One can put their specific CCC related issues/matters in the following respective email aliases according to their respective types.

  1. For all network, Internet related issues: netadmin[AT]
  2. For all mail and Microsoft products related issues: mailadmin[AT]
  3. For all all web related issue including moodle, noticeboard, Complaint Booking etc : webmaster[AT]
  4. For all phone related issues: phones[AT]
  5. For all PC/Peripherals/LAN related issues, register a complain in the online Complain Booking System under the category "PC/Peripheral/LAN". 
  6. For all Network related issues of register a complain in the online Complain Booking System under the category "Network Services".
  7. For all office automation related issues and ERP account management issues : AutomationTeam[AT]

You have to configure WSUS server to enable all windows update localy within IITG network. The updates include windows security updates, critical updates ,service packs, Windows Defender, MS security essentials definition update, office updates etc. It will work in Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows7, Windows server 2012 and Windows Server 2008,etc.


If you are a faculty of the institute you are eligible to have an instructor account in the turnitin portal. Please write to "" . If you are student please contact your guide for the same.


Paper deletion requests can be made in 3 ways,

  • if you provide a paper id we can delete that paper,
  • if you provide and assignment ID we can delete all papers made to that assignment,
  • if you provide a class ID we can delete all papers made to that class.

Please mail any of the three to turnitin[AT]
