The Photonics and Microelectronics Lab is accessible to postgraduate student of Electronics and Electrical department. The lab is well equipped with NI ELVIS prototype board, FOTEx add-in module,NI ELVISMX software, Optiwave design suite, Ansys Lumerical, etc. to design modern fiber optic communication system.

  • To learn the various Photonics and Microelectronics Simulation software.
  • To learn the basic elements of optical fiber transmission link, fiber modes configurations and structures.
  • To understand the different kind of losses, signal distortion in optical waveguides and other signal degradation factors.
  • To have hands on experience on photonics devices.
Course Content:
  • Experimental Characterization of Low Loss Semiconductor/Dielectric Waveguides and Interconnects, Optoelectronic device simulation and fabrications: Photonics-based Sensors,Photonics-based Metrology and Instrumentation, Photonic Integrated Circuits,Nano and Micro Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems (NOEMS/MOEMS), Semiconductor Lasers, Modulators, and Detectors.
List of Equipments :
  • Software
    • OptiFiber
    • OptiSystem
    • OptiGrating
    • OptiSPICE
    • OptiFDTD
    • MATLAB
    • Ansys Lumerical
    • Silvaco TCAD
    • Synopsis TCAD
  • Hardware
    • NI ELVIS prototype board
    • FOTEx add-in module
Lab Experiments:

EE-519 photonics and microelectronics Lab

  1. An Introduction to the NI ELVIS II test equipment & the FOTEx Experiment add-in module.
  2. Fiber optic transmission (analog data) using FOTEx transmitter and receiver module.
  3. Fiber optic transmission (Digital data) using FOTEx transmitter and receiver module.
  4. Fiber optics unidirectional communication and Bidirectional.
  5. Design an optical communication system consisting of two transmitters which operate at different wavelengths and send different data streams.
  6. Design and Characterization of a Waveguide Grating.
  7. Design and analysis of Long Channel MOSFET and its Parameter Extraction.
  8. Design and analysis of Short Channel MOSFET and its Parameter Extraction.



Ramesh Kumar Sonkar

Associate Professor

Arun Tej Mallajosyula

Assistant Professor

Contact Address

Advance Photonics Laboratory

Ground Floor

Department of EEE

  • 0361-258-3457