
CIF Establishment

Central Instruments Facility was established in the year 2004. CIF is situated in the academic complex near core III area. The main building has two floors. Each floor has an area of ~ 1600 square meters. In addition to it , it posseses ~ 200 square meters in core III, where 400 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectrometer and Transmission Electrom Microscope are located.

INSTRUMENT STATUS as on 13-03-2025

Sl.No Instrument Name
In-charge Name
Co-in charge Name
1 Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Spectrometer, Make: JEOL, Model: JES-FA200 Working K K. Singh B. Das
2 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) with OXFORD EDS, Make: Zeiss, Model: Sigma Working S. Sarma C. Borgohain M. Borah
3 Laser Micro Raman System, Make: Horiba JobinYvon, Model: LabRam HR Working S. K. Deb K. K. Singh
4 High Temperature Differential ScanningCalorimetry (DSC) / Thermo Gravimetric (TG) System, Make: Netzsch Model: STA449F3A00 Working R. R. Pao C. Borgohain
5 Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM), Make:Lakeshore, Model:7400 series Working C. Borgohain K. K. Singh
6 Picosecond Time-resolved and Steady StateLuminescence Spectrometer, Make: Edinburg Instruments, Model: Lifespec II & FSP 920. Not Working A. Malakar C.Borgohain
7 Spectroscopic Ellipsometer Make: SEMILAB, Model: GES5E Not Working A. Malakar C.Borgohain
8 Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer, Make:Agilent, Model: Single source supernova E (Mo source). Not Working Babulal Das A. Malakar
9 Surface Area and pore size analyzer Make: Quantachrome Instruments, Model: Autosorb, IQ MP Working M. Borah A. Malakar
10 Impedance and Material Analyzer (IMA), Make:Novocontrol, Model: BDS 2300 Not Working C.Borgohain S. K. Deb
11 600MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)Spectrometer, Make: Bruker, Model: AVANCE III HD Working DM. Baruah C. Borgohain
12 250 KN Servo Hydraulic Universal TestingMachine, Make: BISS, Model: MEDIAN 250 Working A. Malakar DM. Baruah
13 Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization ? Time Of Flight, Make: BRUKER Model :AUTOFLEX SPEED Working B. Das A. Malakar
14 Field Emission transmission Electron Microscope Working S. K. Deb M. Borah
15 Isothermal Titration Calorimeter, Make: GE Health Care, Model: iTC 200 Micro-calorimeter Working R. R. Pao S. K. Deb
16 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) with OXFORD windowless EDS, Make: Zeiss, Model: Gemini 300 Working S. Sarma C. Borgohain M. Borah
17 Micro Particle Image Velocimetrysystem, Make: Dantec Model : 9080M0571 Not Working S. K. Deb M. Borah
18 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) with Element EDS Detector, Make:Zeiss, Model: Sigma 300 Working S. Sarma C. Borgohain M. Borah
19 Large Molecule Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer, Make: Rigaku Model: Micromax007 HF R-axis IV++ Oxford Not Working A. Malakar B. Das
20 High Temperature Gel Permeationchromatography (HT-GPC) system, Make: Agilent, Model: G7820A Working K. K. Singh B. Das
21 Atomic Force Microscope, Make: OxfordInstruments, Model: Cypher S Working M. Borah R. R. Pao
22 9KW Powder X-Ray Diffraction System, Make:Rigaku Technologies, JAPAN, Model: Smartlab Working S. K. Deb S.Sarma
23 5KN Electro mechanical Universal Testing Machine, Make: ZwickRoell, Model: Z005TNProline Not Working DM. Baruah A. Malakar
24 Photovoltaic/ Solar Cell/ Photo-ElectrochemicalAnalyser/Workstation, Make: CH Instruments Inc., USA, Model: CHI 604E + Amp i-t Working S. K. Deb C. Borgohain
25 Data Server, CCTV, all computer and internet-related works,  CIF webpage maintenance Working D.M. Baruah C. Borgohain
26 Online Booking Working DM. Baruah S. K. Deb
27 Liquid Nitrogen and Gases Working A.Malakar C. Borgohain
28 High Pressure Surface Analyser Make: Quantachrome Instrument Model:iSORB-HP- single Station Not Working Madhurjya Bora A.Malakar
29 Automated ultra-high vacuum (UHV) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Working S. Sarma C. Borgohain
30 Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatograph - Quadrupole Time of Flight - High Resolution Mass Spectrometer (UHPLC-QTOF-HRMS) Working KK Singh B. Das
31 Liquid Chromatography Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (LC-ICPMS) Working B. Das R.R Pao
32 CHNSO Analyzer Make: Elementar, Working Madhurjya Bora K. K. Singh
33 All UPS Systems Working M. Borah S. Sarma
34 Millipore Water Purifier System Working K. K. Singh C. Borgohain
35 Coordinator for experts/students visits to CIF and outreach activity.. Working S. Sarma C. Borgohain
36 All electrical, Civil, and central AC-related works Working M. Borah S. Sarma
37 Coordinator for TA duty allotment for student Working B. Das C. Borgohain