Dr. Shyamanta M. Hazarika

Qualitative Spatial Reasoning Sites

QSR Group, University of Leeds
Ben Kuiper's QR Group
"Langue, Raisonnement, Calcul" Group, Toulouse
QSR at University of Hamburg
Group on QSR, University of Freiburg

Cognitive Robotics' Sites

Cognitive Robotics at MIT
Reiter's Group at Toronto
Cognitive Robotics at GMD
Murray Shanahan's Group

Relevant Sites From India

Center for AI and Robotics, Bangalore
Center for Mechatronics, IIT, Kanpur
Center for Development of Advanced Computing, Mumbai

Important AI/KR Conferences

IJCAI Intl. Joint Conference on AI
AAAI US National Conference on AI
ECAI European Conference on AI
ICRA IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation
COSIT Conf. on Spatial Information Theory
KR Conf. on Knowledge Representation & Reasoning.