DoD Time Table Jul-Nov 2024
Bachelors in Design (B.Des)
B.Des - Ist year
B.Des - IInd year
- Introduction to Design
- Representation Techniques
- Elements of Design
- Applied Science for Design
- Tinkering Studio
- Electrical Sciences
- Engineering Drawing
- Sports and Games / Performing Arts I
- Form, Order and Structure
- Principles of Visual Design
- Visualization and Illustration
- Introduction to Computing
- Computing Laboratory
- Basic Electronics Laboratory
- Engineering Mechanics
- Sports and Games / Performing Arts II
- Introduction to Design
- Elements of Drawing
- Materials and Processes
- Photography and Vedography
- Digital Imaging
- Design Drawing and IIIustration Techniques
- Introduction to Design
- Elements of From
- Elements of From I
- Plastics and Composites
- Fundamentals of Ergonomics
- Modelling and Simulation Techniques
- Graphic Representation Techniques
- Introduction to Graphic Design
- Introduction to Ergonomics
B.Des - IIIrd year
B.Des - IV year
- Introduction to Interaction Design
- Elements of From II
- Design Methodology
- Design Analysis
- Product Design Modeling and Simulation
- Graphic Design Studio
- Design Project I
- Physical Computing
- Product Analysis
- Indian Symbology And Communication
- Photography Basics
- Product Design
- Applied Ergonomics
- Design Ergonomics
- System Approach to Design
- Art Design and Society
- Design Project II A
- Animation Fundamentals
- Fine Mechanics and Movements
- Tangible Intefaces
- Instructional Design and Multimedia
- Digital Media in Design
- Communication Theory
- Elements of Videography
- Animation Fundamentals
- Product Planning and Strategy
- New Media Studies
- Design Project III
- Project – Phase I
- Media Study and Analysis
- Advanced Manufacturing and Processes
- Interative Communication Project
- Furniture Design
- Design Management
- Design Management and Professional Practice
- Project Phase II
- Design Seminar
- Interdisciplinary Design Project
- Design Exhibition Project
- Project I
- Project II
Masters in Design (M.Des) |
M.Des - Ist year
M.Des - IInd year
- Design : An Introduction
- Visual Design : Principles and Applications
- Ergonomics
- Design Methods
- Form Studies
- Graphic Design
- Design Project
- Product Design Prototyping and Advanced Manufacturing
- Interaction Design
- Creativity Innovation and Design Management
- Collabroative Design Methods for New Product Development
- New Media Studies
- Interaction Design
- Lighting Design
- Collabroative Design Methods in New Product Design
- Typography
- Digital Human Modelling and Simulation in Product
- Automobile Design
- Representation Techniques for Animation
- Tangible User Interfaces
- Ergonomics of Industrial Manufacturing
- System Design For Sustainability
- Furniture and Future
- Typography II
- Graphic Design Studio
- Interaction to Toy Design
- Usability Engineering
- System Analysis and Information Design
- Thesis Project (Phase I)
- Environmental and Experimental Design
- Thesis Project (Phase II)
- Creativity and Innovation
- Product Detailing
Masters in Electronic Product Design (M.Des EPD)
M.Des EPD - Ist year
M.Des EPD - IInd year
- Introduction to Industrial Design
- Product Design Methods
- Image Processing with Machine Learning
- Biomedical Devices
- Design of Embedded Systems
- Basics of Digital Signal Processing
- Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
- IoT Enabled Smart Grids
- Bio signals in medical device design
- Fundamentals of Sensors and their Applications
- Ergonomics in Product Design
- Rapid Prototyping and Development
- Interaction Design
- Product Form and Structures
- Design for Environmental Sustainability
- Embodiment Design
- Systems thinking
- Thesis Project (Phase I)
- Expert Workshop
- Elective III
- Thesis Project (Phase II)
Ph.D |
- Design Overview – User Perspective
- Indian Traditional and Cognitive Ergonomics
- Ergonomics Research Techniques
- Design Research Techniques
- Design Research Methods
- Design Semantics
- Research Methodology
- Colour From and Texture in Design
- Design Dimension and Overviw(Industrial Design
- Erginomics-1:Background,Criteria,and Principles
- Research Methodology
- Erginomics:2 Research Techniques
- Design Based Project
- Research Based Project
- Structuval Packaging
- Cognitive Ergononics
- Introduction to Toy Design
- Game Design
- Motion Graphics
- Research Methodology
- Design Based Project
- Research Based Project