

  • NEW Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (Bachelor Degree in Engineering Have Good Knowledge of Optimization and soft computing and Programming in Python GATE Qualified.)

  • NEW Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (MTech in Mechanical Engineering, The candidate should have good knowledge of Robotic Welding and 3D printing.)

  • NEW Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow ( B.Tech/M.Tech/ Ph.D (Chemical/Materials Science/chemistry/Physics/Mechanical /Biotechnology/Electrical /Electronics/Instrumentation) or equivalent with/without Gate Score. )

  • NEW List of Applicants shortlisted for the interview round for the position of Post-doc Fellow.

  • NEW Advertisement for the post of Post Doc Fellow (PhD degree in any field of Engineering or Science. The candidate should be interested to work in the field of Technology for Underwater Exploration. Candidate having willingness to develop start-ups will be preferred. Thesis of the candidate may be in the field of Structural Analysis, Sensor and Actuator Development, Computer Vision, data analysis, robotics, communication, controller design, PCB manufacturing, sensor development, water resource and management for Underwater Exploration.)

  • NEW Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (B. Tech (Mechanical Engineering or Equivalent) with GATE Score or Higher Qualifications (PhD/ M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering or Equivalent)) may be considered as equivalent to the B.Tech with GATE Score.

  • NEW Advertisement for the post of JRF in NITM(B.E./B. Tech (Mechanical/Manufacturing/Material Science and Metallurgy) with 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA and above throughout careers with GATE. Or, M.E./M.Tech/PhD)

  • Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (M.Tech in Structural Engineering/ M.Tech in additive Manufacturing)

  • Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (Bachelor Degree in Engineering Have Good Knowledge of Optimization and soft computing and Programming in Python GATE Qualified)

  • Advertisement for the post of Senior Research Fellow

  • Advertisement for the post of Senior Research Fellow (MTech & PhD in Mechanical Engineering)

  • Extended til 14-10-2024 Advertisement for the post of Associate Engineer (B. Tech in Electrical Engineering with 3 Years experience or MTech in Electrical Engineering in Equivalent field)

  • Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (B. Tech in EE Or ME OR Equivalent Higher Qualification(Ph.D./MTech) Equivalent may be considered as equivalent to the B.Tech with Gate Score.)

  • Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (B. Tech (CSE) Experience in deep learning for underwater vision problem is preferable. Higher Qualification (Ph.D./MTech) Equivalent may be considered as equivalent to the B.Tech with Gate Score.)

  • Advertisement for the post of Administrative Assistant

  • Advertisement for the post of Administrative and Finance Officer

  • The Application Deadline for the Technical Assistant position has been Extended.

  • Advertisement for the post of Technical Assistant(ITI + Minimum 3 Years of Experience or Diploma in Engineering (Electrical/Electronics/Instrumentation))

  • Advertisement for the post of Chair Professor(PhD in the field of Engineering/ Technology and with atleast 30 years of teaching experience in an academic institution of repute like IITs/ NITs and Technical Universities may apply)

  • Call for Project Proposals under Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCSP) (Click here to fill the forms) Last date: 17/09/2024

  • Online application for Startup proposals(Scheduled Caste) (Extended till 17th September 2024)

  • Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (B.Tech/ M.Tech/ PhD in Chemical Engineering or equivalent with GATE Score or Without GATE Score.)


  • Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (Masters/ PhD in Biological Science, Specilization in Botany. Gate/NET Qualification is essential)

  • Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering with GATE Score) OR Higher Qualification (Ph.D/M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering or Equivalent) may be considered as equivalent to the B.Tech with GATE Score

  • Advertisement for the post of Senior Research Fellow (M.Tech in Materials Sc. Engineering with 2 Years Experience) OR Higher Qualification (Ph.D. Equivalent) may be considered as equivalent to the B.Tech with GATE Score

  • Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (Bachelor degree in Engineering Having Good knowledge of machine learning, deep learning and python Gate Qualified)

  • Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (B.E/BTech in Electrical Engineering) OR Higher Qualification (Ph.D/M.Tech in Electrical Engineering or Equivalent) may be considered as equivalent to the B.Tech with GATE Score

  • Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (B.Tech / M.Tech/ Ph.D in Chemical/Materials Science/chemistry/Physics/Mechanical/Biotechnology/Electrical/Electronics/Instrumentation) or equivalent with/without Gate Score.

  • Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow(B.E/ B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, RoboticsEngineering with 65%or 7.00 CGPA with two years of experience)

  • Advertisement for the post of Administration Assistant cum Accountant( + minimum 3 years of experience or + minimum 1 year of experience)

  • Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow(Bachelor degree in Engineering having Good knowledge of machine learning, deep learning and python ,Gate Qualified)

  • Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow(B.Tech (Chemical Engineering or Equivalent) with GATE Score or Higher Qualification (Ph.D/M.Tech in chemical Engineering or Equivalent and in Chemistry/biochemistry/microb iology or Equivalent) may be considered as equivalent to the B.Tech with Gate Score)

  • Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow(MTech in Mechanical/Material Science and Technology)

  • Advertisement for the post of Associate Engineer (B. Tech in Electrical Engineering with 3 Years experience or MTech in Electrical Engineering in Equivalent field)

  • Advertisement for the post of Assistant Engineer (B.Tech (EE/ECE/EEE) /M.Sc in EE/ECE/EEE + 1 year Experience after B.Tech/M.Sc)

  • Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (M.Sc in Physics with minimum 70% and minimum experience of 2 years in electrospinning is essential)

  • Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical/ Electronic/ECE with GATE Score or M.Tech in Control Instrumentation/Electronics or Equivalent)

  • Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering or Equivalent) with Gate Score or Higher Qualification (Ph.D/ M.Tech in Mechnical Engineering) or Equivalent)

  • Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (MTech/MSc/PhD (Chemical/Materials Science/chemistry/Physics/Mechanical/Biotechnology/Electrical/Electronics) or Equivalent)

  • Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (BE/BTech (or equivalent) with sound knowledge of basic Control Engineering and Embedded Systems Programming)

  • Advertisement for the post of Chief Technical Officer(CTO)

  • Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow/ Project Engineer

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF B.Tech with sound Knowledge of Python Programming and Machine Learning.(Extended til 21-04-2024)

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF in the Department of Electrical Engineering NIT Silchar.

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering with Gate Score

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF MTech/ Ph.D (Chemical/Materials Science/chemistry/Physics/Mechanical/Biotechnology/Electrical/Electronics/Instrumentation)

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF B.Tech (Chemical Engineering or Equivalent) with Gate Score

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF M.Tech/ Ph.D (Chemical/Materials Science/chemistry/Physics/Mechanical/Biotechnology)

  • Advertisement for the post of Marketing Manager (Graduate in any discipline having minimum 5 years)(Extended til 03-02-2024)

  • Advertisement for the post of Finance & MIS Executive ( + with 4 Years of Experience)(Extended til 03-02-2024)

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (B.Tech (Mechanical/Computer Science/ Electronics/Instrumentation Engineering or Equivalent))

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (B.Tech (Electrical Engineering or Equivalent) with Gate Score)(Extended til 25-01-2024)

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (B.Tech (any Discipline) With Gate Score)

  • Call for Project Proposals under Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCSP) (Click here to fill the google forms) Last date: 28/12/2023

  • Download Draft format for Project Proposals under Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCSP) (Click here to download)

  • Online application for Startup proposals

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF for Underwater Natural Resources to Disinfectants and Corrosion Resistant Materials

  • Advertisement for the post of Technical Assistant (Diploma in Mechanical Engineering) (extended till 30/10/2023)

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (B. Tech (Mechanical/ Computer Science/ Electronics/Instrumentation Engineering) (Extended Till 15/11/2023)

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (B. Tech (Mechanical Engineering or Equiavalent)

  • Advertisement for the post of Associate Engineer (ME) (M. Tech in ME + 1 Year Experience after M. Tech or B.Tech in ME + 3Years Experience after B. Tech)

  • Advertisement for the post of Faculty Fellow (Ph. D Degree or Thesis Submitted in ME/CSE/ ECE/ EEE/EE or Equivalent Relevant field.)

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering or Equivalent))

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering or Equivalent))

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering or Equivalent))

  • Advertisement for the post of Assistant Engineer (ME/PI) ( B. Tech or Equivalent (in ME/PI or in relevant field))

  • Advertisement for the post of Assistant Engineer (EEE/ECE/EE) ( B. Tech or Equivalent (in ECE/EEE/ EE/ CSE or in relevant field))

  • Advertisement for the post of Assistant Engineer (CSE) ( B. Tech or Equivalent (in CSE/ECE/EEE or in relevant field))

  • Advertisement for the post of Technical Assistant (ME/PI) (ITI+ 3 Years Experience / Diploma+ 1 Year Experience in relevant field )

  • Online application for Startup proposals

  • Online application for Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR) proposals

  • Call for Project Proposal on Technologies for Underwater Exploration (Click here to download project proposal template)

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF ( B.Tech ( Mechanical Engineering/ Computer Science and Engineering or Equivalent))

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF ( B.Tech ( Electronics and Electrical Engineering or equivalent))

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (B.Tech ( Mechanical Engineering or equivalent))

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (B.Tech ( Mechanical Engineering or equivalent))

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (B.Tech (Electronics and instrumentation, ECE, Mechatronics or equivalent)) (Extended till August 28, 2023)

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering or equivalent))

  • Online application for Startup proposals

  • Online application for Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR) proposals

  • Call for Project Proposal on Technologies for Underwater Exploration (Click here to download project proposal template)

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (Bachelor’s degree in Electrical) Last date- 15/06/2023)
  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (B. Tech with Gate Score Last date- 15/06/2023)
  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (B. Tech ( Mechanical/ Electronics/ Robotics/ Mechatronics Engineering Last date- 15/06/2023)
  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (B.Tech ( Mechanical Engineering ) Last date- 19/06/2023)
  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (B.Tech ( Mechanical Engineering ) Last date- 15/06/2023)
  • Advertisement for the post of Post Doc Fellow (PhD degree)

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (B.Tech ( Chemical Engineering or Equivalent) with GATE Score) )

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (B. Tech / B.E. in Mechanical/ Mechatronics/ Manufacturing/ Electronics and Communication/ Biomedical )

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (B. Tech / B.E. in Mechanical/ Mechatronics/ Manufacturing/ Electronics and Communication/ Biomedical )

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (B. Tech / B.E. in Mechanical/ Mechatronics/ Manufacturing/ Electronics and Communication/ Biomedical )

  • Advertisement for the post of JRF (B. Tech / B.E. in Mechanical/ Mechatronics/ Manufacturing/ Electronics and Communication/ Biomedical )
  • Online application for Entrepreneurship proposals (Extended till March 31, 2023)