IIT Guwahati
Research Scholar Forum, EEE | March, 2018 | Issue: 3 | Download PDF
What's in this issue:
RSF Future Events
- Research Conclave will be organized by SAB in which RSF is going to organize 3MT competition
for internal as well as for external participants on 10th March. There will be an open day also
where research scholars can visit the different labs.
- Research Scholars' Day will be celebrated for the first time in our department. There will be
technical as well as fun events. It will include oral and poster sessions and panel discussion as well.
- Webpage workshop will be conducted according to the demands of the research scholars.
- There will be some special award for the best budding research scholar of our department.
- Technical sessions on patent writing will be organised also.
- We will be conducting elections for formation of new RSF team also. We would like to take this
opportunity to announce the call for elections and inspire others to join us and take this great
initiative forward.
Created By RSF-EEE Team 2017
E-mail us at: rsfeee@iitg.ernet.in
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