R. Prasanna Venkatesh

Dr. R. Prasanna Venkatesh

Associate Professor

Key Research Areas :Electrochemistry, Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP), Post CMP cleaning, Refinery Processes.

Research Projects


Title : Development of Indigenous technology for extraction of critical minerals Including rare earth elements from overlying strata of Northeastern coalfields
Duration : 2024-2026
Funding agency : Coal India Ltd
Budget : Total: 581 lakhs ; IITG Share: 365 lakhs
Co-PI : Prasanna Venkatesh Rajaraman

Title : Effect of H2 blending in natural gas
Duration : 2022-2023
Funding agency : OIL INDIA LTD
Budget : 128 lakhs
Co-PI : Prasanna Venkatesh Rajaraman and others

Title : Effect of volatile fatty acids on carbon steel corrosion
Duration : 2018-2021
Funding agency : ONGC (PAN IIT-ONGC scheme)
Budget : 155.00 lakhs
PI : Dr. R. Prasanna Venkatesh

Title : Fabrication of supercapcitor using ionic liquids as electrolytes
Duration : 2017-2019
Funding agency : ISRO (RESPOND)
Budget : 18.00 lakhs
Co-PI : Dr. R. Prasanna Venkatesh

Title : Formulation and characterization of slurry for Copper Chemical Mechanical Polishing
Duration : 2016-2019
Funding agency : CSIR
Budget : 12.00 lakhs
PI : Dr. R. Prasanna Venkatesh

Title : Experimental characterization of carbon steel corrosion in oil and gas industries by Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
Duration : 2014-2017
Funding agency : DST-SERB (Fast Track Scheme)
Budget : 22.70 lakhs
PI : Dr. R. Prasanna Venkatesh

Title : Electrochemical investigation of carbon steel corrosion in oil and gas industries
Duration : 2013-2015
Funding agency : IIT Guwahati
Budget : 5 lakhs
PI : Dr. R. Prasanna Venkatesh


Title : Studies on Galvanic corrosion of Metals in Produced Water from Wells
Duration : 2024-2025
Funding agency : OIL
PI : Prasanna Venkatesh Rajaraman

Title : Investigation on the Causes of Iron Rusting in NECBDC, Burnihat, Assam
Duration : 2023-2023
Funding agency : North East Cane and Bamboo Development Council, Assam
PI : Prasanna Venkatesh Rajaraman

Title : Evaluation of corrosion inhibitor properties and its corrosion rate inhibition efficiency
Duration : 2019-2019
Funding agency : Chemtex Specialty Pvt Ltd
PI : Prasanna Venkatesh Rajaraman