A well equipped library and access to almost all the peer reviewed journals and conferences.
A well equipped electronics lab with a capacity of 40 students with measuring instruments like 50/70 MHz DSO, 25 MHz Function Generator and Multi Output Variable Regulated DC Power Supply.
A Virtual Classroom of 40 sitting capacity with dedicated NKN (1 Gbps) connection and Multipoint Video Conferencing Unit (8 minimum multisites connectivity by default), Smart Board (88" diagonal), Digital Podium with touch screen of 19" and HD Projector.
A Smart Class Room with dedicated 40 dual bootable Computer Systems updated with latest softwares like MATLAB, Cadence EDA Tools, Synopsys TCAD Tools, NI Elvis board with LAB VIEW, Mentor Graphics, Zed Boards and IoT Boards with access to Server, Cloud Cluster and NAS.