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Nanoscale 15, 13809 - 13821 (2023), I.F. (7.2),
Adv. Mater. Technol. 8, 2300400 (2023). I.F. 8.3,
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For a complete list of
publications, click
News headlines:
IIT Guwahati innovates advanced, cost-effective Printed Perovskite Photodetector with significant applications in Healthcare and Energy (Oct 2024).
Click here.
IIT Guwahati researchers develop low-cost 2D material for spectroscopic detection of trace chemicals (April 2023).
Click here.
- MOST POPULAR 'NANOSCALE' ARTICLES OF 2021, Understanding the interfacial charge transfer in the CVD grown Bi2O2Se/CsPbBr3 nanocrystal heterostructure and its exploitation in superior photodetection: experiment vs. theory,
Nanoscale 13, 14945 (2021).
- MOST Popular Advances collection of 2022: Emerging Doping Strategies in Two-Dimensional Hybrid Perovskite Semiconductors for Cutting Edge Optoelectronics Applications (REVIEW), Nanoscale Advances 4, 995 (2022).
- Dr. Ravi K. Biroju, Ex-student of our group, received "Top Cited Author Award (India)" from IOP Publishing, UK. His article "Catalyst free growth of ZnO nanowires on graphene and graphene oxide and its enhanced photoluminescence and photoresponse" has been among the Top 1% most-cited papers from India (2015-2017), recorded in Web of Science.
- Prof. P. K. Giri was elected as an 'Executive council Member' of Electron Microscopy Society of India (EMSI) in July 2015.
- Prof. P. K. Giri received the "Nanoscience Research Leader Award 2016" from Cognizure Corporation, India.
- Our Recent Article in IOP News/ LAB TALKS:
Atomic layer sequence influences catalysis.
"When stacking different 2D crystals together to form 'van der Waals solids', synergetic and interface-induced effects become very important. In Nanotechnology, we report the development of CVD-grown atomic layers in a hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) photo-electrocatalytic cell based on single-layer graphene and MoS2 layers."
- Our article "On the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Activity of Graphene-MoS2 van der Waals Heterostructures",
ACS Energy Letter. 2, 1351 (2017)
is "Among the most read articles for the past month...."
- Prof. P. K. Giri received the prestigious 'MRSI Medal 2020' from the Materials Research Society of India (Sept 2019).
- Prof. P. K. Giri listed among the World's Top 2% Scientists in Applied Physics (Nanoscience), database published by Stanford University, USA (2020).
- Prof. P. K. Giri is elected as a FELLOW of the Institute of Physics (IoP), UK (May 2021).
- Prof. P. K. Giri is elected as a FELLOW of the West Bengal Academy of Science & Technology (WAST), India (Dec 2021).
- Prof. P. K. Giri is elected as a FELLOW of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), UK (2024).
* Sirsendu Ghosal, Research
scholar, Physics depart WON the BEST POSTER Award in the
conference "Frontiers in Nanoscience (FINS 2024)", IIT
Guwahati, November 2024. Congratulations!
* Sanjoy Sur Roy, Research
Scholar of our group (Dept of Physics) won the BEST
POSTER AWARD for his Poster Contribution presented at
the International
Conference on Advanced Materials for Better Tomorrow-II
(AMBT-2023), 10th -13th October, 2023 , BHU. India.
* Debabrata Sahu, Research Scholar of our group (Dept of Physics) won the
BEST POSTER AWARD for his Poster Contribution presented
at the Research & Industrial Conclave-2023 May 14-16l,
2023, IIT Guwahati. Congratulations!
* Abdul Kaium Mia, Research Scholar of our group (Centre
for Nanotechnology) won the BEST POSTER AWARD for his
Poster Contribution presented at the INUP Workshop, 4-6
April, 2022, IIT Guwahati. Congratulations!
* Larionette P.L. Mawlong, Research Scholar of our group
(Centre for Nanotechnology) won the one of the BEST
POSTER AWARD for her Poster Contribution presented at
the “Graphene2020 Virtual International Conference &
Expo” October 19-23, 2(020) and entitled: “Tunability of
the Photoluminescence and Coupled Charge Transfer
Dynamics in Monolayer MoS2 Decorated with WS2 Quantum
Dots” – Authors (Larionette P. L. Mawlong, Abhilasha
Bora and P. K. Giri). Congratulations!
* Mr. Joydip Ghosh, Research Scholar of our group
(Physics) won the Nanoscale Advances Oral Presentation
Prize AWARD at the 'International conference on
International Virtual Conference on Advanced
Nanomaterials and Applications (VCAN) 17 - 19 June 2020'
Sponsored by Royal Society of Chemistry, UK for his
outstanding oral presentation. Congratulations!
* Mr. Joydip Ghosh, Research Scholar of our group
(Physics) won the BEST POSTER AWARD at the
'International conference on Optoelectronics and
Nanomaterials for Advanced Technology' for his
poster entitled "Enhanced Visible Light Photocatalytic
by Fluorine doped Faceted Nanocrystal hierachically
desined with vacancy rich TiO2 nanocrystals by vacuum
annealing" (iCONMAT January 2019, CUSAT, Cochin).
* Mr. Kamal Paul, Research Scholar of our group
(Physics) won the BEST POSTER AWARD at the
'International conference on Optoelectronics and
Nanomaterials for Advanced Technology' for his
poster entitled "Enhanced Visible Light Photocatalytic
by Fluorine doped Faceted Nanocrystal hierachically
desined with vacancy rich TiO2 nanocrystals by vacuum
annealing" (iCONMAT January 2019, CUSAT, Cochin).
* Ms. Larionett P. L. Mawlong, Research Scholar of our
group (Centre for Nanotechnology) won the BEST POSTER
AWARD for her paper entitled "“Photoluminescence Study
of CVD Grown Monolayer MoS2 Film on TiO2 Nanorods Array
Template” at the International conference on Advanced
Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (ICANN2017), Dec 2017,
IIT Guwahati, India. Congratulations!
* Ms. Larionett P. L. Mawlong, Research Scholar of our
group (Centre for Nanotechnology) won the BEST POSTER
AWARD (1st Prize) for her paper entitled "The Effect of
Rapid Thermal Annealing on the Two Dimensional MoS2
Layers Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition" at the
National Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology-16
(NCRANNT-2016), Sept 8-9, 2016, Shillong, India.
* Ms. Ruma Das, Research Scholar of our group (Physics)
won the BEST POSTER AWARD (3rd Prize) for her
paper entitled "Effect of Ball Milling on the
Photophysical Properties of Nanodiamond" at the National
Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology-16
(NCRANNT-2016), Sept 8-9, 2016, Shillong, India.
* Mr. Gone Rajender, Research Scholar of our group
(Physics) won the BEST POSTER AWARD for his paper
entitled "Graphene Quantum Dots and TiO2 Nanoparticle
Hybrid: An Efficient Photocatalyst for Environmental
Applications" at the
Fourth International
Conference on Frontiers in Nanoscience and Technology
(Cochin Nano-2016),
Feb 20-23, 2016, Cochin, India. Congratulations!
* Mr. Ramesh Ghosh, Research Scholar of our group
(Physics) won the BEST POSTER AWARD at the 'APTTEM-2016'
National workshop on Advanced Probing Techniques in TEM,
for his poster entitled "Electron Microscopy
and Spectroscopic Studies of Arbitrary Shaped Si
Nanocrystals Decorated on Vertical Si Nanowires Array".
* Mr. Kamal Paul,span> Research Scholar of our group
(Physics) won the BEST POSTER AWARD at the International
conference on Nanoscience, nanotechnology and
Advaced materials for his poster entitled "Enhanced
Visible Light Photocatalytic Activity of Ag2O Decorated
TiO2 Nanaorods Heterostructure" (2015). Congratulations!
* Mr. Ravi K Biroju, Research Scholar of our group
(Centre for Nanotechnology) won the BEST POSTER AWARD
(Sponsored by RSC, London) at the International
Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICONSAT-2014),
March 3-5th, 2014, Mohali, India for his poster entitled
“Fabrication of graphene/ZnO and graphene/CoPc
semiconducting nanowire hybrid structures and their
optoelectronic properties”. (2014) Congratulations!