Atom Based Quantum Technologies Lab.

Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

About Me

Dr. Kanhaiya Pandey
Associate Professor
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Assam, India -781039

Atom Based Quantum Technologies Lab.

Various Photographs

Welcome to the Atom Based Quantum Technologies Group at the Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. We are involved in both theoretical and experimental aspect of qunatum technology lab.

Our research area is to do quantum computation and simulation with laser cooled Yb and Rb atoms. This involves various steps such as laser cooling and trapping of atoms to few uK, loading the atoms in optical tweezer array, manipulating the qubits states of the atom, Rydberg excitation, study of Rydberg blockade etc. This interesting field involves various experimental techniques and skills such as, building high coherent laser, laser spectroscopy, ultra-high vacuum technologies, computer control, various laser cooling and trapping, optical tweezing of atoms. Besides the above long-term goals, we also conduct experiment and theory on atomic coherence, electromagnetically induced transparency and it's application, magnetometry, Spectroscopy and frequency metrology of optical-atomic transitions.

Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Assam, India -781039
Visiting IITG