IITG VPN COnfiguration
VPN - Virtual Private Networks
To access campus resources that are not available on your remote network, like intranet, IITG LAN, Param-ishan, windows and office activation, etc. you will need to connect to a VPN (virtual private network). Please note that you need to be connected to internet via some NON-IITG internet connection to use the VPN service.
This VPN service is using Full-SSL tunnel technology, whereby all the traffic (both internet as well as IITG intranet) will go via the IITG network. This will help users to access IITG subscription based services like Library journals, e-books, etc. However, there are some tradeoffs which are mentioned below in the Disclaimer section, which should be read by users carefully.
Detailed steps as per various OSs are described below:
For Windows, Mac devices:
- Download and install the latest "FortiClient VPN" only from this link: [DONOT INSTALL ANY OTHER VERSION EXCEPT FORTICLIENT VPN ONLY] https://www.fortinet.com/support/product-downloads
- For Windows 11 only : You must disable IPv6 in your internet connecting network interface.
- After installation, go to the "Configure VPN" section
- Select SSL-VPN and put some connection name.
- Under "remote gateway" put agnigarh.iitg.ac.in, enable/tick "Customize port" and modify the port to 10443. All other settings should be as default.
- Save and connect using your IITG internet login account (excluding @iitg.ac.in) only. You can now access IITG LAN.
For Android:
- Download "Forticlient VPN" app from Google Playstore.
- Go to the app menu and select VPN.
- Select "New VPN" and put some connection name.
- Select "SSL VPN".
- Under "server" put agnigarh.iitg.ac.in and under port put 10443.All other settings should be as default.
- Save and connect using your IITG internet login account (excluding @iitg.ac.in) only. You can now access IITG LAN.
For iOS devices:
- Download & install the FortiClient VPN App from the App Store on your Device.
- Open the app and click Connections to add settings.
- Then use the following settings: Name: , Host: https://agnigarh.iitg.ac.in, Port:10443.
- Enter IITG internet User Name (excluding @iitg.ac.in) & Password, Then Save. You can now access IITG LAN.
For Linux devices:
- Download and install the latest "FortiClient VPN" only (select .rpm or .deb as per your linux distribution) from this link [DONOT INSTALL ANY OTHER VERSION EXCEPT FORTICLIENT VPN ONLY]: https://www.fortinet.com/support/product-downloads
- After installation, go to the "Configure VPN" section
- Select SSL-VPN and put some connection name.
- Under "remote gateway" put agnigarh.iitg.ac.in, enable/tick "Customize port" and modify the port to 10443. All other settings should be as default.
- Save and connect using your IITG internet login account (excluding @iitg.ac.in) only. You can now access IITG LAN.
- During installation of the Forticlient VPN, allow VPN service in your PC firewall and antivirus software, if any, also keep your internet active throughout the installation.
- If some certificate warning is displayed, click on proceed with the certificate.
- To access your dept. servers/PCs, you may need to add and allow the following VPN IP segment in your deptt. server/PC firewall.
IITG VPN IP segment:
- Once connected to IITG VPN services, users shall be able to access IITG subscribed journals. Users can also use the shibboleth based authentication system provided by IITG Library to access journals without using IITG VPN, which is well described in the link: http://www.iitg.ac.in/lib/infedra
Incase, some journals are not accessible via any of this above facility, then users may contact IITG Library for the needful.
- VPN is not a method for accessing the Internet. It is also not a method to get IITG internet speed extended to your remote location. To get on the Internet, the user must contact an Internet service provider. VPN lets you use your broadband or mobile data connections. You must get a good internet connectivity to use the IITG VPN service.
- If VPN is not connecting the user can troubleshoot as follows:
- Forticlient uses TLS encryption. Check your browser is having TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2, and TLS 1.3 enabled. Once done, reboot and try.
- Change your ISP or mobile data and check.
- Uninstall and re-install forticlient VPN, reboot and try.
- It is always recommended to use IITG VPN services only if the user requires access to IITG LAN, intranet, journals, e-books and other IITG resources. For all other user internet requirement, it is better to disconnect from the IITG VPN to avoid IITG internet restrictions and slow speeds.
IITG VPN IP segment:
Incase, some journals are not accessible via any of this above facility, then users may contact IITG Library for the needful.
- Forticlient uses TLS encryption. Check your browser is having TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2, and TLS 1.3 enabled. Once done, reboot and try.
- Change your ISP or mobile data and check.
- Uninstall and re-install forticlient VPN, reboot and try.
The sole responsibility & liability of the VPN connection is with the user only. DO NOT share your IITG Login credentials with anyone else, for your own safety & security. The user shall be held accountable for any misuse of this service. As already mentioned above that this VPN service is using Full-SSL tunnel, hence once connected, the user's overall internet speed may decrease while using IITG VPN as all the traffic will go via the IITG network. Also, existing IITG website restriction shall also apply, whereby users shall not be able to access certain category of websites as mentioned in the Intranet