Understanding the fundamental physics of materials in the form of bulk phase, thin-film, nanostructure and their technological applications are the main research goals of CMP experiment group. Cutting-edge research in the area of bio-materials/sensors, electronic/optoelectronics, energy storage, ferroelectrics, heusler alloy ...

The Condensed Matter Theory group works on variety of contemporary areas like quantum spin liquids, Weyl fermions, strongly inhomogeneous Luttinger liquids, turbulence in classical and quantum fluids, fracture dynamics in amorphous systems, phase transition and critical phenomena, dynamical processes on networks, active matters ...

We as a "gravity and astrophysics group" work on various aspects of general theory of relativity. Our main focus areas are black hole thermodynamics and its microscopic origin, black hole perturbations; early and late time cosmology specifically focusing on inflation, bounce in the early universe cosmology, modeling the dark matter ...

High Energy Physics Theory and Phenomenology group is involved in cutting edge research spanning a wide range: Higgs physics, flavour physics, collider phenomenology, dark matter, cosmology, supersymmetry, neutrino physics, effective field theory, nuclear physics etc. It is undoubtedly one of the largest groups of its kind in India with high level of ...

Department of Physics, IIT Guwahati has a very active research group in the area of Laser and Photonics. The group is involved in both theoretical and experimental arena of optics. The theoretical optics research groups are primarily working in the area of quantum and nonlinear optics. The research topics include the followings ...

Welcome! The Quantum Optics and Quantum Technology group focuses on a multitude of frontier areas, covering both fundamental and applied aspects of quantum optics. The current interests of the research group are coherent control of atom-light interaction, cavity quantum optomechanics, circuit quantum electrodynamics, quantum entanglement, quantum synchroniz...