Pratul Chandra KalitaProfessor
AreaStrategic Management
Contact: pratulkalita@iitg.ac.in
: +91 361 258 2472
: https://iitg.irins.org/profile/128301
Pratul Ch. Kalita has widespread Industrial and Academic experience in the field of design, technology and management. He did Bachelor of Engineering in Production Engineering and Management from National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur, followed by Master of Marketing Management from Pondicherry University. He obtained PhD in Design from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati in the area of Design Management. He served for JMT Auto, Jamshedpur in CNC manufacturing and control; BOC India (now Linde Group), in design and erection of air separation and hydrogen plants. He is one of the founder members of Acumen Consultancy Services, Kolkata. Prior to IITG, he was an assistant professor in Assam Institute of Management, Guwahati with focus area of Management Research Methodology, Product Design and Development and Operations Management. He has been instrumental in establishment of industry institute partnership in the North Eastern region of India. He has provided consultancy services to the Government of India, Government of Assam and many private organizations of repute. At present he is engaged in number of research and consultancy projects. Recently he has completed the diagnostic Study on Weaver’s need in respect of Eri and Muga Silk’ under the World Bank financed Assam Agribusiness and Rural Transformation Project ( APART). The world Bank is keen to implement the design management strategies formulated in the study. He has provided design management consultancy to the Ministry of Textiles at Sivasagar Mega Handloom Cluster Development project. He has done prestigious IMPRINT project sponsored by MOE and ICMR on system design for Tuberculosis Programme Administration. His recent projects include Impact Assessment Studies for Roads, Bridges and Irrigation projects funded by NABARD, Prime Minister Entrepreneurship Generation Programme, Prime Minister Rozgar Yojna, Swarna Jayanti Shahri Rozgar Yojna, etc.
Dr. Kalita has published research papers in reputed international journals and conference proceedings. Every year he organizes Management Development Programmes for top executives of Central Public Sector Enterprises sponsored by Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises, Government of India. He is member of the Education Committee under North East Regional Committee of Indian Chamber of Commerce. He is also the coordinator of Design Innovation Centre, IIT Guwahati.