
Large Molecule Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer, Make: Rigaku Model: Micromax007 HF R-axis IV++ Oxford

Working Principle:

Make: Rigaku, Model : Micromax-007HF

Working Principle:A bio-molecular x-ray diffractometer, uses copper to generate x-rays of wavelength 1.54184 Å which is best suited to generate electron density maps of atomic resolution. An R-AXIS IV++ x-ray detector is used to detect the diffracted x-rays. It employs high sensitive dual imaging plate system which increases the accuracy and reduces the time for data acquisition. R-AXIS IV++ can also be used to solve SAD structures. X-ray source together with R-AXIS IV++ can be used to solve high resolution protein structure. X ray crystallography employs x-rays to determine the atomic structure of a molecule. It is by far the best method to solve protein structure. .

Location: 001-A, CIF Building
Instrument In-Charge-Dr. Ashim Malakar

Instrument In-Charge- A. Malakar
In-charge Email Id :-
Instrument Co- InCharge- B. Das
Office Contact Number: 03612583107

Instrument Status: Not Working