- M. J. Singh, L. N. Sharma and S. Dandapat, "A Machine Learning Framework for Valve Disease Detection and Cardiac Parameter Estimation Using Seismocardiogram Signals," 2024 International Conference on Intelligent Cybernetics Technology & Applications (ICICyTA).
- H.Kalita, S. Dandapat and P.K. Bora, "Contextual Self-Attention Based UNet Architecture for Fluid Segmentation in Retinal OCT B-scans," 2024 Proceedings of the Fifteenth Indian Conference on Computer Vision Graphics and Image Processing.
- M. J. Singh, L. N. Sharma and S. Dandapat,"Classification of Stenosis and Regurgitation from Seismocardiogram Signals using Convolutional Neural Network," 2024 22nd International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering (ICT&KE).
- P. Mane, S. Dandapat and M. Bhatt, "U-Net Framework for Simultaneous Segmentation of Foveal Avascular Zone and Retinal Vessels Across Different Retinal Plexuses," 2024 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT).
- A. Jaiswal, S. Dandapat, "Leveraging Convolutional Autoencoders for Bundle Branch Block Detection in Electrocardiograms," 2024 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM).
- A. Shankar, D Chakraborty, S. Dandapat and S Barma and M. J. Saikia, "Attention-based Deep Learning for Epileptic Seizure Type Detection," 2024 International Conference on Advancements in Smart, Secure and Intelligent Computing (ASSIC).
- S. Singha, M. J. Singh, L. N. Sharma and S. Dandapat, "Cardio-Mechanical Signal Based Respiration Monitoring with an Inertial Measurement Unit", 2024 IEEE Silchar Subsection Conference (SILCON 2024).
- A. Shankar, D Chakraborty, S. Dandapat and S Barma, "Long Short-Term Memory Framework for Classification of Seizure Types Using A Different Format of EEG Signal", 2023 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB).
- M. J. Singh, L. N. Sharma and S. Dandapat, "Time-Frequency Based Detection of Mitral Regurgitation Using Seismocardiogram Signal," 2023 21st International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering (ICT&KE).
- A. Jaiswal, PS Choudhary, S. Dandapat and PK Bora, "Prediction of Confidence Score of Myocardial Infarction using Multiscale Energy and Eigenspace Features", 2023 7th International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering-Recent Advances (CERA).
- A. Shankar, D Chakraborty, MJ Saikia, S. Dandapat and S Barma, "Seizure Type Detection Using EEG Signals Based on Phase Synchronization and Deep Learning", 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN).
- M. J. Singh, L. N. Sharma and S. Dandapat, "Stationary wavelet transform based detection of aortic stenosis using seismocardiogram signal," 2023 IEEE National Conference on Communications (NCC).
- S. Datta, B. Deka, S. Dandapat, S. Kumar and A. Majumder, "Enhancement of Diagnostic Information in T1-weighted Contrast Enhanced MRI using Deep Back-Projection based Super-Resolution," 2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON).
- D. Jyotishi and S. Dandapat, "A Multi-Scale Residual Neural Network for ECG Based Person Identification," 2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON).
- H. Kalita,S. Dandapat and P. K. Bora, "Segmentation of Retinal OCT B-scans Using a Variable Kernel U-Net Architecture for Diagnosis of Diabetic Macular Edema," 2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON).
- Y. Omesh Singh, S. Sahoo, L. N. Sharma and S. Dandapat, "The Delineation of Aortic Valve Opening Point and Estimation of Heart Rate Variability from Seismocardiogram signal using Linear Prediction Coding Technique," 2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON).
- S. Das and S. Dandapat, "Automated Detection of Heart Murmurs From the PCG Signal Using Stationary Wavelet Transform," 2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON).
- S. Das and S. Dandapat, "Multiscale Kernel Residual Convolutional Neural Network to Detect Heart Valve Diseases," 2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON).
- S. Kumari, D. Jyotishi, S. Das and S. Dandapat, "Analyzing The Effect of Segmentation on PCG Based Biometric System," 2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON).
- A. Kapfo, D. Jyotishi, S. Dandapat and P. K. Bora, , "Person Identification from Synthesized ECG Signal," 2022 IEEE Silchar Subsection Conference (SILCON).
- S. Sahoo and S. Dandapat, "Extracting Video-Based Breath Signal For Detection of Out-of-breath Speech," 2022 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM).
- M. J. Singh, L. N. Sharma and S. Dandapat, "Hilbert Vibration Decomposition of Seismocardiogram for HR and HRV Estimation," 2022 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM).
- A. Kapfo, S. Datta, S. Dandapat and P. K. Bora, "LSTM based Synthesis of 12-lead ECG Signal from a Reduced Lead Set," 2022 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (SPICES).
- S. Sahoo and S. Dandapat, "Detection of Speech-based Physical Load Using Transfer Learning Approach", In 2021 IEEE 18th India Council International Conference (INDICON).
- PS Choudhary and S. Dandapat, "Multibranch 1D CNN for Detection and Localization of Myocardial Infarction from 12 Lead Electrocardiogram Signal", In 2021 IEEE 18th India Council International Conference (INDICON).
- A. Shankar, S. Dandapat and S Barma, "Classification of Seizure Types Based on Statistical Variants and Machine Learning", In 2021 IEEE 18th India Council International Conference (INDICON).
- A. Shankar, S. Dandapat and S Barma,"Classification of Epileptic Seizure From EEG Signal Based on Hilbert Vibration Decomposition and Deep Learning," 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC).
- A. Shankar, S. Dandapat and S Barma,"Seizure Type Classification Using EEG Based on Gramian Angular Field Transformation and Deep Learning," 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC).
- RKS. Sane, PS. Choudhary, LN. Sharma, and S. Dandapat, "Detection of
Myocardial Infarction from 12 Lead ECG Images", In 2021 National Conference on
Communications (NCC) 2021, July (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
- Sibasis Sahoo, and S. Dandapat. “An Adaptive Wavelet Approach for Detection of
Breathiness in Speech.” 17th IEEE India Council International Conference
(INDICON), 2020
- Debasish Jyotishi, and S. Dandapat. “An Attention Based Hierarchical LSTM Model
for Detection of Myocardial Infarction.” 17th IEEE India Council International
Conference (INDICON), 2020
- Prabhakararao, Eedara, and S. Dandapat. "Multiscale convolutional neural network
for detecting paroxysmal atrial fibrillation from single lead ECG signals." 2020
IEEE Applied Signal Processing Conference (ASPCON). IEEE, 2020.
- S. Shankar,HK Khaing, S. Dandapat, & S. Barma, "Epileptic Seizure
Classification Based on Gramian Angular Field Transformation and Deep
Learning." 2020 IEEE Applied Signal Processing Conference (ASPCON). IEEE, 2020.
- Choudhary, Pharvesh Salman, and S. Dandapat. "An Evaluation of Machine Learning
Classifiers for Detection of Myocardial Infarction Using Wavelet Entropy and
Eigenspace Features." 2020 IEEE Applied Signal Processing Conference (ASPCON).
IEEE, 2020.
- Jyotishi, Debasish, and S. Dandapat. "Person Identification using Spatial
Variation of Cardiac Signal." 2020 IEEE Applied Signal Processing Conference
(ASPCON). IEEE, 2020.
- Datta, Sumit, S. Dandapat, and Bhabesh Deka. "A Novel Framework for Enhancement
of Diagnostic Information in MRI using Deep Super-Resolution." 2020 IEEE Applied
Signal Processing Conference (ASPCON). IEEE, 2020.
- Shankar, Anand, S. Dandapat , and Shovan Barma. "Graph Theory and Machine
Learning Based Epileptic Seizures Analysis from EEG." 2020 IEEE 63rd
International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS). IEEE, 2020.
- Kamson, Alex Paul, Laxmi Narayan Sharma, and S. Dandapat. "Evaluation of
Perceptual and Multi Sub-Band Energy Features for Classification of Normal,
Pathological and Noisy Phonocardiogram." Pathological and Noisy Phonocardiogram
(April 17, 2020).
- Das, Samarjeet, and S. Dandapat. "Synthesis and Classification of Heart Sounds
Using Multi-component Oscillatory Model." 2020 National Conference on
Communications (NCC). IEEE, 2020.
- S. Sahoo, and S. Dandapat (2019, December). Analysis of Speech Source Signals for Detection of Out-of-breath Condition. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (pp. 418-426). Springer, Cham.
- D. Jyotishi and S. Dandapat, (2019, December). Inverse Filtering Based Feature for Analysis of Vowel Nasalization. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (pp. 454-461). Springer, Cham.
- Sishir Kalita, Protima Nomo Sudro, S. R. M. Prasanna and S. Dandapat, “Nasal Air Emission in Sibilant Fricatives of Cleft Lip and Palate Speech”, Accepted for presentation in. Interspeech 2019, Graz, Austria, September 2019.
- A. K. Dubey, S. R. M. Prasanna, and S. Dandapat, “Hypernasality Severity detection using Constant Q Cepstral Coefficients,” Accepted for presentation in Interspeech 2019, Graz, Austria, September 2019.
- Prabhakararao, Eedara, and S. Dandapat, "Automatic Quality Estimation of 12-lead ECG for Remote Healthcare Monitoring Systems." 2018 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES). IEEE, 2018
- Nallikuzhy, Jiss J., S. Dandapat, and Md Khayrul Bashar, "Spatially Enhanced ECG using Patient-Specific Dictionary Learning." 2018 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES). IEEE, 2018 (Best Paper Award).
- A. P. Kamson, L.N. Sharma, and S. Dandapat, " Detection of Heart Sound Using Logistic Function Amplitude Moderator and Teager-Kaiser Energy Operator." in IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), 2018.
- Vineeta Das, S. Dandapat and Prabin Kumar Bora, “Diagnostic Information based Super-Resolution of Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Images”, in IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), 2018.
- Vineeta Das, S. Dandapat, and Prabin Kumar Bora, "Region Selective Information Augmentation for Retinal Images." 2018 in IEEE National Conference on Communications (NCC). pp. 1-5, 2018.
- A. K. Dubey, S. R. M. Prasanna, and S. Dandapat, “Hypernasality detection using Zero time windowing,” in IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), 2018.
- A. K. Dubey, S. R. M. Prasanna, and S. Dandapat, “Automatic detection of hypernasality using modified group delay feature,” in Proc. Workshop on Speech Processing for Voice, Speech and Hearing Disorders (WSPD), Mysuru, India, September 2018.
- A. K. Dubey, S. R. M. Prasanna, and S. Dandapat, “Pitch-Adaptive Front-end Feature for Hypernasality Detection,” in Interspeech, 2018.
- A. K. Dubey, S. R. M. Prasanna, and S. Dandapat, “Sinusoidal model based features for analysis of hypernasality severity,” in Proc. Workshop on Speech Processing for Voice, Speech and Hearing Disorders (WSPD), Mysuru, India, September 2018.
- Sishir Kalita, S. R. M. Prasanna and S. Dandapat, “Self-similarity matrix based intelligibility assessment of cleft lip and palate speech” in Proc. Interspeech 2018, Hyderabad, India, September 2018.
- Sishir Kalita, Pushpavathi M, Ajish K Abraham, Girish K. S., S. R. M. Prasanna, S. Dandapat, “Relative contribution of hypernasality, consonant production errors, and voice disorders on the intelligibility of cleft lip and palate speech” in Proc. Workshop on Speech Processing for Voice, Speech and Hearing Disorders (WSPD), Mysuru, India, September 2018.
- S Kalita, W Lalhminghlui, L Horo, P Sarmah, SRM Prasanna, S. Dandapat, “Acoustic Characterization of Word-Final Glottal Stops in Mizo and Assam Sora”, Proc. Interspeech (2017):1039-1043.
- S. Deb and S. Dandapat, "Exploration of Phase Information for Speech Emotion Classification,"Twenty-third National Conference on Communications (NCC), 2017, pp. 1-5.
- S. Deb and S. Dandapat, "Emotion Classification using Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform," 14 th IEEE India Council International Conference 2017 (INDICON-2017) (Accepted).
- D. Jyotishi, S. Deb and S. Dandapat, "A Novel Feature for Nasalised Vowels and Characteristic Analysis of Nasal Filter," Twenty Fourth National Conference on Communications (NCC), 2018,(Accepted).
- D. Jyotishi, S. Deb, A. Abhishek and S. Dandapat, "Experimental Analysis on Effect of Nasal Tract on Nasalised Vowels," International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing (MISP 2017) (Accepted).
- A. Abhishek, S. Deb and S. Dandapat, "Analysis of Breathy, Emergency and Pathological Stress Classess," International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing (MISP 2017), (Accepted).
- Vineeta Das, S. Dandapat and P.K. Bora,"Region Selective Information Augmentation for Retinal Images", National conference in communications 2018 (accepted).
- Vineeta Das, S. Dandapat and P.K. Bora,"Diagnostic Information based Super-Resolution of Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Images", International conference in signal processing and communications 2018(accepted).
- S Kalita, W Lalhminghlui, L Horo, P Sarmah, SRM Prasanna, S. Dandapat, “Acoustic Characterization of Word-Final Glottal Stops in Mizo and Assam Sora”, Proc. Interspeech (2017):1039-1043.
- R. K. Tripathy, S. Dandapat, “Multiresolution Inter-sample and Inter-lead Eigen Error Features for Classification of Cardiac Ailments”, Twenty Second National Conference on Communication (NCC), IEEE, March (2016): 1-4.
- J. P. Medhi and S. Dandapat, “Improved analysis of Diabetic Maculopathy using level set spatial fuzzy clustering”, Twenty Second National Conference on Communication (NCC), IEEE, March (2016): 1-6.
- S Kalita, L Horo, P Sarmah, SRM Prasanna, S. Dandapat, “Analysis of Glottal Stop in Assam Sora Language”, Proc. Interspeech (2016):1049-1053.
- A. K. Dubey, SRM Prasanna and S Dandapat, “ Zero time windowing analysis of hypernasality in speech of Cleft Lip and palate childrenl”, Twenty Second National Conference on Communication (NCC), IEEE, March (2016): 1-6.
- S Kalita, SRM Prasanna and S Dandapat, “Analysis of glottal stops using pitch synchronous integrated linear prediction residual”, Twenty Second National Conference on Communication (NCC), IEEE, March (2016): 1-6.
- B Priya and S. Dandapat, “A subspace projection based approach to improve the recognition of stressed speech”, India Conference (INDICON), 2016 IEEE Annual, 1-7.
- B Priya and S. Dandapat, “Sparse representation of LPC for analysis of stressed speech in lower dimensional subspace”, Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2016 IEEE, 661-666.
- L. N. Sharma and S. Dandapat, "Detecting Myocardial Infarction by Multivariate Multiscale Covariance Analysis of Multilead Electrocardiograms”, Proceedings of the International Congress on Information and Communication Technology, Springer Singapore, 2016: 169179.
- AK Dubey, SRM Prasanna and S Dandapat, “Zero time windowing based severity analysis of hypernasal speech”, Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2016 IEEE, 970-974.
- Suman Deb and S Dandapat, “Emotion classification using residual sinusoidal peak amplitude”, International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), IEEE, 2016: 1-5.
- A. Chetan, R. K. Tripathy, S. Dandapat, “Cardiac Arrhythmia Classification from Multilead ECG using Multiscale Non-linear analysis”, IEEE UP Section Conference on Electrical Computer and Electronics (UPCON), IEEE, 2015:1-4.
- A. Singh and S. Dandapat, “Exploiting interchannel correlations in multichannel compressed sensing ECG systems”, IEEE UP Section Conference on Electrical Computer and Electronics (UPCON), IEEE, 2015:1-7.
- B Priya and S. Dandapat, “Stressed speech analysis using sparse representation over temporal information based dictionary”, India Conference (INDICON), 2015, IEEE Annual, 1-6.
- R. K. Tripathy, L. N. Sharma, S. Dandapat, “Detection of Cardiac Ailments from multilead ECG using Diagnostic Eigen Error Features”, IEEE Conference on Power, Communication and Information Technology, IEEE, 2015: 184-189.
- S. Padhy and S. Dandapat, “Synthesis of 12-lead ECG from a reduced lead set using singular value decomposition”, IEEE Conference on Power, Communication and Information Technology, IEEE, 2015: 316-320.
- Nallikuzhy, Jiss J. and S. Dandapat. "Enhancement of the spatial resolution of ECG using multi-scale Linear Regression." Communications (NCC), 2015 Twenty First National Conference on. IEEE, 2015.
- Suman Deb and S. Dandapat. "A novel breathiness feature for analysis and classification of speech under stress." Communications (NCC), 2015 Twenty First National Conference on. IEEE, 2015.
- Priya, Bhanu, and S. Dandapat. "Linear transformation on speech subspace for analysis of speech under stress condition." Communications (NCC), 2015 Twenty First National Conference on. IEEE, 2015.
- Singh, Anurag, Jiss J. Nallikuzhy, and S. Dandapat. "Compressed sensing framework of data reduction at multiscale level for eigenspace multichannel ECG signals." Communications (NCC), 2015 Twenty First National Conference on. IEEE, 2015.
- Medhi, Jyoti Prakash, and S. Dandapat. "Automatic detection of fovea using property of vessel free region." Communications (NCC), 2015 Twenty First National Conference on. IEEE, 2015.
- Singh, Anurag, and S. Dandapat. "Distributed compressive sensing for multichannel ECG signals over learned dictionaries." Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 2014.
- Medhi, Jyoti Prakash, and S. Dandapat. "Analysis of maculopathy in color fundus images." Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 2014.
- S. Padhy and S. Dandapat. "A new multilead ECG data compression method using Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition." Twentieth.National Conference on Communications (NCC), IEEE, 2014.
- Nallikuzhy, Jiss J., L. N. Sharma, and S. Dandapat. "Projection based approach for super-resolution ECG." IEEE 1st International Conference on Condition Assessment Techniques in Electrical Systems (CATCON), IEEE, 2013: 270-274.
- Anurag Singh, L. N. Sharma, and S. Dandapat, "Compressive sensing in eigenspace for multichannel electrocardiaogram signals," International Conference onAdvanced Electronic Systems (ICAES), 2013, pp.166-170.
- Sibasankar Padhy, L. N. Sharma, and S. Dandapat, "Multilead ECG Data Transmission in Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN)," 5th International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering-Recent Advances (CERA-13), 3-5 Oct. 2013.
- S. Shukla, S. Dandapat and S. R.M. Prasanna, “Subspace Projection based Analysis of Speech under Stressed Condition”, Proceedings of the 2012 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT), (Trivandrum, India), pp. 831-834, IEEE, October 2012.
- J. P. Medhi, M. K. Nath and S. Dandapat, “Automatic Grading of Macular Degeneration from Color Fundus Images”, Proceedings of the 2012 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT), (Trivandrum, India), pp. 511-514, IEEE, October 2012.
- M. K. Nath and S. Dandapat, “Detection of Changes in Color Fundus Images due to Diabetic Retinopathy, 2nd National Conference on Computational Intelligence and Signal Processing (CISP), 2012, (Guwahati, Assam, India), pp. 81-85, IEEE, March 2012.
- L. N. Sharma and S. Dandapat, "Compressed Sensing for Multi-lead Electrocardiogram Signals", 2nd. World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT 2012), Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management-Kerala (IIITM-K), Trivandrum, Kerala, India, Oct. 2012, pp. 812-816.
- L. N. Sharma, S. Dandapat, A. Mahanta, "Clinical Entropy based PCA for Multi-lead Electrocardiogram Signals, International conference on Advances in Information Technology (AIT-2012), Bangkok, Thailand, 23-24 June, 2012. (Won the Best Paper Award).
- M. K. Nath, M. Mishra, and S. Dandapat, “PCA and LDA based Approach to Glaucoma Classification from Color Fundus Images, 35Th National Systems Conference, (IIT Bhubaneswar, India), pp. 186-191, IIT Bhubaneswar, Macmillan Advanced Research Series, December 2011. (Won the Best Paper Award).
- L. N. Sharma, S. Dandapat, A. Mahanta, "Multiscale distortion measure for multichannel electrocardiogram signals", 2011 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME 2011), Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, India, Dec 10-12., 2011.
- S Kurakula, A Sudhansh, R Paily and S Dandapat, “Design of QRS detection and heart rate estimation system on fpga”, Advances in Computing and Communications, Springer, (2011): 165-174.
- L. N. Sharma, S. Dandapat, A. Mahanta, "Guaranteeing Target Quality Denoising of Multichannel ECG Signals using MSPCA", International Conference on Computer and Computational Intelligence (ICCCI 2011), Bangkok, Thailand, 2-4 Dec., 2011. (Won the Best Paper Award).
- S. Shukla, S. R. M. Prasanna, and S. Dandapat, “Stressed speech processing: Human vs automatic in non-professional speakers scenario,” in National Conference on Communications (NCC). IEEE, January 2011, pp. 1 –5.
- M. S. Manikandan and S. Dandapat, “Quality-driven wavelet based PCG signal coding for wireless cardiac patient monitoring”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Wireless Technologies for Humanitarian Relief, ACM, (2011): 519-526.
- M. K. Nath and S. Dandapat, ’Segmentation of Retinal Blood Vessels from Color Fundus Images by using Morphological Approach’ National Conference on Computational Intelligence and Signal Processing (CISP) 2011, Assam Don Bosco University Guwahati, India.
- Madhusudhan Mishra, Malaya Kumar Nath, S. R. Nirmala and S. Dandapat, ’Image Processing Techniques for Glaucoma Detection’, International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ACC) 2011, Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology (RSET) Kochi, Kerala, India.
- M. K. Nath and S. Dandapat, ’Feature detection from color fundus images by wavelet ICA’, in Medimage, (IIT Delhi), Medical Imaging: Perspectives on Perception and Diagnostics-2 day international symposium organized in conjunction with the seventh Indian conference on ICVGIP, December 2010.
- L. N. Sharma, S. Dandapat, A. Mahanta, “Multiscale principal component analysis to denoise multichannel ECG signals”, 5th Cairo International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (CIBEC 2010), IEEE, Cairo, Egypt, 16-18 Dec., 2010.
- L. N. Sharma, S. Dandapat, A. Mahanta, “Multiscale Wavelet energies and relative energy based denoising of ECG Signal”, 1st. IEEE International Conference on Communication Control and Computing Tecgnologies (IEEE ICCCCT 2010), Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram and St.Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Kanyakumari., 7-9 Oct., 2010.
- L. N. Sharma, S. Dandapat, A. Mahanta, “Multiscale entropy based multiscale principal component analysis for multichannel ECG data reduction”, 10th. IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine (TAB 2010), IEEE, Corfu, Greece, 3-5 Nov., 2010.
- S. R. Nirmala, S. Dandapat and P. K. Bora, "Wavelet based diagnostic distortion measure for the Optic disc", International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (SPCOM), IEEE, July 2010.
- L. N. Sharma, S. Dandapat, A. Mahanta, “Kurtosis based Multichannel ECG Signal Denoising and Diagnostic Distortion Measures”, IEEE TENCON 2009, Singapore, 23 - 26 November 2009.
- S. R. Nirmala, S. Dandapat and P. K. Bora, “Performance evaluation of wavelet filters for compression of retinal images”, Proceedings of National Conference on Communication (NCC), 2009.
- S Shukla, SRM Prasanna and S Dandapat, “Speech recognition under stress condition”, 15th National Conference on Communications, IIT Guwahati, 2009, pp. 299-302.
- M. S. Manikandan and S. Dandapat, “An effective wavelet-based lossy compression of noisy ECG signals”, IEEE Region 10 Conference TENCON, IEEE, 2008.
- M. S. Manikandan and S. Dandapat, “ECG distortion measures and their effectiveness”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, ICETET'08. IEEE, pp. 705-710, 2008.
- L. N. Sharma, S. R. Nirmala, M. Sabarimalai Manikandan and S. Dandapat, “Compression of Multi-lead ECG Signals and Retinal Images Using 2-D Wavlet Transform and SPIHT Coding Scheme for Mobile Telemedicine”, WISP-2007, IIT Guwahati, India, 20-29 Dec., 2007.
- S. R. Nirmala, S. Dandapat and P. K. Bora, “Image quality assessment in retinal image compression systems”, Information and Communication Technology in Electrical Sciences (ICTES 2007), IET, pp. 737-742, 2007.
- M. S. Manikandan and S. Dandapat, “Wavelet energy based compression of phonocardiogram (PCG) signal for telecardiology”, Information and Communication Technology in Electrical Sciences (ICTES 2007), IET, pp. 650-654, 2007.
- L. N. Sharma, M. Sabarimalai Manikandan and S. Dandapat, ‘’Modern ECG Instrumentation and Compression Techniques’’, Seminar on Bioelectronics, Tezpur University, 27th. March 2007.
- M. S. Manikandan and S. Dandapat, “Wavelet-based ECG and PCG signals compression technique for mobile telemedicine”, International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, ADCOM 2007, IEEE, pp. 164-169, 2007.
- M. S. Manikandan and S. Dandapat, “Quality controlled wavelet compression of ECG signals by WEDD”, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, IEEE, pp. 581-586, 2007.
- N Jain, K. Sunil Reddy and S. Dandapat, “Constrained Autoregressive Model for Burg Method”, Proceedings of IEEE India Annual Conference (INDICON 2006), 15-17 September, 2006, New Delhi, India.
- G. Senthil Raja and S. Dandapat, “Stress Compensation for Improvement in Speaker Recognition”, Proceedings of IEEE India Annual Conference (INDICON 2006), 15-17 September, 2006, New Delhi, India.
- D. Satyarth,i B.A.N. Raju, S. Dandapat, “Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy in Fundus Images using Vector Quantization Technique”, Proceedings of IEEE India Annual Conference (INDICON 2006), 15-17 September, 2006, New Delhi, India.
- D. Hazarika, C. Mahanta, S. Dandapat, ”Tracking of heart wall motion using unscented Kalman filter”, Proceedings of IEEE India Annual Conference (INDICON 2006), 15-17 September, 2006, New Delhi, India.
- M. S. Manikandan and S. Dandapat, “Wavelet based ECG compression with large zero zone quantizer,” Proceedings of IEEE India Annual Conference (INDICON 2006), 15-17 September, 2006, New Delhi, India.
- T.V Sagar, S.R.M Prasanna,.K.S Rao, S. Dandapat, “Characterization and Incorporation of Emotions in Speech”, Proceedings of IEEE India Annual Conference (INDICON 2006), 15-17 September, 2006, New Delhi, India.
- M. S. Manikandan and S. Dandapat, “An efficient wavelet-energy based phonocardiogram (PCG) data compression,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Signal, Image Proc. ( ICSIP 2006), 7-9 Dec., 2006, Hubli, India.
- M. S. Manikandan and S. Dandapat, “Wavelet-threshold based ECG compression with smooth retrieved quality for telecardiology,” International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing (ICISIP 2006), IEEE, pp. 138-143, 2006.
- M. S. Manikandan, and S. Dandapat, “An efficient wavelet-based cardiac signal compression for telemedicine compression,” Proc .Indian Conf. Medical Informatics and Telemedicine (ICMIT 2006), Kharagpur, India, Dec. 2006.
- Nishit Jain and S. Dandapat, “Constrained autoregressive model”, Proceedings of IEEE India Annual Conference (INDICON 2005), 11-13 December, 2005, pp. 255-257, Chennai, India.
- H. Patro, G. Senthil Raja and S. Dandapat, “ Classification of stressed speech using Gaussian Mixture Model”, Proceedings of IEEE India Annual Conference (INDICON 2005), 11-13 December, 2005, pp. 342-346, Chennai, India.
- D. Satyarthi, M. R. Kumar and S. Dandapat, “Gaussian intensity distribution modelling of Blood Vessels in Fundus Images”, proceedings of IEEE India Annual Conference (INDICON 2005), 11-13 December, 2005, pp. 228-232, Chennai, India.
- M. S. Manikandan, and S. Dandapat, “ECG signal compression using discrete sinc interpolation,” Proc. 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing, India, pp.14-19, Dec.2005.
- Nishit Jain and S. Dandapat, “Spectral estimation using constrained autoregressive (CAR) model”, Proc. 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing, India, pp. 110-114, Dec.2005.
- G. Senthil Raja and S. Dandapat, “Stressed speech analysis for ergonomic design” International Conference on Ergonomic Design, IIT Guwahati, Dec. 2005.
- Y. Madhusudan Reddy and S. Dandapat, “Web based patient record system”, Proceedings Indian Conference on Medical Informatics and Telemedicine, IIT Kharagpur, pp. 122-126, Feb. 2005.
- M. Ravi Kumar and S. Dandapat, “Detection of blood vessels in retinal images using model based approach ”, Proceedings Indian Conference on Medical Informatics and Telemedicine, IIT Kharagpur, pp. 131-134, Feb. 2005.
- K. Ramamohan Reddy, S. Prajit Nair, Y. Madhusudan Reddy and S. Dandapat, “Online speech recognition for medical transcription”, Proceedings Indian Conference on Medical Informatics and Telemedicine, IIT Kharagpur, pp. 79-82, Feb. 2005.
- G. Senthil Raja and S. Dandapat, “Sinusoidal model based speaker identification using VQ and DHMM” Proceedings of INDICON, pp. 338-384, IIT Kharagpur, India, Dec. 2004.
- S. Dandapat, Opas Chutatape and S. M. Krishnan, “Perceptual model based data embedding in medical images”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2004), Singapore, Oct. 2004.
- S. Dandapat, Opas Chutatape and S. M. Krishnan, “Wavelet transform domain data embedding in a medical image”, IEEE International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBS 2004).
- Opas Chutatape, S. Swain and S. Dandapat, “A novel wavelet based ECG compression with X-tree coding”, Proceedings International Bioengineering Conference (IBEC-2004), NTU, Singapore, Sept. 2004.
- Abhinav Gupta, S. Dandapat and C. Mahanta, “Four Channel Adaptive Fetal ECG Extraction and Enhancement”, Proceedings International Conference on Medical Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures, Chennai, India, Feb. 2004.
- G. Senthil Raja and S. Dandapat, “Sinusoidal model based speaker identification” Proceedings of National Communication Conference (NCC-2004), IISc Bangalore, India, Jan. 2004.
- S. Dandapat, Opas Chutatape and S. M. Krishnan, “Spatial and spectral domain data embedding with medical images ”, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR 2003), Kolkata, India, Dec. 2003, pp. 363-366.
- S. Ramamohan and S. Dandapat, “Analysis and classification of stressed speech”, Proceedings of Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music (FRSM-2003), pp. 103-112, IIT Kanpur, India, Feb. 2003.
- S. Ramamohan and S. Dandapat, “Feature analysis for classification of speech under stress”, Proceedings of the Indo-European Conference on Multilingual Communications Technologies (IEMCT), Pune, June, 2002.
- S. Behera and S. Dandapat, “Evaluation of speech features for speaker identification”, Proceedings of 25th National Systems Conference (NSC-2001), pp. 337-342, Coimbatore, India, Dec. 2001.
- N. Sathyanarayana, S. Dandapat and J. S. Sahambi, “Stressed speech analysis using sinusoidal model”, Proceedings of International Conference EAIT-2001, pp. 737-742, IIT Kharagpur, India, Dec. 2001.
- V. Prakash, S. Dandapat and J. S. Sahambi, “Multiresolution fetal ECG detection”, Proceedings of International Conference EAIT-2001, pp. 737-742, IIT Kharagpur, India, Dec. 2001.
- Y. Zaman and S. Dandapat, "Midprediction Error Filtering Approach for Detection of Fetal ECG", Proceedings of International Conference CCSP-2000, pp. 50-54, Bangalore, India, July 2000.
- S. Dandapat and G. C. Ray, "Extraction of Time-varying Vocal Tract Parameters", Proceedings International Conference on Medical Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures, pp. 358-363, Chennai, India, Dec. 1999.
- S. Dandapat and G. C. Ray, "Limitations of frame based analysis for evaluation of dynamics of the vocal tract shape", presented in International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engg. (Recent Advances), Roorkee, Sept. 1997.
- S. Dandapat and G. C. Ray, "Adaptive filtering approach to the reconstruction of the vocal tract shape", presented in International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engg. (Recent Advances), Rookee, Sept. 1997.
- S. Dandapat and G. C. Ray, "Midprediction error filtering approach to the detection of glottal closing instants", IEEE Biomedical Engg. Conference, Amsterdam, Oct. 1996.
- S. Dandapat and G. C. Ray, " Evaluation of vocal tract disorders using a variable step adaptive filter", Proceedings of RC-IEEE-EMBS and 14th BMES, pp. 3.83 - 3.84, New Delhi, February 1995.
- S. Dandapat and G. C. Ray, "Midprediction filter for biomedical applications", Proceedings of International Conference on Recent advances in Biomedical Engineering, pp. 16-19, Hyderabad, India, January 1994.