Research Theme:

Semiconductor Nanostructures and 2D Materials for Advanced Energy, Environment & Biosensing Applications


Research Highlights


Click here for Prof. P. K. Giri's Google Scholar Citations

H-Index: 51, i-Index: 149 , Citations: 8342
bulet2 Current Research Areas:
  • Semiconductor Nanostructures, Quantum dots
  • Van der Waals and non-van der Waals 2D materials and 2D Heterostrctures
  • Optoelectronic materials and devices
  • Hybrid Perovskite Semiconductors for Solar cells, photodetectors and LEDs
  • Thin Film and Plasma processing
  • Chemical and Biosesnors
  • DFT, FEM Simulations

bullt3 Awards and Fellowships:

  • 1998:  ICTP-TRIL Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Trieste, Italy.
  • 1999:  Visiting Scientist Fellowship, Indira Gandhi Center For Atomic Research, Kalpakkam.
  • 2000: N. S. Satyamurthy Memorial Award for Young Scientist, for outstanding research contribution in the field of 'Defects in Semiconductors' by Indian Physics Association (IPA), 2000
  • 2010:  DAAD Exchange Visit Fellowship, DAAD, Germany, 2010.
  • 2012:  JSPS Invitation Fellowship for Research in Japan (long term), JSPS, Japan, 2012-2013
  • 2015:  Nanoscience Research Leader Award, Cognizure Corporation, India.
  • 2015:   Executive Council Member, Electron Microscope Society of India (EMSI)
  • 2018:   Visiting Research Fellowship, University of Birmingham, UK
  • 2019:  MRSI Medal 2020 , Materials Research Society of India.
  • 2020:  Listed among the World's Top 2% Scientists in Applied Physics (Sub area- Nanosceince & Nanotechnology), database created by Stanford University, USA.
  • 2021:  Fellow,Institute of Physics (IoP) UK
  • 2021:  Fellow, West Bengal Academy of Science & Technology (WAST), India.
  • 2023:  Senior Members , IEEE, USA.
  • 2024:  Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), UK.
  • 2024:  Visiting Research Sciientist, under National Scholarship Programme, Slovakia University of Technology.
  • 2025:  Fellow, Physics Academy of North East (PANE), India.
  • Regular Reviewer:  Several international Journals (Publishers: Nature, Science, Willey, ACS, RSC, IOP, AIP, OSA, Elsevier, ASP etc.)

bullt4 Professional Membership:

bullt5 Major Conferences/Workshops Organized:


bullt6 Invited/ Plenary/Keynote Lectures in International/National Conferences/Workshops:

  1. (Invited Talk), International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials 2024 (ICEAN-2024) , New Castle, Australia, November 4-8, 2024. Australia.
  2. (Invited Talk), SPARC Workshop on 2D Materials,  IIT Kharagpur, 24 25 August, 2024, India.
  3. (Invited Talk), Conference on Recent trends in condensed matter physics related to quantum materials, IACS Kolkata, Feb 15-16, 2024, India.
  4. (Invited Talk), National Physicists’ Conclave 2024 (NPC 2024), SRM Insitute, Chennai, Feb 7-10, 2024, India.
  5. (Keynote lecture), 7th International Conference on Electronics, Materials Engineering and Nano-Technology (IEMENTech 2023)  , "Printed 2D WS2 , 2D MoSe2 based Photodetectors and 2D MXene-based Electromagnetic Interference Shields", 18th TO 20th DECEMBER 2023 , IEM Kolkata, India.
  6. Invoted Talk), International conference on Advanced Materials for Better Tomorrow (AMBT 2023) , "Two Dimensional Semiconducting Non-van der Waals Bismuth Oxyselenide and Noble Metal Dichalcogenide PdSe2: Intriguing Photo-Physics and Emerging Applications" , 10th to 13th October 2023, Department of Physics, BHU , India.
  7. (Invited Talk), Emerging Materials 2023, on "In-plane Anisotropy and High SERS Sensitivity of 2D Bilayer PdSe2 and PdSe2/Pd2Se3 Junctions", 13 15 July, 2023 , IISER Pune, India.
  8. (Invited Talk), Japan-India joint workshop on “Innovative carbon fiber polymer composite structures: material, design and application",  February 28 to March 4, 2023, Tokyo, Japan.
  9. (Invited Talk), International Conference on Frontiers in Materials Engineering (ICFME-2022) , December 14-16, 2022 at IIT Indore , India.
  10. (Invited Talk), North-East Research Conclave, Advanced Semiconductors and Quantum Materials , May 20 - 22, 2022, IIT Guwahati, India.
  11. (Invited Talk), International Conference in Asia – 2022 (IUMRS-ICA 2022). December 19-23, 2022 , IIT Jodhpur, India.
  12. (Invited Talk), International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials 2022 (ICEAN-2022) , October 17-21, 2022, Newcastle, NSW, Australia.
  13. (Invited Talk), Virtual National Conference on “Two Dimensional Materials: Graphene and Beyond”, 28-29 March, 2022, Sathyabhama University, India.
  14. (Invited Talk), International Webinar Series on "Advanced Hybrid Materials for Sustainability" , 26th to 28nd November 2021, NIT Durgapur, India.
  15. (Invited Talk), International Conference on Light Matter Interaction (ICLMIN-2021) May 19-21, 2021 IGCAR, Kalpakkam, India.
  16. (Invited Talk), International Conference on Nano Science and Technology (ICONSAT 2020), Kolkata, March 5-7, 2020.
  17. (Invited Talk), MRSI Medal Lecture, Annual General Meeting of MRSI, Kolkata, February 11-14, 2020.
  18. (Invited Talk), National Conference on Light Matter Interaction at the Nanoscale (LMIN 2019), IGCAR Kalpakkam, India, July. 15-17, 2019.
  19. (Invited Talk),> 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN-2019), Chennai, India. January 28-31, 2019.
  20. (Invited Talk) The International Conference on Electron Microscopy (EMSI-2018), Bhubaneswar, India, July 18-20, 2018.
  21. (Invited Talk), The International Conference on Electron Microscopy and Allied Techniques (EMSI-2017), Mahabalipuram,India, July 17-19, 2017.
  22. (Invited Talk), 9th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2017), Singapore, June 18-23, 2017.
  23. (Invited Talk) Advances in Materials Science, Gauhati  University, Mar 24-25, 2017.
  24. (Invited Talk), SPS March Meeting 2017, JNU, New Delhi, March 17-18, 2017.
  25. (Invited Talk), 2nd International Conference on Emerging Materials: Characterization & Application (EMCA-2017) NIT Durgapur, March 15-17, 2017.
  26. (Invited Talk), Visible Light Photocatalysis, SERS and Bio-sensing Applications, Current Trends in Condensed Matter Physics, IACS, Kolkata March 3-4, 2017.
  27. (Invited Talk), National conference on HARD AND SOFT CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS (NCHSCMP-2017), Tezpur University, March 2-4, 2017.
  28. (Invited Talk), International Conference on Emerging Trends in Nanomaterials Science & Technology (ICETNMST 2017), NIT Nagaland, India. Jan 4 – 6, 2017.
  29. (Invited Talk), International Conference on Functional Materials (ICFM 2016), IIT Kraragpur, India, Dec 12-14, 2016. 
  30. (Invited Talk), National Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology-16 (NCRANNT-2016), Shillong, India, Sept 8-9, 2016.
  31. (Invited Talk), International Conference on Electron Microscopy (EMSI-2016), Varanasi, India, June 2-4, 2016.
  32. (Invited Talk), 6th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials ANM-2015), Aveiro, Portugal, July 20-22, 2015.
  33. (MRSI Invited Talk), Materials Research Society of India, Kalpakkam Chapter, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, Feb 5, 2015.
  34. (Invited Talk), 3rd International Conference on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (ICONN2015), SRM University, Chennai, Feb 4-6, 2015.
  35. (Invited Talk), International Conference on Emerging Materials: Characterization &Application (EMCA-2014), CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata, Dec 4-6, 2014.
  36. (Inaugural Plenary Talk), UNISA's BRICS International symposium on Energy, Materials and Innovations, Johannesburg, South Africa, March 5-7, 2014.
  37. (Plenary Talk), UNISA's BRICS International symposium on Energy, Materials and Innovations, Johannesburg, South Africa, March 5-7, 2014.
  38. (Invited Talk), International Conference on Green Energy and Smart Materials through Science, Technology & Management, Guwahati University, Jan 21-23, 2014.
  39. (Plenary Talk), National Conference on Nanomaterials and Devices, NIT Srinagar, October 3-5, 2013.
  40. (Invited Talk), International Conference on Nanotechnology (ICNT-2013), Haldia Institute of Technology (HIT), India. October 24-25, 2013.
  41. (Invited Talk), International Conference on Nanostructures Self- assembly (NANOSEA 2012), Sardinia, Italy, June 25-29, 2012.
  42. (Keynote Lecture), Workshop on Applications Of Nanotechnology In Modern Energy Concepts, Dresden, Germany, June 4-9, 2012.
  43. (Invited Talk), International Conference on Functional Materials for Defence (ICFMD-2012),

bullet Selected Publications:

  1. Santara, B.; Giri, P. K.; Imakita, K.; Fujii, M.; Evidence of oxygen vacancy induced room temperature ferromagnetism in solvothermally synthesized undoped TiO 2 nanoribbons, Nanoscale 5,    5476 (2013), Impact Factor 6.7,  Citations >317.

  2. Biroju, R. K; Das, D.; Sharma, R.; Pal, S.; Mawlong, L. PL; Bhorkar, K.; Giri, P. K.; Singh, A. K; Narayanan, T.N.; Hydrogen evolution reaction activity of graphene–MoS2 van der Waals heterostructures, ACS Energy Letters 2, 1355 (2017), Impact Factor 22, Citations >158.

  3. T. Jena, M. T. Hossain, H. Sugimoto, M. Fujii, and P. K. Giri, Evidence for intrinsic defects and nanopores as hotspots in 2D PdSe2 dendrites for plasmon free SERS substrate with a high enhancement factor, npj 2D Materials and Applications 7, 8 (2023), Nature Group, Impact Factor 12.04, Citations >16.

  4. Rajender, G.; Kumar, J.; Giri, P. K.; Interfacial charge transfer in oxygen-deficient TiO2-graphene quantum dot hybrid and its influence on the enhanced visible light photocatalysis, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 224, 960 (2018), Impact Factor 22.1, Citations >215.

  5. Paul, K. K. ; Sreekanth, N; Biroju, Ravi K; Narayanan, T. N; Giri, P.K.; Solar light driven photo electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution and dye degradation by metal-free few-layer MoS2 nanoflower/TiO2 (B) nanobelts heterostructure, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 185, 364 (2018), Impact Factor 7.58, Citations >155.

  6. Mawlong, LPL; Bora, Abhilasha; Giri P. K.; Coupled charge transfer dynamics and photoluminescence quenching in monolayer MoS2 decorated with WS2 quantum dots, Scientific reports 9, 19414, (2019), Impact Factor 4.6, Citations >61.

  7. Das, Ruma; Parveen, Sumaiya; Bora, Abhilasha; Giri, P. K.; Origin of high photoluminescence yield and high SERS sensitivity of nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots, Carbon 160, 273 (2020), Impact Factor 10.9, Citations >92.

  8. P. K. Giri,V Raineri, G Franzo, E Rimini, Mechanism of swelling in low-energy ion-irradiated silicon, Physical Review B 65, 012110 (2001), Impact Factor 3.2, Citations >60.

  9. P. K. Giri, S. Coffa, E. Rimini, Evidence for small interstitial clusters as the origin of photoluminescence W band in ion-implanted silicon, Applied Physics Letters 78, 291-293 (2001), Impact Factor 3.5, Citations: >71.

bullet High Impact Publications:





  1. Small Structures 2300511, 1-28 (2024), I.F. (15.9). Nanoscale 16, 209 (2024),I.F. (7.2), Carbon 216, 118515 (2024) I.F. (11.9).
  2. J. Materials Chemistry B 11, 10206-10217 (2023), I.F. (7.2), Materials Today Chemistry 33, 101681 (2023), I.F. (7.2), ACS Applied Energy Materials 6,8794–8807 (2023), I.F. (6.5), Nanoscale 15, 13809 - 13821 (2023), I.F. (7.2), Adv. Mater. Technol. 8, 2300400 (2023). I.F. 8.3, Nanoscale 15, 12612 - 12625 (2023), Nanoscale 15, 11222 (2023) , npj 2D Materials and Applications 7, 8 (2023) Nature Group, I.F. (11.9)
  3. Nanoscale 14, 6402-6416 (2022), I.F. (7.2)
  4. Nanoscale 13, 14945 (2021) ; Journal of Physics: Materials 4, 032008 (2021). I.F. 5.9 (Invited Review)
  5. Scientific Reports 9, 19414 (2020). I.F. 4.379; Carbon 160, 273 (2020). I.F. 9.594; J. Colloids & Interf. Sci. 564, 357-370 (2020). I.F. 6.36; J. Colloids & Interf. Sci. 561, 519 (2020). I.F. 8.128.
  6. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 201, 110053 (2019). I.F. 6.02.
  7. ACS Appl. Mater. Interface 10, 42812 (2018). I.F. 9.229; J. Mater. Chem. A 6, 22681 (2018). I.F. 11.3; J. Phys. Chem. C 122, 15017 (2018). I.F. 4.58; Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 185, 364 (2018). I.F. 6.02; Sensors & Actuators B 260, 693-704 (2018). I.F. 6.3; IEEE Electron Device Letters 99, 1 (2018). I.F. 3.04; Appl. Catalysis B 224, 960-972 (2018). I.F. 14.229; J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51, 015110 (2018). I.F. 2.59; Sensors & Actuators B 254, 681 (2018). I.F. 6.3.
  8. J. Phys. Chem. C 121, 20016 (2017). I.F. 4.53; ACS Energy Letters 2, 1351 (2017). I.F. 12.27.
  9. J. Mater. Chem. C 4, 10852 (2016). I.F. 5.0; Catal. Sci. Technol. 6, 7101 (2016). I.F. 5.287; Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 7715 (2016). I.F. 4.9.
  10. Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 221910 (2015). I.F. 3.82; Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 072104 (2015). I.F. 3.82; Carbon 95, 228 (2015). I.F. 7.02; J. Mater. Chem. C 3, 7118 (2015). I.F. 5.976; Nanotechnology 26, 145601 (2015). I.F. 3.84.
  11. J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 13833 (2014). I.F. 4.85; Optics Lett. 13, 3833 (2014). I.F. 3.589; Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 213302 (2014). I.F. 3.82; ACS Appl. Mater. Interface 6, 377 (2014). I.F. 5.01.
  12. J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 23402 (2013). I.F. 4.84; Nanoscale 5, 5476 (2013). I.F. 7.2.
  13. Carbon 50, 4495 (2012). I.F. 7.02.
  14. J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 24067 (2011). I.F. 4.5; Nanoscale Res. Lett. 6, 320 (2011). I.F. 3.5; J. Phys. Chem. B 115, 919 (2011). I.F. 3.60.
  15. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42, 245402 (2009). I.F. 2.53.
  16. Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 291 (2001); Phys. Rev. B 65, 012110 (2001).
  17. Phys. Rev. B 62, 16561 (2000); Phys. Rev. B 62, 2496 (2000).
  18. Phys. Rev. B 57, 14603 (1998).
  19. Appl. Phys. Lett. 71, 682 (1997).
For a complete list of publications, click here.

Recent Achievements/ NEWS:
News headlines:
  • IIT Guwahati innovates advanced, cost-effective Printed Perovskite Photodetector with significant applications in Healthcare and Energy (Oct 2024). Click here.
  • IIT Guwahati researchers develop low-cost 2D material for spectroscopic detection of trace chemicals (April 2023). Click here.
  • MOST POPULAR 'NANOSCALE' ARTICLES OF 2021, Understanding the interfacial charge transfer in the CVD grown Bi2O2Se/CsPbBr3 nanocrystal heterostructure and its exploitation in superior photodetection: experiment vs. theory, Nanoscale 13, 14945 (2021).
  • MOST Popular Advances collection of 2022: Emerging Doping Strategies in Two-Dimensional Hybrid Perovskite Semiconductors for Cutting Edge Optoelectronics Applications (REVIEW), Nanoscale Advances 4, 995 (2022).
  • Dr. Ravi K. Biroju, Ex-student of our group, received "Top Cited Author Award (India)" from IOP Publishing, UK. His article "Catalyst free growth of ZnO nanowires on graphene and graphene oxide and its enhanced photoluminescence and photoresponse" has been among the Top 1% most-cited papers from India (2015-2017), recorded in Web of Science.
  • Prof. P. K. Giri was elected as an 'Executive council Member' of Electron Microscopy Society of India (EMSI) in July 2015.
  • Prof. P. K. Giri received the "Nanoscience Research Leader Award 2016" from Cognizure Corporation, India.
  • Our Recent Article in IOP News/ LAB TALKS: Atomic layer sequence influences catalysis. "When stacking different 2D crystals together to form 'van der Waals solids', synergetic and interface-induced effects become very important. In Nanotechnology, we report the development of CVD-grown atomic layers in a hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) photo-electrocatalytic cell based on single-layer graphene and MoS2 layers."
  • Our article "On the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Activity of Graphene-MoS2 van der Waals Heterostructures", ACS Energy Letter. 2, 1351 (2017) is "Among the most read articles for the past month...."
  • Prof. P. K. Giri received the prestigious 'MRSI Medal 2020' from the Materials Research Society of India (Sept 2019).
  • Prof. P. K. Giri listed among the World's Top 2% Scientists in Applied Physics (Nanoscience), database published by Stanford University, USA (2020).
  • Prof. P. K. Giri is elected as a FELLOW of the Institute of Physics (IoP), UK (May 2021).
  • Prof. P. K. Giri is elected as a FELLOW of the West Bengal Academy of Science & Technology (WAST), India (Dec 2021).
  • Prof. P. K. Giri is elected as a FELLOW of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), UK (2024).
Students Achievements:

* Sirsendu Ghosal, Research scholar, Physics depart WON the BEST POSTER Award in the conference "Frontiers in Nanoscience (FINS 2024)", IIT Guwahati, November 2024. Congratulations!   


* Sanjoy Sur Roy, Research Scholar of our group (Dept of Physics) won the BEST POSTER AWARD for his Poster Contribution presented at the International Conference on Advanced Materials for Better Tomorrow-II (AMBT-2023), 10th -13th October, 2023 , BHU. India. Congratulations!   

 * Debabrata Sahu, Research Scholar of our group (Dept of Physics) won the BEST POSTER AWARD for his Poster Contribution presented at the Research & Industrial Conclave-2023 May 14-16l, 2023,  IIT Guwahati. Congratulations! 

* Abdul Kaium Mia, Research Scholar of our group (Centre for Nanotechnology) won the BEST POSTER AWARD for his Poster Contribution presented at the INUP Workshop, 4-6 April, 2022,  IIT Guwahati. Congratulations! 

* Larionette P.L. Mawlong, Research Scholar of our group (Centre for Nanotechnology) won the one of the BEST POSTER AWARD for her Poster Contribution presented at the “Graphene2020 Virtual International Conference & Expo” October 19-23, 2(020) and entitled: “Tunability of the Photoluminescence and Coupled Charge Transfer Dynamics in Monolayer MoS2 Decorated with WS2 Quantum Dots” – Authors (Larionette P. L. Mawlong, Abhilasha Bora and P. K. Giri). Congratulations! 

* Mr. Joydip Ghosh, Research Scholar of our group (Physics) won the Nanoscale Advances Oral Presentation Prize AWARD at the 'International conference on  International Virtual Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Applications (VCAN) 17 - 19 June 2020'  Sponsored by Royal Society of Chemistry, UK for his outstanding oral presentation. Congratulations! 

* Mr. Joydip Ghosh, Research Scholar of our group (Physics) won the BEST POSTER AWARD at the 'International conference on  Optoelectronics and Nanomaterials for Advanced Technology'  for his poster entitled "Enhanced Visible Light Photocatalytic by Fluorine doped Faceted Nanocrystal hierachically desined with vacancy rich TiO2 nanocrystals by vacuum annealing" (iCONMAT January 2019, CUSAT, Cochin). Congratulations! 

* Mr. Kamal Paul, Research Scholar of our group (Physics) won the BEST POSTER AWARD at the 'International conference on  Optoelectronics and Nanomaterials for Advanced Technology'  for his poster entitled "Enhanced Visible Light Photocatalytic by Fluorine doped Faceted Nanocrystal hierachically desined with vacancy rich TiO2 nanocrystals by vacuum annealing" (iCONMAT January 2019, CUSAT, Cochin). Congratulations! 

* Ms. Larionett P. L. Mawlong, Research Scholar of our group (Centre for Nanotechnology) won the BEST POSTER AWARD for her paper entitled "“Photoluminescence Study of CVD Grown Monolayer MoS2 Film on TiO2 Nanorods Array Template”  at the International conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (ICANN2017), Dec 2017, IIT Guwahati, India. Congratulations!   

* Ms. Larionett P. L. Mawlong, Research Scholar of our group (Centre for Nanotechnology) won the BEST POSTER AWARD (1st Prize) for her paper entitled "The Effect of Rapid Thermal Annealing on the Two Dimensional MoS2 Layers Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition" at the National Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology-16 (NCRANNT-2016), Sept 8-9, 2016, Shillong, India. Congratulations!   

* Ms. Ruma Das, Research Scholar of our group (Physics) won the  BEST POSTER AWARD (3rd Prize) for her paper entitled "Effect of Ball Milling on the Photophysical Properties of Nanodiamond" at the National Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology-16 (NCRANNT-2016), Sept 8-9, 2016, Shillong, India. Congratulations!   

* Mr. Gone Rajender, Research Scholar of our group (Physics) won the BEST POSTER AWARD for his paper entitled "Graphene Quantum Dots and TiO2 Nanoparticle Hybrid: An Efficient Photocatalyst for Environmental Applications" at the
Fourth International Conference on Frontiers in Nanoscience and Technology (Cochin Nano-2016), Feb 20-23, 2016, Cochin, India. Congratulations! 

* Mr. Ramesh Ghosh, Research Scholar of our group (Physics) won the BEST POSTER AWARD at the '
APTTEM-2016' National workshop on Advanced Probing Techniques in TEM, for his poster entitled   "Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopic Studies of Arbitrary Shaped Si Nanocrystals Decorated on Vertical Si Nanowires Array". Congratulations!   

* Mr. Kamal Paul,span> Research Scholar of our group (Physics) won the BEST POSTER AWARD at the International conference on  Nanoscience, nanotechnology and Advaced materials for his poster entitled "Enhanced Visible Light Photocatalytic Activity of Ag2O Decorated TiO2 Nanaorods Heterostructure" (2015). Congratulations! 

* Mr. Ravi K Biroju, Research Scholar of our group (Centre for Nanotechnology) won the BEST POSTER AWARD (Sponsored by RSC, London) at the International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICONSAT-2014), March 3-5th, 2014, Mohali, India for his poster entitled “Fabrication of graphene/ZnO and graphene/CoPc semiconducting nanowire hybrid structures and their optoelectronic properties”. (2014) Congratulations!

Best Poster Awards




Opening for PhD (JRF) and Post-doctoral Positions !
  • Hard working and motivated students with NET / GATE qualification are welcome to join our groupb. Please apply online (IITG website) for PhD admission in July and December session every year. Self-motivated candidates with excellent academic record will be preferred.  CSIR/NET qualified candidates can write to me anytime to join PhD under special drive scheme, subject to qualifying the admission test at IIT Guwahati. 


 Research Group (2022)


© Prof. P. K. Giri 2024