
Let me introduce myself.

Hi, I am Rubeka, A Prime Minister Research Fellow at School of Agro and Rural Technology, IIT Guwahati.

About Rubeka

Ms. Rubeka (born and bought up in Delhi, India) is a doctoral student at School of Agro and Rural Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG), Assam, India, since July 2020. She received her bachelor's degree in Food Technology from Lady Irwin College, university of Delhi, India in 2017. Thereafter, did M.Tech from Jamia Hamdard University in food Technology. She was conferred with the prestigious Prime Minister's Research Fellowship to pursue doctoral studies in the Interdisciplinary areas of Science and Engineering (IDSE) in May 2021 under the joint supervision of Professor Latha Rangan (Professor and Ex. HoD of Biosciences and Bioengineering Department) and Dr. Siddhartha Singha (Assistant professor and DPPC School of agro and Rural Technology). Before joining for PhD, Ms. Rubeka gained some corporate and research experience as Assistant Manager- Research and Marketing at Indian Chamber of Food and Agriculture (ICFA), Delhi India and as Senior research fellow at Agriculture Extension division in Indian Agriculture Research Institute (ICAR-IARI), New Delhi, India. She was also the recipient of the prestigious DBT- BIRAC SIIP Fellowship 2020. Broadly, Rubeka does research in the core areas of Food Technology combined with Agriculture and Biotechnology. She is currently working on pigmented rice varieties of North East India (Specifically Black rice of Assam and Manipur). Her research interest lies in applying state-of-the-art techniques from food engineering, upcycling and valorisation, development of new products from underutilized and unknown varieties of India. Her current research work includes characterization of pigmented rice, genetic and processing studies. Rubeka has published and co-authored in various international and national journals and book chapters in reputed publishing houses. She has qualified NET by UGC (twice) and ICAR-ASRB Net 2021. She also possesses a good understanding of agri-entrepreneurship, food safety laws and implementation and SOP development for millet-based products. Previously, Rubeka has also worked on projects related to Fortification, Trans fats, Space Food and New-product development.

Awards and Accolades

  • Best oral presentation award- Scientifique, "Research and Industrial Conclave Integration" 2022, IIT Guwahati.
  • Invited as guest speaker at Food Technology Association (FTA), Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi
  • Invited guest lecturer at Astro Research Society, 2020
  • Awarded best paper presentation in young scientist category at “International Conference on Environment, Agriculture, Human and Animal Health (ICEAHAH 2021)”
  • Awarded by Agriculture Minister (Sh. N.S Tomar) for representing Agriculture Extension Division in various initiatives - ICAR- IARI on 2nd October 2019
  • Gold medallist in “International Informatics Olympiad 2008”
  • Awarded at World food day (16th Oct 2016) organized by MOFPI, AFSTI and AYUSH Dept. for presenting ideas on the topic “solutions to raise farmers and yield”


Doctoral Studies

Domain Interdisciplinary Food Technology, Biosciences and Bioengineering, Rural Technology)


CPI(course work : 9.0/10

School of Agro and Rural Technology, IIT Guwahati, Assam, India

Master of Technology (M.Tech)

Domain Food Technology


CPI(course work : 9.43/10

Department of Food Technology, School of Interdisciplinary Sciences and Technology, Jamia Hamdard

Bachelors of Technology (B.Tech)

Domain Food Technology


Percentage : 81%

Department of Food Technology, Lady College, University of Delhi, South Campus, Irwin New Delhi,

HSSE (CBSE Board - Delhi)


Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya, No.1 Molarband, New Delhi

SSE (CBSE Board - Delhi)


Satyawati Sood Arya Girls S. Sec School, New Delhi

Work Experience

ICAR- Indian Agriculture Research Institute, Delhi

Post Senior Research Fellow


Project funded by NASF

Collaborated amongst ICAR IARI (Lead by), ICAR IASRI, OUAT and ATARI

IIMR Hyderabad ICAR- Indian Institute of Millets Research Hyderabad

Post M.Tech Project Researcher


Partnering institutes: Jamia Hamdard and ICAR-IIMR ICFA

ICFA- Indian Chamber of Food & Agriculture

Post Assistant Manager Research and Marketing & Project Trainee

06/2019 08/2019

Project Trainee 05-2018-07 2018


Thesis title (tentative): Exploring the diversity of Black Rice of Assam for processing and value addition

Brief Introduction

Black rice (Oryza sativa L.- Zizania aqatica), a pigmented aromatic specialty rice popular in Asia, has a unique flavor and the volatile chemistry of which is being studied by many countries. Black rice is intensely colored due to anthocyanins found in the surface cells of the grain. China accounts for 62% of black rice production in the world followed by Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia and Philippines. Black rice is very distinct from white, brown and parboiled rice in terms of aroma, nutrition and the physicochemical properties. It has unique color which is primarily due to anthocyanins and a peculiar nutty flavor. It is extremely rich in phenolics, flavonoids, and anthocyanins and shows higher antioxidant activity when compared to white and other pigmented rice varieties. The higher protein and anthocyanin content increases its nutritional and antioxidant properties. All of these in combination offers tremendous health benefits. The North Eastern Region (NER) of India comprises of eight states- Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura. These regions are known for its rich biodiversity but as compared to other parts of the country NER is less explored for its potential in multi-sectoral development and efficient utilization of the resources available. In north east India only, there are more than 10,000 varieties of rice out of which many of them are pigmented and needs to be studied for its ethnobiology, usage and deserved shelf stand. Manipuri Chakhao (black rice variety) has been studied by few and have received geographical indication (GI) tag as well but Assam being the second largest north eastern states which produces black rice there are gaps in the research studies due to which there are gaps in the value chain of black rice which still needs to be addressed.


Assam has a huge potential to be a major producer and exporter of black rice but is unable to furnish its capability at fullest due to lack of repository of available black rice varieties, processing studies and awareness in farmers.

Aim and Scope

Therefore, the goal of this thesis research work is to understand of the chemistry of black rice and its potential of value addition and processing will allow the revival of many north eastern black rice varieties that has commercial potential.


Ms. Rubeka

Ms. Rubeka is currently a regular Ph.D student at School of Agro and Rural Technology, IIT Guwahati. She received the Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship in the session May 2021. She had her M.Tech in Food Technology from Jamia Hamdard in 2019 and B.Tech in Food Technology from Lady Irwin college, University of Delhi in 2017. Before joining Ph.D at IITG, she worked for 1.5 years in ICAR- Indian Agriculture Research Institute as SRF and Indian Chamber of Food and Agriculture as Assistant manager- research and marketing. She got awarded by Hon. Agriculture Minister (Present) N.S Tomar at IARI for representing her division, MoFPI and AFSTI for her presentations. She also was the highest scorer in her M.Tech thesis presentation.

Dr. Siddhartha Singha

Dr. Siddhartha Singha is a Food & Bioprocess Engineer by training and working in the area of food and bio processing for the last thirteen years. Currently he is working as Assistant Professor at School of Agro and Rural Technology at IIT Guwahati. He has work experience in NIFTEM-Ministry of Food Processing Industries, GoI and in Industries like Pepsico Holdings, Bridge2Tech. He is active to bring the culture of innovation in Policy making, Institution building, human resource development and research especially in the area of food & nutritional security. He is part of various Government programs like RuTAG, NetProFan- FSSAI etc. and various stakeholder groups. As an advisor to different NGOs and Industries he contributes to the ecology of agri/bio entrepreneurship for sustainable usage of the natural resources and circular economy.

Prof. Latha Rangan

Prof. Latha Rangan is currently Professor at the Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. She obtained her PhD in 2001 and had post-doctoral stints on rice transformation in United Kingdom. Her main focus of research has been on in areas of Applied Biodiversity with special reference to bioresources of Northeast India using an integrative approach. Her work has laid foundation for new ways to detect, authenticate, protect and exploit biodiversity, for instance as resource for sustainable agriculture taking the case of the useful medicinal plants. She has been recently selected for Dr. P. Sheel Memorial Lecture (Young Women Scientist) Awardee by National Academy of Sciences, India and many others previously such as Prof Hiralal Chakravarty Award of Indian Science Congress, Women Scientist Award of Biotech Research Society of India, Young Scientist Award of Society for Chemist and Biologist and Dr J N Baruah Science Award for her significant contributions in are of Plant Sciences.

Senior Research Fellow at NASF Project- ICAR- IARI
ICT Based Extension Strategies for Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture in the state of UP and Odisha

This project emphasizes on 3000 farmers and 200 Extensionists survey data for various aspects such as climate change effect on nutrition in crops, malnutrition, anemia, various strategies for promoting biofortified crops, foods and development of various ICT based extension services (app, website, mobile based voice system etc) and technology transfer, dissemination of agricultural advancements and technologies to farmers

Assistant manager Research and marketing- Indian Council (Chamber now) of Food and Agriculture (ICFA)- 2019
Roles and responsibilities

Worked on making and presenting agricultural and food data reports for B2B dealings for ICFA’s networking with all stakeholders, communications and policy research

M.Tech research project at IIMR-2019

Development of millet- based rice analogue by using a novel approach

Innovation project- Delhi University Innovation Cell- 2016
Project Detail

A qualitative and quantitative project aiming at improvisation of trans fatty acid consumption in urban cities by studying the consumption pattern of oils and fats in every strata of Delhi.

B.Tech Research project-2017
Project Detail

A new product development by using super fruits, underutilized, less known and highly economical products, which was claimed for completing the RDA for iron and half of vitamin C and other micro nutrients like vitamin B complexes.


Research project: International Trade policies and regulations of India for Food and Agricultural Commodities. Conceptualized and handled the communications in line with the marketing team for AgroWorld2018


Research project: Development of millet- based rice analogue by using a novel approach

Crop connect- Original Indian Table

Research project: Report preparation and value chain analysis of global and Indian scenario of market trends of sea buckthorn berries

Delhi Milk Scheme

An “in plant trainee” of DMS milk plant under which the whole process flow of milk production and treatment direct from the receiving dock to the final release, value addition, quality and safety aspects was understood and project report was submitted.


Project: Research and writing blogs related to health, fitness, eating habits and sports nutrition.

My current research interests are:
  1. Agriculture extension: ICT based interventions in rural India
  2. Edible flowers, gums and raisins
  3. Food fortification (preferably cereals and millets)
  4. Food processing studies
  5. Food safety, quality and Food Laws: India and International
  6. New product development with underutilized/ unknown ingredients native to Indian biodiversity
  7. Nutrigenetics and metagenomics
  8. Pigmented rice value chain of India (specifically black rice in north eastern states of India)
  9. Public distribution systems
  10. Studying cereals, millets, fats and lipids
  11. Upcycling technologies from food waste for sustainable and circular economy
  12. Value chain facilitation: Nano biosensors in food chain, Processing interventions in food chain, connecting different stakeholders at single platform.
  13. Women and child nutrition
My current research project includes
  • Agro and rural technology interventions
  • Comparative genomics and transcriptomics
  • Food processing: RTE, Cereal processing technologies
  • Physicochemical studies
  • Proximate studies
  • Rural livelihood creation through technology dissemination


Ph.D Work


Rubeka Idrishi, Siddhartha Singha, Latha Rangan, “A study on various factors affecting the pigmented rice value chain of North East India with a focus on black rice” (Published)


  • Rubeka Idrishi, Siddhartha Singha, Latha Rangan, “A study on various factors affecting the pigmented rice value chain of North East India with a focus on black rice”, Oral presentation at upcoming North-East Research Conclave 2022, organized at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, May 20-22, 2022.
  • Rubeka Idrishi, Siddhartha Singha, Latha Rangan, “A comparative analysis of physical properties of Chakhao Amubi and Chakhao Poreiton” Oral Presentation at “Scientifique” Research & Industrial Conclave Integration 2022, organized by Students' Academic Board in collaboration with IIT Guwahati Research Park at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, January 20-23, 2022 Awarded best presenter
  • Rubeka Idrishi, Siddhartha Singha, Latha Rangan, A study on Black Rice of India: Its current status, evolution and properties Oral Presentation at 3rd International Conference on Environmental, Agricultural, Chemical and Biological Sciences, January 22-26, 2022

Book Chapters

Rubeka Idrishi, Siddhartha Singha, Latha Rangan, Chapter 8. Black rice starch: Physicochemical characterization and nutritional properties of native black rice starch in the Book Non-conventional starch sources: Properties, functionality, and applications- Elsevier (Communicated and Under preparation)
Rubeka Idrishi, Siddhartha Singha, Latha Rangan, Chapter 5. Recent Advances in flaking, puffing/parching, popping and instant technologies for production of ready to eat (RTE) cereals- Book by Taylor & Francis AAP on “Emerging technologies for the production of ready to eat snacks”



  • A review on nutritional, bioactive, toxicological properties and preservation of edible flowers, Future Foods, Elsevier (3rd author) (Purohit, Rana, Idrishi, Sharma, & Ghosh, 2021)
  • Developments and scope of space food Current Nutrition and Food Science. Paper Accepted in May 2021, Preprint of abstract published (Grover et al., 2021) IF- 0.92
  • Strategies for Promoting Biofortified Crops/Foods for Nutrition and Health, Extensionists and Farmer's Perspective, Indian Journal of Extension Education Vol. 57, No. 1, 2021 (39-44), https://doi.org/10.5958/2454-552X.2021.00036.0 Satyapriya et al., 2022 (3rd Author) NAAS rating: 5.95
  • Conceptualizing Agri Nutri Information Framework for Mitigating Nutrition Security Challenges of India, Extensionists and Farmer's Perspective, Indian Journal of Extension Education Vol. 57, No. 1, 2021 (39-44), https://doi.org/10.5958/2454-552X.2021.00036.0 Satyapriya et al., 2022 (3rd Author) NAAS rating
  • Development and Standardization of Perception Scales for Farmers and Extensionists Regarding Impact of Climate Change on Nutrition, Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development Vol. 16(1), 234-244, January-April, 2021 (Satyapriya et al., 2021) NAAS rating: 5.30
  • A Knowledge Test for Agricultural Extension Personnel on Agri- Nutrition, Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development, Vol. 15(3), 649-652, September-December, 2020 (Satyapriya et al., 2020) NAAS rating: 5.30
  • Competencies and Gap Analysis of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra Extensionists and Barriers in Acquiring ICT Based Competencies,Indian Journal of Extension Education Vol. 56, No. 2, 2020 (65-71) (Satyapriya et al., 2020) NAAS rating: 5.95
  • Nutritional Health Belief Model for Understanding Motivational Health Behavior of Farmers, Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu. 20 (4), October, 2020 (Satyapriya et al., 2020) NAAS rating: 4.81
  • Nutritional Health Multidimensional Locus of Control (HMLC) Instrument for Farming Community: Confirmatory factor analysis, Indian Journal of Extension Education (5.32 NAAS rating) Vol. 55 ISSN 0537-1996 (print) ISSN 2454-552X (online) (Jan 07, 2019) (Satyapriya et al., 2020) NAAS rating: 5.95

Book chapters


  • Chapter 8 Gellan Gum Based Films in Book, "Polysaccharide Based Films for Food Packaging: Fundamentals, Properties and Applications" Springer Nature (2nd author)
  • Chapter 20 Nanotechnology in Food Traceability, Book title: Nanotechnology Applications for Food Safety and Quality, Elsevier (2nd and corresponding author)

  • Chapter 14. Safety Aspects of Functional Foods in the Industry: An Overview in book Plant-Based Bioactive Compounds and Food Ingredients Encapsulation, Functional, and Safety Aspects, Hard ISBN: 9781774912911, Apple Academic Press- Taylor and Francis (R. Idrishi & S. Ahmed, 2023)
  • Book Title: Smart and Sustainable Food Technologies, ISBN978-981-19-1745-5 Springer Nature, Chapter 13 Upcycling Technologies in the Food Industry (R. Idrishi et al., 2022)
  • Chapter 22 Recent Advancements in Meat Processing Industry in Book Series: Advances in Food Science and Post-Harvest Technology, ISBN: 9789388020558 (R. Idrishi, 2019)

Full length paper in conference proceeding

of Multimillet Vermicelli by Cold Extrusion Technology: A Novel Value-Added Millet Product, Conference proceeding: UGC Sponsored National Conference on Food Safety, Nutritional Security and Sustainability, ISBN: 978-81-942875-0-6 (March 06-07, 2020) (R. Idrishi, 2019)

Oral Paper presentations

  1. PhD work- Presented at 3rd International Conference on Environmental, Agricultural, Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICEACBS2022) (Jan 22-26, 2022)
  2. Presented at “International Conference on Environment, Agriculture, Human and Animal Health (ICEAHAH 2021)” best paper presentation in young scientist category (June 05-06, 2021)
  3. Presented at “ISEE National Seminar- 2019- Holistic approach for enhancing agricultural growth in changing rural scenario” Awarded best paper (Nov 14-16th, 2019)
  4. Presented at Advances in Food Processing for Sustainable Food Security (AFP-2019) NIT- Rourkela on “Consumption Pattern of Oils and Related Factors in Delhi Families: A Survey based study” (May 17-18th, 2019)

Poster presentations

  1. A review of impact of covid-19 on food security of India- 4th AMIFOST, International Virtual Conference, (Dec 21st, 2020)
  2. Effects of Salt Stress on the Growth, Biochemical Parameter and Mineral Content of Two Egg Plant, Presented and published in Conference proceeding: UGC Sponsored National Conference on Food Safety, Nutritional Security and Sustainability, ISBN: 978-81-942875-0-6 (March 06-07, 2020)
  3. Farmers Practices for Pest Management in Delhi-NCR and their compliances with Global GAP, presented at 1st National Agrochemicals Congress on country’s status on various fronts of agrochemicals, ICAR- IARI Awarded best poster (Nov 13-16th, 2019)
  4. Presented at National Conference on Recent trends in Chemical, Petroleum, Food, Textile and Allied Technologies for Sustainable Development (NCRTCPFT-2019) Vignan’s Foundation for Science, Technology and Research- Andhra Pradesh on “A Cross Sectional and Descriptive Study on Oil Consumption and Health Related Factors” (August 16-17th, 2019)
  5. “Recent developments in food refrigeration system” Presented and Published at International conference on Recent Advances in Food Fortification with Emphasis on Vitamin D Deficiency in Human Health, Jamia Hamdard (Sep 15-16, 2018)
  6. “Development of Phoenix Berry jam” presented and published research poster at 19th IUFoST World Food Science and Technology Congress, Mumbai, India. (Oct 23-27, 2018)

Magazine articles

  1. Editor of special Issue 01/2020: Food Science and Technology, Agriculture & Food: e-Newsletter ISSN: 2581-8317
  2. Hindi article in biannual magazine ICAR- Krishi Gyan Ganga on भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान परिषद द्वारा विकसित जड़ी- बूटी और मसालों की उन्नत प्रजातियाँ: प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को मजबूत करने के लिए।, Issue 8, Jan-June 2020 (1st and corresponding author)
  3. Food safety in current scenario & how to ensure safe food practices, Processed Food Industry Magazine, October 2020 (1st and corresponding author)
  4. Mitigating Roles of ICT in Food, Agriculture and Nutrition in Context of COVID19 Pandemic: A Technical Article- Invited article in Agriculture & Food E-Newsletter Volume 2 – Issue 5 - May 2020 (1st and corresponding author)
  5. FSSAI bans blended mustard oil, Just Agriculture Magazine e-ISSN no. 2582-9149, Dec 2020 (2nd author)


Teaching in the neighbouring institute

Department of Applied Biology- Food Science and Technology Division, University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya Techno City, Killing Road, Baridua 9th Mile, Meghalaya 793101

  • Level: Undergraduate (B. Sc- Food Science and Technology, I Year)
  • Period: March 2021- Present
  • Level: Undergraduate (B. Sc- Food Science and Technology, II Year)
  • Period: March 2021- Present

Technical Assistant (TA) for School of Agro and Rural Technology, IIT Guwahati

TA supervisor: Dr. Siddhartha Singha

Internships, Trainings or special lectures conducted under PMRF

Special Lecture:

  • Venue: Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi
  • Mode: Online at Teams
  • Topic: Let's talk about Biodiversity of North East India: A special focus on pigmented rice value chain
  • Strength: Open to all platforms of FTA- LIC for registration
  • Date: 8th Feb, 2022, Time: 3:00pm

Invited Guest Lectures

  • Guest Lecturer- Astro research society, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Subject- Space Food
  • Duration: July- Aug 2020
  • Mode: Online at Zoom
  • Strength: Open to all platforms of Astro research for registration, (approx. 30-50 students)


Academic Awards and Accolades

  • First prize- Scientific Quiz in Technical Workshop on Scientific Writing (7th Dec, 2022) by Prof. Eldon R Rene, The Institute of Water Education, The Netherlands at International Conference on Biotechnology, Sustainable Bioresources and Bioeconomy (BSBB-2022) Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India December 7-11, 2022
  • PhD work- Awarded best presenter at Scientifique at Research and Industrial Conclave 2022 (RIC2022), IIT Guwahati, Assam India (Jan 20-23, 2022)
  • Awarded best paper presentation in young scientist category for Presentation at “International Conference on Environment, Agriculture, Human and Animal Health (ICEAHAH 2021)” (June 05-06, 2021)
  • Awarded UGC Net 2019 and 2020 June and ASRB-ICAR Net 2021
  • Awarded best paper presentation at “ISEE National Seminar- 2019- Holistic approach for enhancing agricultural growth in changing rural scenario” (Nov 14-16th, 2019)
  • Awarded best poster at Farmers Practices for Pest Management in Delhi-NCR and their compliances with Global GAP, presented at 1st National Agrochemicals Congress on country’s status on various fronts of agrochemicals, ICAR- IARI (Nov 13-16th, 2019)
  • Awarded by Agriculture Minister (Hon. Shri. N.S Tomar- Present) for representing Agriculture Extension Division in various initiatives - ICAR- IARI on 2nd October 2019
  • Gold medalist in “INTERNATIONAL INFORMATICS OLMYPIAD 2008” (Rank 364 in Delhi)
  • Awarded at World food day 2016 and 2017 organized by MOFPI, AFSTI and AYUSH Dept. for presenting ideas on the topic “solutions to raise farmers and yield”
  • Awarded by my S. Secondary school for outstanding alumna

Start-ups and Incubation experience

  • Was selected as a BIRAC Social Innovator at KIIT BIRAC Incubator, Bhuvaneshwar, India
  • Team OhVeg (3-member team) reached till top 25 team in The India Smart Protein Innovation Challenge 2020

Co-curricular activities appreciation

  • Awarded for DRDO National level essay competition at 60th year celebration, April 6, 2018
  • World Food Day, Awarded at School of nursing sciences and allied health at Jamia Hamdard and Dep’t of environment- Govt of NCT of Delhi for Urdu essay and 3rd prize for poster presentation.
  • Awarded by International Institute of Health Management Research, Delhi, GENESIS 2016 National online essay writing contest.
  • Volunteering experience for managing event at Leaders for tomorrow (NGO)

Fellowships and Scholarships

  • Prime Minister Research Fellowship- May 2021
  • BIRAC SIIP Fellow- February 2020
  • Post matric scholarship scheme for minorities 2018- Ministry of Minority Affairs
  • Post Matric- Merit cum means scholarship 2015, 2016, 2017- Government of NCT of Delhi


During Ph.D

  1. AICTE sponsored Online Faculty Development Programme titled “Engineering Materials” from January 24 th to 30 th 2022 organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, J C Bose University of Science and Technology, YMCA, Faridabad
  2. TEQUIP Short Term Course on "Challenges and opportunities in solid and liquid waste management” conducted by Centre for Rural Technology-IITG, held from 2/11/2020 to 6/11/2020.
  3. International Training on Rural Development Project Management organised by National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRDPR), August 2020, Credential ID GZ3U58-CE000140
  4. Two Week Online Faculty Development Programme on “Covid -19 New Age Teaching Pedagogy” Jawaharlal Nehru University, July 2020 Credential ID JNU-FDP-207-2020
  5. One Week Faculty Development Programme on "Exposure & Rejuvenation of Technologies in changed Era of the World", RKGIT Ghaziabad July, 2020

Before Ph.D

  1. One week webinar series on “Role of Technologies and Automation in Food Processing and Preservation” organised by NAHEP-CAAST, AAU, ANAND, May 2020, Credential ID NAHEP/CAAST/DFSRDA/FPA/192
  2. Lean Six Sigma White Belt Certification in Food Service by The Council for Six Sigma Certification (CSSC), New York USA, Issued May 2020 · No Expiration Date Credential ID YGULjErnVr
  3. Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification by United Safety & Quality Council, Piscataway, New Jersey, US, Issued Apr 2020 · No Expiration Date
  4. Certified in Total Quality Management- Basic by Tata Steel, Issued Apr 2020 · No Expiration Date
  5. AgMOOCs courses
    1. Design Thinking for Agricultural Implements by IIT-K and CoL- Canada, Duration 8 weeks, Band: Distinction, 17 December 2019
    2. e-Extension by BHU, IIT-K, CoL- Canada, Duration 6 weeks, Band: Distinction, 03 December 2019
    3. Employment Generation among Rural Youth through Agripreneurship by BAU, IIT-K, CoL, Duration 6 weeks, Band: Distinction, 30 July 2019
    4. Functional Foods: Concept, Technology and Health Benefits by IIT-K, BHU, CoL- Canada, Duration 4 weeks, Band: Distinction, 19 November 2018

Positions of responsibility

  1. Reviewer: Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Publisher Common Ground Research Networks University of Illinois Research Park (IF: 0.239) (2021- Present)
  2. Member of Fine Art Society IIT Guwahati (Finesse) (2021- Present)
  3. Just Agriculture Magazine and newsletter- Assistant Editor (Sep 2020- Present)
  4. Agri & Food Magazine and e-newsletter: Editor for food special issues and Reviewer (2018-2020)
  5. The Smart Protein Campus Ambassador Program: Was amongst top 20 Campus ambassadors of India for IITG- GFI linkages (June-Aug 2020)
  6. Had been a Senior Co-ordinator of Fine Arts Society Lady Irwin College- Tulika (2013-2017)