Nachiketa TripathiProfessor
AreaOrganizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
Contact: nachi@iitg.ac.in
: +91 361 258 2556
: https://www.iitg.ac.in/hss/faculty_page_profile.php?name=U25iVUVwNVNjWjdra1I4SHZhb2YyUT09
Professor Tripathi received his doctorate in Social Psychology from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. Currently Prof. Tripathi is working as a Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, where he teaches
courses in the areas of Organizational Behaviour (OB) and Human Resource Management (HRM). He has over 25 years of teaching and research experience. Prof. Tripathi started his academic career with Management Training and
Consultancy Organization, Centre for Organization Development, Hyderabad, and then shifted to Business School to teach students of MBA programme. Since 1998, he has been with the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
teaching courses in the areas of OB, HRM, and Social Psychology to B.Tech, and Ph.D. students.
Prof. Tripathi has supervised seven Ph.D. students on different topics in OB and HR, including topics like Influence
Strategies, Strategic HRM, Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management, Stress, Empowering Leadership, Diversity and Creativity. His students have gone to secure academic positions in the country's leading management
institutions, including IIMs. Prof. Tripathi has also supervised several Masters dissertations, apart from co-supervising B.Tech. and M.Tech. dissertations, which have resulted in publications.
Prof. Tripathi has
published extensively in high ranking journals, such as Management Research Review, Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, Journal of Advances in Management Research, VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management,
Journal of Indian Business Research, Frontiers in Psychology, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology to name a few. He has also presented his work in various academic conferences, such as Academy of International Business, American
Psychological Association Convention, European Psychological Conference, International Congress of Psychology, and International Congress of Applied Psychology.
Prof. Tripathi held the prestigious Burns Endowment
Fellowship at the Dhillon School of Business, University of Lethbridge, AB, Canada, in 2015.
Prof. Tripathi serves on the editorial board of Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, South Asian Journal of
HRM, and Psychological Studies.