Professional Activities
Member, IEEE
Member, ACM
Member, Technical Committee, Evolving Intelligent Systems of the Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, IEEE
Serving as Area Editor, Evolving Systems, ISSN: 1868-6478 (Print) 1868-6486 (Online), Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Conferences & Special Sessions Organized
IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (EAIS), 23-24 May 2024, Madrid, Spain.Â
Special session on "Intelligent and Contextual Systems" at Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 7-10 April 2021 Online
Special session on "Intelligent and Contextual Systems" at Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 23-26 March 2020, Phuket, Thailand
Special session on " Deep Learning for Prediction and Estimation" at IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics, 21-23 June, 2017, Exeter, UK.
Programme Committee MemberÂ
2018 IEEE Symposium on Evolving and Adaptive Autonomous Learning Systems (EALS 2018) under 2018 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, November 18-21, Bengaluru, India
2017 IEEE Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (EAIS),May 31-June 2, Ljubljana, Slovenia .
2016 IEEE Symposium on Evolving and Adaptive Autonomous Learning Systems (EALS 2016) under 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, December 6-9, Athens, Greece.
2016 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 9-15, New York City.
2016 IEEE Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (EAIS), May 23-25, Natal, Brazil.
2015 IEEE Symposium on Evolving and Adaptive Autonomous Learning Systems (EALS 2015)under 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, December 8-10, Cape Town, South Africa.
2015 IEEE Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (EAIS), December 1-3, Douai, France.
2015 INNS Conference on Big Data ,August 8-10,San Francisco, USA.
2014 IEEE Symposium on Evolving and Autonomous Learning Systems (EALS 2014) under 2014 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, December 9 - 12, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
2014 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2014) under IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI), July 6-11, Beijing, China.
2013 IEEE Symposium on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (EAIS 2013) under 2013 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, April 16-19, Singapore.
Invited Talks
The Role of Context in Deep Learning for Applications in Smart Environments, International Conference on Data Driven AI, March 14-17, 2024, Assam Kaziranga University, Jorhat, Assam.Â
AI - Problem Solving using searching techniques at IIT Guwahati (TEQIP-III on Fundamentals of Robotics and AI), Guwahati, February, 2019
Interpretability of Neural Networks, National Conference on Emerging Trends and Applications in Computer Science, September 14-15, 2018 , St. Anthony’s College, Shillong.
What it’s like to be Women in Computer Science at IIT Guwahati (Vigyan Jyoti 2018), Guwahati, September, 2018