Recognizing outstanding young alumni who have excelled and achieved recognition in their respective fields at an early stage. The Institute acknowledges such aspirants who have set up an infinite limit to success and represents a role model for present and future generations of alumni/students. Any alumnus/alumna of the age 40 or younger who have demonstrated emerging and unique innovation, creativity, success in their profession are eligible for this award. The alumni contributing their valued services in maintaining a sustained symbiotic relationship with the Institute with their networking and promoting the Institute on a global platform shall also be considered. The award includes a certificate containing a citation and a memento. Additionally, the following criteria shall also be taken into account while selecting the alumnus/alumna for the award:

  • Excelled early in life and shown potential for continued success.
  • Received recognition as an emerging leader in professional and/or community achievements.
  • Attained increasingly responsible positions within their organization, business, or field of work.
  • Received recognition for significant professional contributions, discoveries, or creative work through honors, awards and/or media attention.

Please click here to apply/nominate for Alumni Awards                                                           Alumni Awardees Details


  • The nomination of suitable candidature for alumni awards are validated by the following distinguished people:
  • Institute Senate Members
  • Past Distinguished Alumni Awardees
  • A nominator may nominate a maximum of 2 (two) alumnus/alumna each year for the award
  • Self-nominations are also accepted
  • The nominations made for the award shall remain valid up to 3 years from the year of nomination. The nominees can be re-nominated after the gap of one year.
  • Regular career updates in relation to the nominees need to be provided by the proposer or by self in case of self-nomination every year. If no updates received by the due date, the office will utilize the existing information as such


  • An alumnus/alumna, who is an employee of IIT Guwahati, shall not be eligible for the award during his/her service period, except when he/she has accomplished with truly outstanding achievement of highest order recognized widely.
  • Any person who has received a degree from the Institute is eligible for the award.
  • Alumni who have been awarded D.Sc. (Honoris Causa) will also be eligible for the award.
  • An alumnus/alumna who has already received one award may only be considered for the next award after a five years gap from the date of receipt of the previous award.