PhD Thesis Guided
. Dr. Gargi Baruah (June 2020)
Thesis Title: Auto-tuning of Fractional Order PID Controllers for a Class of Processes with Time Delay
(Jointly with Prof.S.Majhi)
. Dr. Arghya Chakravarty (November 2018)
. Dr. Vinay Kumar Pandey (July 2018)
Thesis Title: Adaptive Controller Design for Nonlinear Uncertain Systems Using Multiple Model based Two Level Adaptation Technique
(Jointly with Dr. Indrani Kar)
. Dr. Tousif Khan Nizami (November 2017)
Thesis Title: Design and Implementation of Online Estimation based Backstepping Controller for DC-DC Buck Converters
. Dr. Nabanita Adhikary (November 2017)
- Thesis Title: Design of a Few Backstepping Sliding Mode Based Robust Control Techniques for Robot Manipulators