect metamaterial absorber for thermophotovoltaics, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 38, pp. 327-335, 2021. (*Featured in Top-Downloaded Articles on Metamaterials Among the OSA Journals) [Online] [Q2 IF: 2.1 (2021)]

[52] Chowdhary, A. K., & Sikdar, D., Low-power design of electrotunable color filters and optical switches, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 37, pp. 3865-3873, 2020. [Online] [Q2 IF: 2.1 (2020)]

[51] Chen, Y., Yin, H., Sikdar, D., Liu, H., Zhu, Q., Yao, G., Qi, H. and Gu, N., Multiscale Patterned Plasmonic Arrays for Highly Sensitive and Uniform SERS Detection, Advanced Materials Interfaces, vol. 7(17), pp. 2000248, 2020. [Online] [Q1 IF: 5.4 (2020)]

[50] Sikdar, D., Pendry, J. B., & Kornyshev, A. A., Nanoparticle meta-grid for enhanced light extraction from light-emitting devices, Light: Science & Applications, vol. 9(1), pp. 1-11, 2020. [Online] [Q1 IF: 20.3 (2020)]

[49] Ma, Y., Sikdar, D., He, Q., Kho, D., Kucernak, A. R., Kornyshev, A. A., & Edel, J. B., Self-assembling two-dimensional nanophotonic arrays for reflectivity-based sensing, Chemical Science, vol. 11(35), pp. 9563-9570, 2020. [Online] [Q1 IF: 9.4 (2020)]

[48] Ma, Y., Sikdar, D., Fedosyuk, A., Velleman, L., Klemme, D.J., Oh, S.H., Kucernak, A.R., Kornyshev, A.A. and Edel, J.B., Electrotunable Nanoplasmonics for Amplified Surface Enhanced Raman SpectroscopyACS Nano (2019) [Online] [Q1 IF: 15.4 (2019)]

[47] Sikdar, D., & Kornyshev, A. A., An electro-tunable Fabry-Perot interferometer based on dual mirror-on-mirror nanoplasmonic metamaterialsNanophotonics, 8, 12, 2279-2290 (2019) [Online] [Q1 IF: 8.0 (2019)]

[46] Sikdar, D., Weir, H., & Kornyshev, A. A.Optical response of electro-tuneable 3D superstructures of plasmonic nanoparticles self-assembling on transparent columnar electrodesOptics Express, 27, 19, 26483-26498 (2019) [Online]. [Q1 IF: 4.3 (2019)]

[45] Ma, Y., Sikdar, D., Fedosyuk, A., Velleman, L., Zhao, M., Tang, L., Kornyshev, A.A. and Edel, J.B., An auxetic thermo-responsive nanoplasmonic optical switchACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11, 22754-22760 (2019) [Online] [Q1 IF: 9.3 (2019)]

[44] Sikdar, D., & Zhu, W., Editorial: A Special Issue on Plasmonic MetamaterialsJournal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 31, 310401 (2019) [Online] [Q1 IF: 2.7 (2019)]

[43] Shi, Q., Gómez, D.E., Dong, D., Sikdar, D., Fu, R., Liu, Y., Zhao, Y., Smilgies, D.M. and Cheng, W., 2D Free-Standing Janus Gold Nanocrystal SuperlatticesAdvanced Materials, 1900989, 1-6 (2019) [Online] [Q1 IF: 26.7 (2019)]

[42] Dong, D., Shi, Q., Sikdar, D., Zhao, Y., Liu, Y., Fu, R., Premaratne, M. and Cheng, W.Site-specific Ag Coating on Concave Au Nanoarrows by Controlling Surfactant ConcentrationNanoscale Horizons, 4, 940-946 (2019) [Online]  [Q1 IF: 10.6 (2019)]

[41] Ma, Y., Zagar, C., Klemme, D.J., Sikdar, D., Velleman, L., Montelongo, Y., Oh, S.H., Kucernak, A.R., Edel, J.B. and Kornyshev, A.A., A Tunable Nanoplasmonic Mirror at an Electrochemical InterfaceACS Photonics, 5, 4604-4616 (2018) [Online]  [Q1 IF: 7.6 (2018)]

[40] Shi, Q., Sikdar, D., Fu, R., Si, K.J., Dong, D., Liu, Y., Premaratne, M. and Cheng, W., Two-dimensional Binary Plasmonic Nanoassemblies with Semiconductor n/p-Doping-Like PropertiesAdvanced Materials, 30, 1801118 (2018) [Online]  [Q1 IF: 26.7 (2018)]

[39] Shi, Q., Dong, D., Si, K.J., Sikdar, D., Yap, L.W., Premaratne, M. and Cheng, W., Shape Transformation of Constituent Building Blocks within Self-Assembled Nanosheets and NanoorigamiACS Nano, 12, 1014-1022 (2018) [Online]  [Q1 IF: 15.8 (2018)]

[38] Weir, H., Edel, J. B., Kornyshev, A. A., & Sikdar, D., Towards Electrotuneable Nanoplasmonic Fabry-Perot InterferometerScientific Reports, 8, 565 (2018) [Online] [Q1 IF: 4.6 (2018)]

[37] Montelongo, Y., Sikdar, D., Ma, Y., McIntosh, A.J., Velleman, L., Kucernak, A.R., Edel, J.B. and Kornyshev, A.A.Electrotunable Nanoplasmonic Liquid MirrorNature Materials, 16, 1127-1135, (2017) [Online] [Q1 IF: 35.1 (2017)]

[36] Yang, W., Si, K.J., Guo, P., Dong, D., Sikdar, D., Premaratne, M. and Cheng, W.Self-Assembled Plasmonic Pyramids from Anisotropic Nanoparticles for High-Efficient SERSJournal of Analysis and Testing, 1-9 (2017) [Online] [Q1 IF: 4.4 (2017)]

[35] Velleman, L., Scarabelli, L., Sikdar, D., Kornyshev, A.A., Liz-Marzán, L.M. and Edel, J.B., Monitoring Plasmon Coupling and SERS Enhancement through in situ Nanoparticle Spacing ModulationSurface Enhanced Raman Scattering-SERS: Faraday Discussion, 205, 67-83 (2017) [Online] [Q1 IF: 4.3 (2017)]

[34]  Sikdar, D., Bazant, M., Bennewitz, R., Booth, S., Dryfe, R., Girault, H., Hillman, R., Kornyshev, A.A., Lemay, S., Mount, A., Mugele, F. and Robotham, O., Electrovariable Nanoplasmonics: General DiscussionChemical Physics of Electroactive Materials: Faraday Discussion, 199, 603-613 (2017). [Online] [Q1 IF: 4.3 (2017)]

[33] Sikdar, D., Bucher, A., and Kornyshev, A.A., Ultrafast Electro-variable Optical Response from Arrays of Plasmonic Nanocuboids at Liquid|Solid InterfacesChemical Physics of Electroactive Materials: Faraday Discussion, 199, 585-602 (2017). [Online] [Q1 IF: 4.3 (2017)]

[32] Velleman, L., Sikdar, D., Turek, V. A., Kucernak, A. R., Roser, S. J., Kornyshev, A. A., & Edel, J. B.Tuneable 2D Self-assembly of Plasmonic Nanoparticles at Liquid|Liquid InterfacesNanoscale, 8, 19229-19241 (2016). [Online] Outside Front Cover [Q1 IF: 7.9 (2016)]

[31] Sikdar, D., & Kornyshev, A. A.Theory of Tailorable Optical Response of Two-dimensional Arrays of Plasmonic Nanoparticles at Dielectric InterfacesScientific Reports, 6, 33712 (2016). [Online] [Q1 IF: 5.1 (2016)]

[30] Sikdar, D., Hasan, S. B., Urbakh, M., Edel, J. B., & Kornyshev, A. A.Unravelling the Optical Responses of Nanoplasmonic Mirror-on-mirror MetamaterialsPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18, 20486-20498 (2016). [Online] [Q1 IF: 4.4 (2016)]

[29] Zhu, W., Xiao, F., Kang, M., Sikdar, D., Liang, X., Geng, J., Premaratne, M. and Jin, R., MoS2 broadband coherent perfect absorber for terahertz wavesIEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 8, no. 6, Dec. 2016. [Online] [Q1 IF: 2.7 (2016)]

[28] Shi, Q., Si, K. J., Sikdar, D., Yap, L. W., Premaratne, M., & Cheng, W., Two-Dimensional Bipyramid Plasmonic Nanoparticle Liquid Crystalline Superstructure with Four Distinct Orientational Packing OrdersACS Nano, 10, 967-976 (2016). [Online] [Q1 IF: 16.2 (2016)]

[27] Xiong, W., Sikdar, D., Yap, L. W., Guo, P., Premaratne, M., Li, X., & Cheng, W.Matryoshka Caged Gold Nanorods: Synthesis, Plasmonic Property and Catalytic ActivityNano Research, 9, 415-423 (2016). [Online] [Q1 IF: 7.6 (2016)]

[26] Si, K.J., Sikdar, D., Yap, L.W., Foo, J.K.K., Guo, P., Shi, Q., Premaratne, M. and Cheng, W.Dual-coded Plasmene Nanosheets as Next Generation Anti-counterfeit Security LabelsAdvanced Optical Materials, 3, 1710-1717 (2015). [Online] [Q1 IF: 5.6 (2015)]

[25] Kong, B., Sikdar, D., Tang, J., Liu, Y., Premaratne, M., Zhang, W., Jing, Y., Zheng, G., Selomulya, C. and Zhao, D.Interfacial Assembly of Mesoporous Nanopyramids as Ultra-sensitive Cellular Interfaces Featuring Efficient Direct ElectrochemistryNPG Asia Materials, 7, e204 (2015). [Online] [Q1 IF: 3.5 (2015)]

[24] Sikdar, D., Zhu, W., Cheng, W., & Premaratne, M.Substrate-mediated Broadband Tunability in Plasmonic Resonances of Metal Nanoantennas on Finite High-permittivity Dielectric SubstratePlasmonics, 10, 1663-1673 (2015).[Online] [Q2 IF: 2.5 (2015)]

[23] Tang, J., Li, J., Sikdar, D., Kong, B., Quan, Y., Che, S., Wang, Y., Al-Enizi, A.M., Premaratne, M. and Zheng, G.Plasmon-enhanced Photoelectrochemical Monitoring of Ca2+ from Living CardiomyocytesJournal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 759, 14-20 (2015). [Online] [Q1 IF: 3 (2015)]

[22] Chen, Y., Si, K.J., Sikdar, D., Tang, Y., Premaratne, M. and Cheng, W.Ultrathin Plasmene Nanosheets as Soft and Surface-Attachable SERS Substrates with High Signal UniformityAdvanced Optical Materials, 3, 919-924 (2015). [Online] Frontispiece [Q1 IF: 5.6 (2015)]

[21] Sikdar, D., Cheng, W., & Premaratne, M., Optically Resonant Magneto-Electric Cubic Nanoantennas for Ultra-Directional Light ScatteringJournal of Applied Physics, 117, 083101 (2015). [Online] [Q1 IF: 2.3 (2015)]

[20] Xiong, W., Sikdar, D., Yap, L. W., Premaratne, M., Li, X., & Cheng, W.Multilayered Core-satellite Nanoassemblies with Finely-Tunable Broadband Plasmon ResonancesNanoscale, 7, 3445-3452 (2015). [Online] [Q1 IF: 8.5 (2015)]

[19] Guo, P., Sikdar, D., Huang, X., Si, K.J., Xiong, W., Gong, S., Yap, L.W., Premaratne, M. and Cheng, W.Plasmonic Core-Shell Nanoparticles for SERS Detection of the Pesticide Thiram: Size- and Shape-Dependent Raman EnhancementNanoscale, 7, 2862-2868 (2015). [Online] [Q1 IF: 8.5 (2015)]

[18] Zhu, W., Sikdar, D., Xiao, F., Kang, M., & Premaratne, M.Gold Nanoparticles with Gain-assisted Coating for Ultra-sensitive Biomedical Sensing , Plasmonics, 10, 881-886 (2015). [Online] [Q2 IF: 2.5 (2015)]

[17] Guo, P., Sikdar, D., Huang, X., Si, K.J., Su, B., Chen, Y., Xiong, W., Yap, L.W., Premaratne, M. and Cheng, W.Large-Scale Self-assembly and Stretch-induced Plasmonic Properties of Core-Shell Metal Nanoparticle Superlattice SheetsThe Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118, 26816-26824 (2014). [Online] [Q1 IF: 5.5 (2014)]

[16] Si, K.J., Sikdar, D., Chen, Y., Eftekhari, F., Xu, Z., Tang, Y., Xiong, W., Guo, P., Zhang, S., Lu, Y. and Bao, Q.Giant Plasmene Nanosheets, Nanoribbons, and OrigamiACS Nano, 8, 11086-11093 (2014). [Online] [Q1 IF: 14.7 (2014)]

[15] Sikdar, D., Rukhlenko, I. D., Cheng, W., & Premaratne, M., Tunable Broadband Optical Responses of Substrate-supported Metal/dielectric/metal NanospheresPlasmonics, 9, 659-672 (2014). [Online] [Q2 IF: 2.6 (2014)]

[14] Zhu, W., Xiao, F., Kang, M., Sikdar, D., & Premaratne, M.Tunable Terahertz Left-handed Metamaterial Based on Multi-layer Graphene-Dielectric CompositeApplied Physics Letters, 104, 051902 (2014). [Online] [Q1 IF: 4.2 (2014)]

[13] Xiong, W., Sikdar, D., Walsh, M., Si, K. J., Tang, Y., Chen, Y., Mazid, R., Weyland, M., Rukhlenko, I.D., Etheridge, J., Premaratne, M., Li, X., and Cheng, W., Single-crystal Caged Gold Nanorods with Tunable Broadband Plasmon ResonancesChemical Communications, 49, 9630-9632 (2013). [Online] [Q1 IF: 6.8 (2013)]

[12] Sikdar, D., Rukhlenko, I.D., Cheng, W. and Premaratne, M., Unveiling Ultrasharp Scattering-switching Signatures of Layered Gold-Dielectric-Gold NanospheresJournal of the Optical Society of America B, 30(8), 2066-2074 (2013). [Online] [Q1 IF: 2.4 (2013)]

[11] Sikdar, D., Rukhlenko, I. D., Cheng, W., & Premaratne, M.Optimized Gold Nanoshell Ensembles for Biomedical ApplicationsNanoscale Research Letters 8, 142-146 (2013). [Online] [Q1 IF: 2.9 (2013)]

[10] Sikdar, D., Rukhlenko, I. D., Cheng, W., & Premaratne, M., Effect of Number Density on Optimal Design of Gold Nanoshells for Plasmonic Photothermal TherapyBiomedical Optics Express 4, 15-31 (2013). [Online] [Q1 IF: 4.1 (2013)]

[9] Sikdar, D., Tiwari, V., Soni, A., Jaiswal, R., & Bhanot, S.Polarization Multiplexed Interrogation Technique for FBG Sensor ArrayPhotonic Sensors, 5 (3), 193-201 (2015). [Online] [Q1 IF: 2.2 (2015)]

[8] Sikdar, D., Tiwari, V., & Chaubey, V. K.Optimized Transmitter Module for NRZ-duobinary in Long-haul Optical Transmission LinkOptik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 124 (17), 2597-2601 (2013). [Online] [Q2 IF: 1.0 (2013)]

[7] Sikdar, D., Tiwari, V., Saha, Y., & Chaubey, V. K., Investigation of Modulator Chirp and Extinction Ratio in Different RZ-and NRZ Duobinary Transmitter Modules for Performance OptimizationOptik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 124, 1411-1414 (2013). [Online] [Q2 IF: 1.0 (2013)]

[6] Sikdar, D., Tiwari, V., & Chaubey, V. K.Investigation of RZ and NRZ Pulse Shape for Optimum Duobinary Transmission at 40 GbpsOptik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 124, 1148-1151 (2013). [Online] [Q2 IF: 1.0 (2013)]

[5] Tiwari, V., Sikdar, D., Jyothi, M. N., Dixit, G., & Chaubey, V. K., Investigation of Optimum Pulse Shape for 112Gbps DP-DQPSK in DWDM TransmissionOptik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 124, 5567-5572 (2013). [Online] [Q2 IF: 1.0 (2013)]

[4] Tiwari, V., Sikdar, D., & Chaubey, V. K., Performance Optimization of RZ-DQPSK Modulation Scheme for Dispersion Compensated Optical LinkOptik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 124, 2593-2596 (2013). [Online] [Q2 IF: 1.0 (2013)]

[3] Sikdar, D., Tiwari, V., & Chaubey, V. K., Optimum Dispersion Map Profile for a Stable DM Soliton SystemJournal of Modern Optics, 59, 1396-1405 (2012). [Online][Q2 IF: 1.3 (2012)]

[2] Sikdar, D., Chaubey, S., Tiwari, V., & Chaubey, V. K., Simulation and Performance Analysis of Duobinary 40 Gbps Optical LinkJournal of Modern Optics, 59, 903-911 (2012). [Online] [Q2 IF: 1.3 (2012)]

[1] Tiwari, V., Sikdar, D., & Chaubey, V. K., SPM Induced Limitation for 40 Gbps Chirped Gaussian Pulses in Optical ChannelOptik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 123, 1482-1485 (2012). [Online] [Q2 IF: 0.9 (2012)]






Conference Articles/Poster presentations

A* - flagship conference, a leading venue in a discipline area.

A - excellent conference, and highly respected in a discipline area.

B - good to very good conference, and well regarded in a discipline area.

C - other ranked conference venues that meet basic standards for peer reviewed venues.

[60] Biswas, D., Shah, T., & Sikdar, D., Advancements in Terahertz Transmission Waveguiding through Topological Valley Photonic Crystals, Smart City Workshop,2025, Guwahati, India. [B]

[59] Sharma, L., Das, S., & Sikdar, D., Potential Impact on Improving Quantum Teleportation Through Squeezing Enhancement, Smart City Workshop,2025, Guwahati, India. [B]

[58] Das, S., Sharma, L., & Sikdar, D., Multilayer Based Smart Windows For Energy-Efficient Buildings And Automobiles, Smart City Workshop,2025, Guwahati, India. [B]

[57] Shah, T., Biswas, D., & Sikdar, D., Analysis of Topological Behavior in a Novel Structure with a Common Bandgap for TE and TM Modes in the Terahertz Frequency Region, Smart City Workshop,2025, Guwahati, India. [B]

[56] Gupta, J., Kumar, G., Dhabal, B., Dey, A.B., Bhattacharjee, R., & Sikdar, D., Interdigitated Metasurface-based Volumetric Resonator for Improving Signal-to-Noise Ratio in 1.5T MRI Scans of Human Body Extremities, Smart City Workshop,2025, Guwahati, India. [B]

[55] Kumar, G., Dey, A.B., Gupta, J., Kanagaraj, S., Bhattacharjee, R., & Sikdar, D., Development and Benchmark Analysis of a Birdcage-Based Volume Coil for Dedicated Knee Scanning at 1.5 T, 2024 IEEE Silchar Subsection Conference (SILCON 2024), 2024, Agartala, India. [Online] [A]

[54] Dey, A.B., Gupta, J., Kumar, G., Kanagaraj, S., Bhattacharjee, R., & Sikdar, D., Quadra-Ring SRR Metamaterials: A Novel Design for Enhancement of Magnetic Field in 1.5 T MRI Scans, 2024 IEEE Silchar Subsection Conference (SILCON 2024), 2024, Agartala, India. [Online] [A]

[53] Biswas, D., Sarma, M., Das, S., & Sikdar, D., Topologically Protected Edge States in Valley Photonic Crystals for Terahertz Waveguiding, 2024 IEEE Silchar Subsection Conference (SILCON 2024), 2024, Agartala, India. [Online] [A]

[52] Konda, T. S., Gupta, J., Dey, A. B., Bhattacharjee, R., & Sikdar, D., Interdigitated Metasurfaces for Enabling Homogeneously Boosted Magnetic Fields during 1.5 T MRI Scans, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), 2024, New Delhi, India. [Online] [A]

[51] Gupta, J., Bhattacharjee, R., Kanagaraj, S., Nair, R., & Sikdar, D., Improving SNR of 1.5 T MRI using Flexible Magnetic Metasurfaces based on Rectangular Windings, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), 2024, New Delhi, India. [Online] [A]

[50] Gupta, J., Bhattacharjee, R., Kanagaraj, S., Nair, R., & Sikdar, D., Magneto-active Metamaterials for 1.5 T MRI: An Intelligent Approach to Boost the Signal-to-Noise Ratio of a Scan, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), 2024, New Delhi, India. [Online] [A]

[49] Sawant, A., Kumar, A., Raj, S., Arrawatia, M., Bhattacharjee, R., & Sikdar, D., On-Chip Terahertz Inverted E-Connected I-Shaped Plasmonic Waveguide Bandpass Filter, IEEE Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation Conference (MAPCON), 2024, Hyderabad, India. [Accepted] [A*]

[48] Bhowmik, T., Bhowmik, B. K., Pandey, P. K., Kumar, G., & Sikdar, D., Epsilon-Near-Zero Material based Dual-Polarization On-Chip Electro-Optic Modulator, Frontiers in Optics and Laser Sciences (FiO-LS), 2023. [Online] [A*]

[47] Biswas, D., Chakraborty, B., Bhowmik, T., Gupta, J., & Sikdar, D., Wavelength Selective Metamaterials for Superior Thermal Camouflaging, Frontiers in Optics and Laser Sciences (FiO-LS), 2023. [Online] [A*]

[46] Gupta, J., Bhattacharjee, R., Kanagaraj, S., Harsh, R., & Sikdar, D., Complementary-Bowtie-Aperture Inspired Wearable Metasurfaces for boosting SNR in 1.5T MRI systems, IEEE Guwahati Subsection Conference (GCON), 2023. [Online] [B]

[45] Bhowmik, B. K., Bhowmik, T., Pandey, P. K., Raju, M. S., Sikdar, D., & Kumar, G., High-Q resonating all-dielectric metamaterial for refractive index sensing, IEEE Guwahati Subsection Conference (GCON), 2023. [Online] [B]

[44] Bhowmik, T., Gupta, J., Chakraborty, B., Chowdhary, A. K., & Sikdar, D., Tunable Metasurface based Polarization-insensitive Electro-Optic Amplitude Modulator for Nanophotonic Systems, IEEE Guwahati Subsection Conference (GCON), 2023. [Online] [B]

[43] Das, S., Gupta, J., Bhowmik, T., Chakraborty, B., & Sikdar, D., Metasurface based Polarization-Insensitive Reflection mode Band-reject Filters for 6G Applications, IEEE Guwahati Subsection Conference (GCON), 2023. [Online] [B]

[42] Biswas, D., Das, S., Bhowmik, T., Gupta, J., & Sikdar, D., Epsilon-Near-Zero Material based C-Band Electro-absorption Modulator for Integrated Nanophotonic Systems, IEEE Guwahati Subsection Conference (GCON), 2023. [Online] [B]

[41] Chakraborty, B., Bhowmik, T., Gupta, J., Biswas, D., & Sikdar, D., Plasmonic Metamaterial Perfect Absorber using Hybrid Split Cross-Ring Nanostructures, IEEE Guwahati Subsection Conference (GCON), 2023. [Online] [B]

[40] Das, P., Gupta, J., Sikdar, D., & Bhattacharjee, R., Mirrored-Twin Rectangular SRR Based Metamaterial for Improving Signal-To-Noise Ratio of 1.5T MRI, CLEO: Applications and Technology 2023. [Online][A*]

[39] Gupta, J., Das, P., Bhattacharjee, R., & Sikdar, D., Flexible Metasurface-Based Wraps for Improving Magnetic Field Enhancement in 1. 5T MRI, CLEO: Applications and Technology 2023. [Online] [A*]

[38] Gupta, J., Das, P., Bhattacharjee, R., & Sikdar, D., Capacitively-loaded Spiral Array based RF Metasurfaces for Boosting the Performance of 1.5T MRI, International Electrical Engineering Congress (iEECON), 2023 [Online] [A]

[37] Bhowmik T., Gupta J., & Sikdar D., Gap-plasmon Resonance based Energy-efficient Electro-tunable Metasurface for Polarization-independent Optical Intensity Modulation, META 2023: International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 2023. [A*]

[36] Gupta, J., Das, P., Bhowmik, T., Bhattacharjee, R., & Sikdar, D., RF Metasurface Based 'Add-Ons' for Boosting Signal-To-Noise Ratio of 1.5T MRI Scans, 2023 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2023, Guwahati, India. [Online] [B]

[35] Gupta J., Bhowmik T., Bhattacharjee R., & Sikdar D., Boosting received magnetic field (B-1) strength using wearable metasurface-based add-ons for 1.5T MRIs, META 2023: International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 2023. [A*]

[34] Das, P., Gupta, J., Sikdar, D., & Bhattacharjee, R., Mirrored-Twin Rectangular SRR Based Metamaterial for Improving Signal-To-Noise Ratio of 1. 5T MRI, CLEO: Applications and Technology 2023, 2023, CA, USA. [Online] [A*]

[33] Gupta, J., Das, P., Chowdhary, A. K., Bhattacharjee, R., & Sikdar, D., Thin-Wire Array based Resonator for Targeted Clinical 1.5T Magnetic Resonance Imaging, IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), 2022. [Online] [A*]

[32] Bhowmik, B. K., Bhowmik, T., Pandey, P. K., Sikdar, D., & Kumar, G., Polarization-insensitive refractive index sensor based on high-Q resonance in all-dielectric metasurface, Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science (FIO-LS), 2022 Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022), paper JTu5B.68. [Online] [A*]

[31] Bhowmik, T., Chowdhary, A. K., & Sikdar, D., Energy-efficient Polarization-insensitive Electro-tunable Metasurface for Optical Intensity Modulation, The 2022 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (IEEE OMN). [Online] [A]

[30] Das, P., Gupta, J., Sikdar, D., & Bhattacharjee, R., Design and Analysis of a Thin Metamaterial for Magnetic Field enhancement in 1.5T MRIIEEE Photonics Conference (IPC 2022). [Online] [A*]

[29] Das, P., Gupta, J., Sikdar, D., & Bhattacharjee, R., Analysis of SNR Enhancement in 1.5T MRI by Using Metasurfaces, IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference (MAPCON), Bangalore, India, 2022 [Online]. [A*]

[28] Das, P., Gupta, J., Sikdar, D., & Bhattacharjee, R., Magnetic metasurface add-ons-A route towards making MRI more efficient, affordable and accessible IEEE Silchar Subsection Conference (SILCON), Silchar, India, 2022 [Online]. [B]

[27] Chowdhary, A. K., Bhowmik, T., Gupta, J., & Sikdar, D., Ultraviolet and Infrared Blocking Meta-glasses for Smart Electric Vehicles2022 IEEE International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), 2022, Italy. [Online] [A]

[26] Chowdhary, A. K., Reddy, V. A., Bhowmik, T., & Sikdar, D., Vanadium Dioxide Assisted Thermo-optic Perfect Absorbers for Optical Switching, IEEE Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP), 2022, Mumbai, India. [Online] [B]

[25] Chouhan, B. S., Dhriti, K. M., Chowdhary, A. K., Sikdar, D., & Kumar, G., Modulating broadband terahertz in a Graphene assisted dielectric Metamaterial, IEEE Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP), 2022, Mumbai, India. [Online] [B]

[24] Bhowmik, T., Chowdhary, A. K., Gupta, J., & Sikdar, D., Coupling-assisted Epsilon-Near-Zero Material based Energy-efficient Electro-Absorption Modulator, IEEE Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP), 2022, Mumbai, India. [Online] [B]

[23] Chowdhary, A. K., Bhowmik, T., Gupta, J., & Sikdar, D., Ultraviolet and Infrared Blocking Meta-glasses for Electric Vehicles, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), 2022, Italy. [Online] [A]

[22] Chowdhary, A. K., Reddy, V. A., Bhowmik, T., & Sikdar, D., Spectrally Selective Nanophotonic Windows for Aiding Photosynthesis in Greenhouses, IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) 2021, Vancouver, Canada. [Online] [A*]

[21] Bhowmik, T., Chowdhary, A. K., Kumar, A., & Sikdar, D., Guided-Mode Resonance based All-dielectric Optical Intensity Modulator, IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) 2021, Vancouver, Canada. [Online] [A*]

[20] Bhowmik, T., Kumar, A., Chowdhary, A. K., & Sikdar, D., Polarization-insensitive Electro-tunable Broadband Plasmonic Metamaterial Absorber for Amplitude Modulation, 15th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena - Metamaterials 2021, New York, USA, 2021. [Online] [A]

[19] Chowdhary, A. K., Kumar, A., & Sikdar, D., Cross-Ring Based Broadband Plasmonic Metamaterial Absorbers for Boosting Silicon Solar Cell Efficiency, 15th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena - Metamaterials 2021, New York, USA, 2021. [Online] [A]

[18] Chowdhary, A. K., & Sikdar, D., Nanophotonic All-weather Windows for Energy-efficient Smart Buildings, CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science 2021, San Jose, California, USA, 2021. [Online] [A*]

[17] Chowdhary, A. K., & Sikdar, D., Ultra-broadband Wide-Angle Metallo-Dielectric Metamaterial Absorber for Solar Energy Harvesting, IEEE Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP), Guwahati, India, 2019. [Online] [B]

[16] Edel, J. B., Kornyshev, A. A., Kucernak, A. R., Ma, Y., Montelongo, Y., Sikdar, D., ... & Zagar, C., Electrochemical plasmonics for dynamic control of optical properties of self-assembling metamaterialsMETA 2019: International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Lisbon- Portugal (2019). [Online] [A*]

[15] Sikdar, D., Ma, Y., Kucernak, A. R., Edel, J. B., & Kornyshev, A. A., Nanoplasmonic Metamaterial Devices as Electrically Switchable Perfect Mirrors and Perfect Absorbers, FM3C.5, 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, California, USA (2019). [Online] [A*]

[14] Edel, J. B., Kornyshev, A. A., Kucernak, A. R., Ma, Y., Montelongo, Y., Sikdar, D., ... & Zagar, C., Electrochemical plasmonics: A path to electrotunable self-assembling optical metamaterials, 68, 7th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials, Seefeld (Tirol), Austria (2019). [A]

[13] Sikdar, D., & Kornyshev, A. A., Electro-tuneable nanoplasmonic Fabry-Perot cavity for smart nano-optical devices, FD2-C3, Photonics 2018 - The International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India (2018). [Online] [A]

[12] Montelongo, Y., Sikdar, D., Ma, Y., McIntosh, A. J., Velleman, L., Kucernak, A. R., ... & Kornyshev, A. A., Electrotuneable nanoplasmonic mirror at liquid-liquid interface, P20, Chemical Physics of Electroactive Materials: Faraday Discussion, Cambridge, United Kingdom (2017). [A]

[11] Zagar, C., Griffiths-Rhys, R., Podgornik, R., Sikdar, D., Urbakh, M., Ma, Y., ... & Kornyshev, A., Is electrovariable plasmonics at solid electrodes possible?, P20, Chemical Physics of Electroactive Materials: Faraday Discussion, Cambridge, United Kingdom (2017). [A]

[10] Velleman, L., Sikdar, D., Montelongo, Y., Ma, Y., Huang, Y., Million, J., ... & Edel, J., Tunable assembly of plasmonic nanoparticles for use as reversible mirrors and sensors, 4A20_1, META 2016 - International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Malaga, Spain (2016). [A*]

[9] Sikdar, D., Si, K. J., Zhu, W., Cheng, W., & Premaratne, M., Plasmene: An Artificial Graphene from Plasmonic Nanoparticle Family, EH_2_5, 2015 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) - European Quantum Electronics Conference, Munich, Germany (2015). [Online] [A*]

[8] Sikdar, D., & Premaratne, M., Electrically Tunable Directional SPP Propagation in Gold-nanoparticle-assisted Graphene NanoribbonsIEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), San Diego, CA, USA, 330-331, (2014). [Online] [A*]

[7] Sikdar, D., Bhargav, K. K., & Dewangan, S.,  Effectuation of Wireless Sensor Networks for Human Rescue Missions using RF Signal Detection1st International Conference on Wireless Technologies for Humanitarian Relief (ACWR '11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 309-313 (2011). [Online] [B]

[6] Sikdar, D., Tiwari, V., & Chaubey, V. K., Effect of Pulse Width on a 40 Gb/s Lightwave Channel for Chirped Sources Having Different Linewidth and Peak PowerInternational Conference on Nanoscience, Engineering & Advanced Computing, 3, 360-363 (2011). [B]

[5] Sikdar, D., Chalapathi, G.S.S., & Chaubey, V.K., WSN Based TMR Security System for Sanitation WorkersProceedings of National Conference on VLSI Design and Embedded Systems (NCVDES-2011), P6A.6-9 (2011). [B]

[4] Sikdar, D., Chalapathi, & G.S.S., Chaubey, V.K., Bluetooth Based e-Tutor System for Effective Knowledge TransferNational Conference on Converging Technologies Beyond 2020, 6(5), 634-637 (2011). [C]

[3] Tiwari, V., Sikdar, D., & Chaubey, V. K., Source Induced Limitations in 40 Gbps Post-compensated Optical Fiber Link: A Simulation StudyInternational Conference on Nanoscience, Engineering & Advanced Computing, 1, 495-497 (2011). [B]

[2] Chalapathi, G.S.S., Sikdar, D., & V. K. Chaubey, WSN and GSM Based Smart Energy Management SystemProceedings of National Conference on VLSI Design and Embedded Systems, P6A.5 (2011). [C]

[1] Arjun, V., Sikdar, D., & Chaubey, V.K., High speed resonant tunneling diode based on GaN & GaAs: A modeling & simulation approach, Technical Proceedings of the 2008 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, NSTI-Nanotech, Nanotechnology 2008. [A]