Aerodynamics and Propulsion

Aerodynamics and propulsion are probably the most important elements in aircraft design. Aerodynamics is mainly used to shape the aircraft so that it can fulfil all the mission requirements with minimum drag penalty. The aim of the propulsion system is to provide the required amount of thrust to the aircraft under all conditions. The understanding of aerodynamics is vital for the design of efficient, capable and competitive aircraft and the department offers core courses that gives the students a platform to explore the opportunities in this field. Core courses include Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Aircraft Propulsion, Aerodynamics, Gas Dynamics, Rocket Propulsion as compulsory. Also, students have to choose elective courses for each semester according to their interest. The past students of this specialization were placed in HAL, Fluidyn, Honda R&D, L&T etc.

AP-Gate Cutoff (for last three years)

Placement statistics (for last two batches)

Program Coordinator: Prof. Ujjwal K. Saha, Contact No: +91 361 2582663