Office 360 Help
Login and Checking Your Email
How to change your password (In Outlook)
Settings to configure your desktop client (like Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.)
Email security and privacy
Group mailing
Features and apps available with your MS Office 365 email account
Email facilty for IIT Guwahati Alumni
What to do in case of any problem?
Login and Checking Your Email
You will receive an email from email administrator with your one-time password to login to your email account.
- Open a browser and go to or or
- Type the Username as, where user is your IITG email ID. Note that the username is your complete email address (
- Type the password you have received in email from email administrator.
- There might be some delay when the email application is loading in the browser for the first time.
- On your first login, you will be required to change password, answer security questions, set language preference and time zone.
- In future, you will be able to reset the password using answers to security questions in case you forget your email password.
How to change your password (In Outlook)
- After signing-in, click on Gear icon on the top right corner of the page.
- Click on Mail under Your app settings
- Under General, click on My accounts, click on Change your password
Settings to configure your desktop client (like Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.)
Set up your desktop client (details below)
* Protocol: IMAP
* Server hostname:
* Port: 993
* Protocol: POP3
* Server hostname:
* Port: 995
* Protocol: SMTP
* Server hostname:
* Port: 587
Email security and privacy
* Protocol: IMAP * Server hostname: * Port: 993 * SSL: TLS
* Protocol: POP3 * Server hostname: * Port: 995 * SSL: TLS
Please beware of phishing and malicious mails. We at CCC never ask our users to reveal their credentials in any way. We repeatedly tell our users to remain vigilant about these mails. Inspite of all these warnings, it is still observed that some users fall prey to such malicious mails and suffer a lot due to the same. So, it is our kind request to everyone at IITG to restrain oneself in clicking any link or replying to any such email and always look at the header of the email, there one shall get the sender's real identity even if the mail-id is morphed similar to Computer Centre's administrator or with any other person's email ID.
Please check this if you are not aware of:
- Never reply to any mail giving your username and password.
- Never click on any link or open any attachments on mails sent from unknown senders. You can check the actual source of the mail if you can see the mail header. You can check this by right clicking on the particular email and then click on View->View message details.
- Never share passwords with anyone and use different passwords for all user accounts.
- Always use a strong password with a mix of characters, numbers and special characters.
- Change your password at regular intervals.
Group mailing
You can discover a list of groups / group mail ids which are already in the system.
- You can create groups of selected users and communicate with just a single email address, like
- This is useful for creating course alias, communication among friends, etc.
- The standard groups like fac, staff, stud, batchwise students list, etc. have already been created by the admin. Rights to send emails to certain groups have been reserved!
- As a member of a particular group, you have an option of unsubscribing from the group, without leaving the group. (i.e. you will not receive mails in the inbox, but you can read/reply from the group's page.)
- If you are already a member of a group, you need to check the group in the groups section for any message posted on the group. By default, you will not receive any mail in your inbox but if you follow the group, then a mail will be sent to your inbox for any message posted on that group.
Features and apps available with your MS Office 365 email account
You have an email account with a Mailbox quota: Mailbox Size is variable for Students, Faculty and Staff (Between 10 Gb – 100 GB)
Along with your email account you have access to a host of application such as
- OneDrive cloud storage: One Drive Size is variable for Students, Faculty and Staff (Between 25 GB - 100 GB)
- SharePoint
- Teams
- Forms
- Office apps on cloud
- Whiteboard etc.
Email facilty for IIT Guwahati Alumni
By policy, after every years' convocation ceremony, all awarded student's email ID in IITG domain gets shifted to IITG Alumni domain.
- As per the Institute policy your account will be migrated to the Alumni domain. Before migration, IITG Email Administrator will send you email informing you about the date and time of migration.
- After migration, the domain part of your email id will change from '' to ''. For example: if your present email id is "" then it will change to "". Then you will be required to login as "" with the same password that you were using.
- All the mails sent to your existing email account e.g. "" shall be automatically forwarded to the new id e.g. This facility of email forwarding will be active for a period of six months only.
- All IITG alumni will have to login as "" with the same password. You will not be able to login as "". All your earlier emails will be intact in the new domain.
- All IITG alumni will use the same link to login ie " or or "
- It is important to note that only email access will be provided in the IITG alumni domain, so please take all necessary backup from applications like "OneDrive", "SharePoint" etc.