Profile Information
A Brief Biography
After completing her Doctoral studies (PhD) from IIT Delhi in India, Dr. Chitralekha Mahanta joined as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), IITGuwahati in 2000. Since then she has been involved in active research in the area of control theory and its applications. She has offered a variety of courses in undergraduate and post graduate studies in the field of control systems at IIT Guwahati. She has been a full time Professor in the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (EEE), IITGuwahati since April, 2012. Starting her research at IIT Guwahati in the field of Intelligent Control, currently she is involved in the areas of robust and adaptive control with applications in electric vehicles, robotics, flight control and power electronics. Her work has been published in well known peer reviewed international journals and conference proceedings. Dr.Mahanta has shouldered various administrative responsibilities in the institute level. She was the Organizing Chairperson of GATE 2010 and Associate Dean of Research and Development, IITGuwahati from 2012 to 2014. She served as the Head, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Department from 3.11.2014 till 5.11.2017. Dr. Mahanta served as the Dean of Academic Affairs of IITGuwahati from 20.08.2019 till 22.08.2022.