A numerical model has been developed to predict the flame characteristics of laminar diffusion flame in a confined environment. A cylindrical stream of fuel
(methane), surrounded by a co-flowing stream of oxidizer (air), is considered to produce an axisymmetric laminar diffusion flame. A two-step global reaction kinetics has been assumed.
The numerical model adopts the SOLA (Solution Algorithm) technique for iterative solution. All the field variables, including the flow velocity, the temperature and concentrations of
all the species involved in the reactions, are determined throughout the entire reaction domain by solving the conservation equations for mass, momentum, energy and species concentrations
in their fully elliptic form, using the appropriate boundary conditions. Velocity, temperature and species concentration profiles are observed to determine the flame characteristics.
The contour of unity equivalence ratio serves as a representation of the flame surface. The flame contour is also represented by the heat release zone within the solution domain. The
predictions from the present model agree reasonably well with an identical experimental study conducted by Bennett et al. Parametric variation is done on the present code to have
some very interesting and practically important results. By increasing the rim thickness of the inner cylinder, lifted flame is obtained, which shows a clear sign of partial premixing
and a double-flame structure. Increasing fuel flow rate increases the flame height, but not much variation happens with increasing oxidizer flow rate. The flame height increases
when the oxygen concentration in air is lowered by diluting it with Nitrogen, but huge reduction is predicted in the peak flame temperature. It also reduces the formation of pollutant
like soot and NOx. Dilution of the fuel stream with CO2 increases the flame height along with an increase in the peak flame temperature. All these results provide
fundamental information about laminar non-premixed flame, which can be useful to the industries.