Raghvendra Gupta

Dr. Raghvendra Gupta


Key Research Areas :Multiphase flow, Microfluidics and micro process engineering, Computational and experimental fluid dynamics.

1. Pillajetti, P, Gupta, R, Goswami, S, Pant, HJ, Sen, N, Singh, KK, Shenoy, KT, Upadhyay, RK, "Investigation of Velocity Field Inside a Single-Phase Pulsed Sieve Plate Column Using Radioactive Particle Tracking", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 61, 15423-15432 [2023]

2. Nagargoje, M and Gupta, R, "Experimental investigations on the bubble dynamics in a symmetric bifurcating channel", International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 159, 104318 [2023]

3. Goswami, S, Kshirsagar, VS, Aswini, V, Sharma, VK, Samantray, JS, Gupta, R, Pawar, PM, Pant, HJ, "Evaluation of mixing performance and validation of CFD simulations in baffled anaerobic digesters using radiotracer technique", Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 192, 110570 [2023]

4. Kumari, R, Bhaskar, K, Gupta, R, Pant, HJ, Upadhyay, RK, "Effect of Novel Mixed Impeller on Local Bubble Size and Flow Regime Transition in Pilot Scale Gas-Liquid Stirred Tank Reactor (Communicated)", Chemical Product and Process Modelling [2023]

5. Hussain, MA, Gupta, R, "A Navier-Slip Model for Liquid Film Thickness in Inertia-Dominated Gas-liquid Slug Flow in Capillaries (Communicated)", Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics [2023]

6. Singhal, M, Gupta, R, "Patient-specific modelling of coronary hemodynamics: A state-of-the-art (Communicated)", Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics [2023]

7. Tao, H, Zheng, Z, Gupta, R, Leung, SSY, "Transient Simulation of Oscillatory Gas-liquid Taylor Flow and Its Effects on Heat Transfer (Communicated)", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, preprint available at 10.2139/ssrn.4524919 [2023]

8. Mishra, DK, Mohanty, D, Gupta, R, Singh, A, "Velocity Field in a Single Droplet and Coalescing Droplets Falling in Liquid Media in a Two-Dimensional Channel (Communicated)", Physics of Fluids [2023]

9. Pillajetti, P, Gupta, R, Goswami, S, Pant, HJ, Sen, N, Singh, KK, Shenoy, KT, Upadhyay, RK, "Single-phase flow studies using radioactive particle tracking in an air-pulsed column having a novel plate internal", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research [2023]

1. 5. Mishra, DK, Mohanty, D, Gupta, R, Singh, A, "Effect of Bend on Film Thickness in Slug, Slug-Annular, and Annular Flow Regimes in Gas-Liquid Flow in Microchannel", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 61 , 37, 14081-14092 [2022]

2. Angirekula, VKR, Gupta, R, "A Numerical Study of Wave Characteristics in Axisymmetric Gas-Liquid Annular Flow in Microchannels ", Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 182, 629-644 [2022]

1. Khadiya, S., Kumari, S., Gupta, R., "Hydrodynamics of bubble coalescence in microchannels", Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 99, 5, 1199-1210, https://doi.org/10.1002/cjce.23918 [2021]

2. Dhiman, M., Gupta, R. and Anki Reddy, K.,, "Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, Lift on Stick and Janus spheres in a channel", Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 35 , 5, 659-682 [2021]

3. Nagargoje, M., Mishra, D. K. and Gupta, R.,, "Effect of asymmetry on the flow behavior in an idealized arterial bifurcation", Physics of Fluids, 33, 071904, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0056414 [2021]

4. Dhiman, M., Gupta, R. and Anki Reddy, K.,, "Hydrodynamic Interactions between two side-by-side Janus spheres", European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 87, 61-74, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.euromechflu.2021.01.006 [2021]

5. Dhiman, M., Gupta, R. and Anki Reddy, K., "Drag on Janus Sphere in a Channel: Effect of Particle Position", Journal of Fluids Engineering, 143, 3, 031302 , https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4048928 [2021]

6. Zheng, Z., Leung, SSY, Gupta, R.,, "Flow and Particle Modelling of Dry Powder Inhalers: Methodologies, Recent Development and Emerging Applications", Pharmaceutics, 13, 2, 189, https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics13020189 [2021]

7. Bhattacharjee, SK, Chakraborty, G, Kashyap, SP, Gupta, R., Katiyar, V,, "Study of the Thermal, Mechanical and Melt Rheological Properties of Rice Straw Filled Poly (Butylene Succinate) Bio-composites Through Reactive Extrusion Process", Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 29, 5, 1477-1488, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10924-020-01973-8 [2021]

1. Dhiman, M., Kumar, S., Anki Reddy, K. and Gupta, R., "Origin of the long-ranged attraction or repulsion between intruders in a confined granular media", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 886, A23 [2020]

2. Nagargoje, M. and Gupta, R., "Effect of asymmetry on the flow behavior in an idealized arterial bifurcation", Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 10.1080/10255842.2019.1711068 [2020]

3. Dhiman, M., Suru A. A., Gupta, R. and Anki Reddy, K, "Drag on Sticky and Janus (Slip-Stick) Spheres Confined in a Channel", ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4046373 [2020]

4. Peri, S., Mishra, D. K., Kulkarni, A. B., Gupta, R., Korath, J. M., Jana, A. K., " Investigation of vortex flow patterns at the meniscus in a water caster mould", Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 10.1080/00084433.2020.1727128 [2020]

5. Nagargoje, M. and Gupta, R., "Effect of sinus size and position on hemodynamics during pulsatile flow in a carotid artery bifurcation", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, communicated [2020]

1. Kumari, S., Kumar, N., Gupta, R., "Flow and heat Transfer in slug flow in microchannels: Effect of bubble volume", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 129, 812-826 [2019]

2. Peri, S., Mishra, D. K., Gupta, R., Korath, J. M., Jana, A. K., " Vortex characteristics due to nozzle clogging in water caster mould: modelling and validation", Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 58(3), 308-324 [2019]

1. Kumari, S., Kumar, N., Gupta, R., "Effect of Gas-Liquid Ratio on the Wall Shear Stress in Slug Flow in Capillary Membranes", Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 13, e2258 [2018]

1. Gupta, R., Turangan, C. K., Manica, "R.,Oil-water core-annular flow in vertical pipes: A CFD study", The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 94, 980-987 [2016]

1. Manica, R., E. Klaseboer, R. Gupta, M.H.W. Hendrix, C.-D. Ohl and D.Y.C. Chan, "Modelling film drainage of a bubble hitting and bouncing off a surface", Applied Mathematical Modelling, 38, 4249 [2014]

2. Klaseboer, E., Gupta, R., Manica, R., " An extended Bretherton model for long Taylor bubbles at moderate Capillary numbers", Physics of Fluids, 26, 032107 [2014]

3. Leung, S.S.Y., R. Gupta, D. F. Fletcher and B. S. Haynes., "Experimental investigation of Taylor and intermittent slug-annular/annular flow in microchannels", Experimental Heat Transfer, 27, 360-375 [2014]

1. Manica, R., M.H.W. Hendrix, R. Gupta, E. Klaseboer, C.-D. Ohl and D.Y.C. Chan, "Effect of hydrodynamic film boundary conditions on bubble-wall impact", Soft Matter, 9, 9755-9758 [2013]

2. Gupta, R., R. Manica, S.S.Y. Leung, D. F. Fletcher, B. S. Haynes, " Three-dimensional effects in Taylor flow in circular microchannels.", International Water Journal La Houille Blanch, 2, 60-67 [2013]

3. Gupta, R., S.S.Y. Leung, R. Manica, D. F. Fletcher and B. S. Haynes, "Hydrodynamics of liquid-liquid Taylor flow in microchannels", Chemical Engineering Science, 92, 180-189 [2013]

1. Leung, S.S.Y., R. Gupta, D. F. Fletcher and B. S. Haynes., "Effect of flow characteristics on Taylor flow heat transfer", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 51, 2010-2020 [2012]

2. Leung, S.S.Y., R. Gupta, D. F. Fletcher and B. S. Haynes., "Gravitational effect on Taylor flow in horizontal microchannels", Chemical Engineering Science, 69, 553-564 [2012]

3. Asadolahi, A.N., S.S.Y. Leung, R. Gupta, D. F. Fletcher and B. S. Haynes., "Validation of a CFD model of Taylor flow hydrodynamics and heat transfer.", Chemical Engineering Science, 69, 541-552 [2012]

1. Asadolahi, A.N., R. Gupta, D. F. Fletcher and B. S. Haynes., "CFD Approaches for the simulation of hydrodynamics and heat transfer in Taylor flow.", Chemical Engineering Science, 66, 5574-5584 [2011]

1. Gupta, R., D. F. Fletcher and B. S. Haynes., "Taylor flow in microchannels: A review of experimental and computational work", The Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows, 2, 1-31 [2010]

2. Gupta, R., D. F. Fletcher and B. S. Haynes., "CFD modelling of heat transfer in the Taylor flow regime", Chemical Engineering Science, 65, 2094-2107 [2010]

1. Gupta, R., D. F. Fletcher and B. S. Haynes., "On the CFD modeling of Taylor flow in microchannels.", Chemical Engineering Science, 64, 2941-2950 [2009]

1. Gupta R., P. E. Geyer, D. F. Fletcher and B. S. Haynes, "Thermohydraulic performance of a periodic trapezoidal channel with a triangular cross-section", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 51, 2925-2929 [2008]

1. Karmakar, S., and Gupta, R., " Mathematical Modelling of Heat Transfer in A Coke Oven Battery", Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2019), IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India [2019]

2. Dhiman, M., Gupta, R., Reddy, K. A., "Flow and heat transfer around a sphere confined in a square channel", Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2019), IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India [2019]

3. Pankaj Boruah, Shinichi. Sakurai, Raghvendra Gupta, Vimal Katiyar, "Effect of Modified Chitosan Poly (lactic acid)/Poly (butylene succinate) Blends as Studied via Synchrotron X-Ray Scattering, DSC and XRD", International Symposium on Sustainable Polymers & National Symposium on Chemistry Education for Sustainable Engineering, IIT Guwahati [2019]

4. Sayan Kumar Bhattacharjee, Raghvendra Gupta, Vimal Katiyar, "Melt Rheological properties of Rice Straw filled Poly(butylene succinate) Biocomposites through Melt Extrusion Process", International Symposium on Sustainable Polymers & National Symposium on Chemistry Education for Sustainable Engineering, IIT Guwahati [2019]

5. Pankaj Boruah, Shinichi Sakurai, Raghvendra Gupta and Vimal Katiyar, "Crystallinity and morphology studies in blends of biodegradable poly (lactic acid)/poly (butylene succinate) and effect of modified nanoamphiphilic chitosan as studied by DSC and synchrotron x-ray scattering", 257th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, 257th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition [2019]

6. Pankaj Boruah, Shinichi Sakurai, Raghvendra Gupta, Vimal Katiyar, "Influence of Functionalized Chitosan on Crystallization Behaviour of PLA/PBS blends as studied by using SAXS and DSC techniques", 10th International Conference on Advancements in Polymeric Materials (APM-2019), CIPET, Chennai [2019]

1. Pankaj Boruah, Shinichi Sakurai, Raghvendra Gupta and Vimal Katiyar, "Blending poly(butylene succinate) with poly(lactic acid) and the effect of modified chitosan as Studied by Synchrotron X-Ray Scattering and DSC", 15th International Conference on Polymer Science and Technology, SPSI MACRO-2018 [2018]

2. Pankaj Boruah, S Sakurai, Raghvendra Gupta and Vimal Katiyar, "Morphology and Crystallinity of Biodegradable Poly (lactic acid)/Poly (butylene succinate) Blends and Effect of Modified Chitosan studied via Synchrotron X-Ray Scattering and DSC", International Conference on Advances in Polymer Science & Technology, APA- 2018, Kathmandu, Nepal [2018]

3. Pankaj Boruah, S Sakurai, Raghvendra Gupta and Vimal Katiyar, "Morphology and Crystallinity of Biodegradable Poly (lactic acid)/Poly (butylene succinate) Blends and Effect of Modified Chitosan studied via Synchrotron X-Ray Scattering and DSC", International Conference on Advances in Polymer Science & Technology, APA- 2018, Kathmandu, Nepal [2018]

4. Kumari, S., Gupta, R, "Effect of Sudden Change in Channel Diameter on Bubble Dynamics in Millimeter-size Channels", 7th International and 45th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), Mumbai, India [2018]

5. Ray, N. S., Gupta, R., "Gas-Liquid Flow in a Millimeter-size Channel: An Experimental Study", 7th International and 45th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), Mumbai, India [2018]

6. Nagargoje, M., Gupta, R., " Effect of sinus shape and position on pulsatile blood flow in carotid artery bifurcation", 7th International and 45th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), Mumbai, India [2018]

7. Kumari, S., Gupta, R., " Hydrodynamics of channel-size bubbles in gas-liquid flow in capillaries", International Conference on Complex Fluids and Soft Matter (CompFlu), Roorkee, India [2018]

8. Khatoon, S., Mishra, D. K., Singh, A., Gupta, R, " Internal motion inside settling liquid droplets", International Conference on Complex Fluids and Soft Matter (CompFlu), Roorkee, India [2018]

9. Manish Dhiman, Sonu Kumar, Raghvendra Gupta and Katha Anki Reddy, "Dynamics of two side-by-side moving intruders in dense granular medium", International Conference on Complex Fluids and Soft Matter (CompFlu), Roorkee, India [2018]

10. Manish Dhiman, Sonu Kumar, Raghvendra Gupta and Katha Anki Reddy, "Dynamics of two side-by-side moving intruders in dense granular medium", International Conference on Complex Fluids and Soft Matter (CompFlu), Roorkee, India [2018]

1. Reddy, P. H., Gupta, R., Tiwari, P., "On the CFD modelling of flow in an oscillatory baffled reactor", 44th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics Fluid Power (FMFP-2017), Amrita University, Kerala, India [2017]

2. Reddy, P. H., Gupta, R., Tiwari, P., "On the CFD modelling of flow and mixing in an oscillatory baffled reactor (OBR)", International Symposium on Complex Fluids (CompFlu-2017), IITM, Chennai, India [2017]

3. Kumari, S., Ray, N. S., Gupta, R., "Hydrodynamics of annular flow in microchannels", 7th International conference on Chemical, Agriculture, Environment and Natural Sciences (CAENS-2017), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [2017]

4. mari, S., Gupta, R., "Flow and heat transfer in slug flow in microchannels at low bubble/droplet volumes", International Conference on Gas–Liquid and Gas–Liquid–Solid Reactor Engineering, Brussels, Belgium [2017]

1. Kumari, S., Kumar, N., Gupta, R., "Hydrodynamics of slug flow in capillaries: Cases of low bubble volumes and low slug volumes", International Conference on Microreaction Technology (IMRET) 2016, Beijing, China [2016]

2. Lanjewar, T., Gupta, R., "An Experimental Study of Bubbly Flow in a Horizontal Channel", CompFlu 2016, Hyderabad [2016]

3. Kumari, S., Gupta, R., " Interaction between short and long bubbles/droplets in microchannels", CompFlu 2016, Hyderabad, India [2016]

4. Mishra, D. K., Gupta, R., "CFD simulation of flow in a bubble column", CompFlu 2016, Hyderabad, India [2016]

5. Kumar, N., Kumari, S., Gupta, R., "A computational study on the effect of gas-liquid ratio on wall shear stress in slug flow in capillary membranes", DAE-BRNS Symposium on Emerging Trends in Separation Science and Technology (SESTEC), Guwahati, Assam, India [2016]

6. Srinivas, P., Mishra, A., Gupta, R., Korath, J. M., "CFD modelling of flow in a continuous casting mould", Indo-German Workshop on Advances in Materials, Reaction and Separation Processes [2016]

7. Agnihotri, O., Gupta, R, "Computational modelling of stratified oil-water flow", CompFlu 2016, CompFlu 2016, Pune, India [2016]

8. Kumari, S., Kumar, N., Gupta, R., "Hydrodynamics of slug flow in capillaries: Cases of low bubble volumes and low slug volumes", International Conference on Microreaction Technology (IMRET) 2016, Oral presentation, Beijing, China [2016]

1. Srinivas, P., Mishra, A., Gupta, R., Korath, J. M., "CFD methodology to model flow in a continuous casting mould", Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON), Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON), Guwahati, India [2015]

1. Gupta, R., "Modelling of gas-liquid annular flow in pipelines", IUTAM Symposium on Multiphase Flows with Phase Change: Challenges and Opportunities, Hyderabad, India [2014]

1. Manica, R., M.H.W. Hendrix, E. Tjoa, R. Gupta, E. Klaseboer, C.-D. Ohl and D.Y.C. Chan, "A dual view of bubble impact, oral presentation", International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Jeju, South Korea [2013]

2. Manica, R., M.H.W. Hendrix, E. Tjoa, R. Gupta, E. Klaseboer, C.-D. Ohl and D.Y.C. Chan, "A dual view of bubble impact, oral presentation", International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Jeju, South Korea [2013]

3. Gupta R., J. Gusti, C. Turangan, R. Manica, "CFD modeling of liquid-liquid annular flow, poster presentation", International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Jeju, South Korea [2013]

1. Manica, R., E. Klaseboer, R. Gupta, M.H.W. Hendrix, C. Ohl, D.Y.C. Chan, "Modelling film drainage of a bubble hitting and bouncing off a surface, oral presentation", Ninth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals and Process Industries, Melbourne, Australia [2012]

2. Gupta, R., R. Manica, S.S.Y. Leung, D. F. Fletcher, B. S. Haynes, "Three-dimensional effects in Taylor flow in circular microchannels., oral presentation", Third European Microfluidics Conference, Heidelberg, Germany [2012]

1. Gupta, R., D. F. Fletcher and B. S. Haynes, "On the CFD modelling of annular flow in microchannels, oral presentation", Second Australian and New Zealand Micro and Nanofluidics Symposium, Second Australian and New Zealand Micro and Nanofluidics Symposium [2011]

2. Leung, S.S.Y., R. Gupta, D. F. Fletcher and B. S. Haynes, " Flow and heat transfer characteristics of Taylor flow in microchannels", oral presentation, Second Australian and New Zealand Micro and Nanofluidics Symposium [2011]

3. Leung, S.S.Y., R. Gupta, D. F. Fletcher and B. S. Haynes, "Gravitational effects on Taylor flow in horizontal microchannels", poster presentation, Second Australian and New Zealand Micro and Nanofluidics Symposium [2011]

4. Asadolahi, A.N., R. Gupta, D. F. Fletcher and B. S. Haynes, "CFD methodologies for the modelling of hydrodynamics and heat transfer in Taylor flow", poster presentation, Second Australian and New Zealand Micro and Nanofluidics Symposium [2011]

1. Gupta, R., D. F. Fletcher and B. S. Haynes, "On the importance of buoyancy in Taylor flow in horizontal microchannels", oral presentation, International Conference on Multiphase Flow,Tampa, USA [2010]

2. Gupta, R., D. F. Fletcher and B. S. Haynes., "Heat Transfer Modelling for Taylor Flow in Microchannels. poster presentation", IMRET11, IMRET11, Kyoto, Japan [2010]

1. Gupta, R., D. F. Fletcher and B. S. Haynes., "Numerical challenges in the modelling of multiphase flow in microchannels", poster presentation, Australian ANSYS-Users Conference, Sydney, Australia [2008]

1. Katiyar, V., Gupta, R., and Tabli Ghosh, "Advances in Sustainable Polymers: Processing and Application, in the series Materials Horizons: From Nature to Nanomaterials", Springer (2019)

2. Pandey, LM, Gupta, R, Thummer, RP, and Kar, RK (Editors), "Healthcare Research & Related Technologies: Proceedings of NERC 2022", Springer Singapore (2023)

1. Gupta, R. and Mishra, D. K., "Dynamic Instabilities and Their Control in Flow Boiling in Microchannels", Dynamics and Control of Energy Systems,Springer (2020)

2. Gupta, R, Deshpande, A, "CFD Modeling of Two-Phase Flow in Mini and Microchannels", Handbook of Multiphase Flow Science and Technology,Springer, Singapore, 978-981-4585-86-6 (2023)

3. Mishra, DK, Singh, A, Gupta, R, "Study of Gas–Liquid Flow in a Curved Microchannel for Sustainable Energy Application", In: Moholkar, V.S., Mohanty, K., Goud, V.V. (eds) Sustainable Energy Generation and Storage. NERC 2022,Springer, Singapore, 978-981-99-2088-4 (2023)

4. Hussain, MA, Gupta, R, "Design of a Microreactor for Biodiesel Synthesis", Sustainable Energy Generation and Storage. NERC 2022,Springer, Singapore (2023)