Key Research Areas :Conventional and unconventional energies, Reservoir Engineering, Complex organic solids, Biomass conversion, Pyrolysis process, Kinetic analysis.
Research/Project title: Methanol Reforming for Hydrogen Production
Co-Supervisor: Dr. Rajesh Kumar Upadhyay
Research/Project title: E- Waste Management (CE completed)
Research/Project title: To be Decided
Co-Supervisor: Pankaj Tiwari
Research/Project title: Investigation of Chemicals and Nanoparticles for Biosurfactants based ex-situ Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery
Co-Supervisor: Dr Pankaj Tiwari
Research/Project title: Autochthonous Biosurfactant Producing Strains from Assam Oil Reservoirs and its Potential Application in Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery
Co-Supervisor: Dr. Lalit M. Pandey
Research/Project title: Carbon Sequestration and its application in Enhanced Oil Recovery
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Subrata K. Majumder
Research/Project title: To be decided
Co-Supervisor: Lalit Mohan Pandey
Research/Project title: Waste Disposal of Carbon/Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites (SOAS Completed)
Co-Supervisor: Dr Nelson Muthu
Research/Project title: TBD
Co-Supervisor: Dr Pankaj Tiwari
Research/Project title: Utilization of Rubber Seed for Biofuel Production
Year of Complete: 2017
Co-Supervisor: Dr.Vaibhav V. Goud
Current Placement: Assistant Professor at Department of Chemical Engineering Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
Current Address: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Research/Project title: Optimum Formulation of Chemical Slug for Enhanced Oil Recovery of Assam Crude Oil
Year of Complete: 2018
Current Placement: Assistant Professor
Current Address: NIT Hamirpur, HP, India
Research/Project title: Pyrolysis of plastic waste to produce targeted value added products
Year of Complete: 2019
Current Placement: Post-Doc
Current Address: NTU, Singapore
Year of Complete: 2022
Co-Supervisor: Dr.Rajesh K Upadhyay
Research/Project title: Rheology of particle-laden suspension through complex bifurcating channel
Year of Complete: 2019
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Anugrah Singh
Current Address: Reliance, India
Research/Project title: Enhanced Oil Recovery by Alkaline-Surfactant-Alternated-CO2 Flooding for the Reservoirs of Upper Assam Basin
Year of Complete: 2020
Co-Supervisor: Dr.Subrata B.Gogoi
Current Placement: Assistant Professor
Current Address: Dibrugarh University
Research/Project title: Indigenous Biosurfactant Producing Strains for Potential Applications in Enhanced Oil Recovery (Thesis Submitted)
Co-Supervisor: Dr Lalit Pandey
Research/Project title: Pyrolysis Studies of Indian Oil Shale
Current Placement: Research Associate
Current Address: Ghent University
Research/Project title: CO2 based Enhanced Oil Recovery
Co-Supervisor: Dr. Anugrah Singh
Research/Project title: High Pressure Pyrolysis of Plastics
Research/Project title: Experimental Studies and CFD simulations of Underground Coal Gasification
Year of Complete: 2018
Co-Supervisor: Dr R K Upadhyay
Research/Project title: Methanol Steam Reforming for Hydrogen Production
Year of Complete: 2018
Co-Supervisor: Dr R K Upadhyay
Research/Project title: Upper Assam Oil Shale: Detailed Physicochemical and Thermochemical Analysis, Lab Scale Pyrolysis and Kinetic Analysis
Year of Complete: 2017
Co-Supervisor: Dr. R Kataki (Tezpur University)
Research/Project title: Reaction Chemistry of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Geological Formations
Year of Complete: 2017
Research/Project title: Underground Gasification of Coal
Year of Complete: 2016
Co-Supervisor: Dr. R K Upadhyay
Research/Project title: Chemical Induced EOR and Adsorption Study
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: Simulation studies on Biodiesel Synthesis
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Underground Coal Combustion and Gasification
Year of Complete: 2015
Co-Supervisor: Dr R K Upadhyay
Research/Project title: Experimental Studies on Alkali-Surfactant-Polymer (ASP) Based Enhanced Oil Recovery of Assam crude oil
Year of Complete: 2015
Co-Supervisor: Prof. R Uppaluri
Research/Project title: Characterization of Nahor (Mesua ferrea) oil for biodiesel Production
Year of Complete: 2014
Co-Supervisor: Dr V V Goud
Research/Project title: Petroleum Reservoir Simulation of Two Phase Flow
Year of Complete: 2014
Co-Supervisor: Prof. A Singh
Research/Project title: Experimental and Numerical investigation of Underground Coal Gasification Process
Year of Complete: 2014
Co-Supervisor: Dr R K Upadhyay
Research/Project title: Thermal Degradation Studies of Biopolymers based Composites
Year of Complete: 2014
Co-Supervisor: Dr V Katiyar
Research/Project title: Biodiesel Synthesis
Year of Complete: 2022
Research/Project title: Enhanced Oil Recovery
Year of Complete: 2022
Research/Project title: Modeling and simulation of biomass pyrolysis
Research/Project title: Prediction of Bio-oil yield from the biomass pyrolysis using Machine Learning based Regression techniques
Research/Project title: Modeling and simulation of steam reforming
Research/Project title: Reservoir Simulation of Fractured Porous Media
Year of Complete: 2014
Co-Supervisor: Prof. A Singh
Research/Project title: Kinetics of Biomass Conversion
Year of Complete: 2014
Research/Project title: One Dimensional Model for Alkali Surfactant Polymer based Enhanced Oil Recovery
Year of Complete: 2014
Research/Project title: Phase Behavior Study of Alkali – Surfactant for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
Year of Complete: 2015
Research/Project title: Reservoir Simulation and Modelling of Alkali Surfactant Enhanced Oil Recovery for Assam Crude
Year of Complete: 2015
Co-Supervisor: Prof P.K. Iyer
Research/Project title: Reservoir Simulation of Porous Media
Year of Complete: 2015
Co-Supervisor: Prof. A Singh
Research/Project title: Modelling of Chemical based EOR Process
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: Phase Behavior Study for Chemical based EOR Process
Year of Complete: 2016
Research/Project title: Reaction Chemistry of Carbon Di-oxide with Sand
Year of Complete: 2017
Research/Project title: Carbon-dioxide Capture and Storage from Flue Gas
Year of Complete: 2017
Research/Project title: Hydrogen Production from Methanol-Steam Reforming
Year of Complete: 2018
Research/Project title: Simulation Studies on Chemical based EOR Process
Year of Complete: 2018
Research/Project title: Modelling of Plastic Pyrolysis Process