1. Significance of Duration in the Prosodic Analysis of Assamese. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2012.
2. Chain shifts, Feature Distance and Contrast Preservation. The EFL Journal (Special issue on Optimality Theory) 3.2: 41-64
3. Locality in exceptions and derived environments in vowel harmony. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. 30:4, 1109-1146 DOI:10.1017/S0025100312000096
4. Assamese: Language Description. Journal of the International Phonetic Association. 42.2, 217-224 DOI:10.1007/s0025100312000096
1. Exceptions in vowel harmony and lexical indexation. Annual Review of South Asian Languages and Linguistics. 65-100.
2. Prominence as a left-edge parameter in Assamese, Bangla and Oriya: A phonetic and phonological investigation. International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics. Vol XXXIII:101-128 (IJDL) [Non-referreed journal]
Sequential Markedness Constraints and Non-Iterativity. Proceedings of NELS 38. Muhammad Abdurrahman, Anisa Schardl, Martin Walkow. Eds. Amherst, Massachussetts: GLSA. (ISBN: 1448636965 EAN-13: 9781448636969). 85-97
Local vs. non-local consonantal intervention. Proceedings of ConSOLE XV. Sylvia Blaho, Camelia Constantinescu and Eric Schoorlemmer Eds. 165-188.
On Consonantal Intervention in Vowel Harmony in vowel harmony. Proceedings of WECOL (Western Conference in Linguistics) 2007. Erin Bainbridge and Brian Agbayani eds. 134 - 148.
On the Convergence of Positional Faithfulness and Positional Markedness. Edited by Aviad Eilam, Laia Mayol, Tatjana Scheffler, and Joshua Tauberer. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics, Volume 13.1. 197-210
Head Morpheme Realization in Assamese Vowel Harmony. The Fifth Asian GLOW Proceedings. Edited by Nguyen Chi Duy Khuong, Richa & Samar Sinha, 415-432
Assamese Nasals Blocking Harmony.UiL-OTS Yearbook 2004 A. Kerkhoff, O. Sadeh Leicht and J. de Lange eds. Utrecht Institute of Linguistics Publications. 25 - 37.
Directionality and Locality in Vowel Harmony. Utrecht: LOT Publications. ISBN 978-90-78328-47-6
Kamrupiya, a dialect of Assamese. "Novye indoariyskie yazyki. (Modern Indo-Aryan languages) Series Yazyki Mira, vol. 16. (Languages of the World Tatiana Oranskaia (ed). Russian Academy of Sciences. Moskva (Moscow): Nauka
UiL-OTS Yearbook co-edited with A. Asbury and I. Brasileiro. Utrecht: Utrecht Institute of Linguistics Publishers. ISSN 1387-8360